
Time for a jail break

TIME : 11:18PM


Sai and Ilara wait patiently hoping for their plans to work out when they suddenly hear a huge thud at the door like as though someone had just fallen down heavily on the ground.

"What was that?"

Ilara asks has she rises to her feet.

They soon hear the clanking of keys and their prison door being unlocked.

Sai and Ilara ready themselves for a fight but Sai immediately drops his guard once he saw the person that was standing at the door.


Sai announces with relief.

"You came after all, I did not think you would help out."

Sai remarks as he puts his hand to the back of his head and smiles.

"Is she the nurse that you gave our plans to??"

Ilara asks to which Sai responds in the affirmative with a nod of his head.

"I'm only doing this cause you asked so nicely and also cause you're cute."

Rani says with a smile.

"Excuse me??"

Ilara doesn't approve of Rani's flirting and is very open over her discomfort.

Sai immediately starts feeling awkward and makes to leave the cell.

He goes outside and sees the two officers that were supposed to be guarding their cell on the floor out cold.

"What happened to them??"

Sai turns to ask Rani.

"I may or may not have drugged them" Rani replies with a smile.


Ilara asks as she steps out of the cell to take a look.

"Well lucky for you guys after Sai had come to me asking for my help. I thought about it for a while after which both of them came into the infirmary when I wasn't around and were talking about you guys and how they were planning on taking you guys out soon, after I heard that I knew I had to help out in whatever way I could so I came in and asked them what they came for, they told me they wanted a drug to help stay the night but I gave them slow working sedatives so I could get other things done."

Rani answers as she closes the door behind them.

"Wow you actually did better than I expected."

Sai says with a tone of surprise.

"Wait did you say they were gonna take us out."

Ilara questions with doubt in her voice.

"Well they were talking about a guy they were going to take out tonight so I thought it was Sai, I didn't actually know that he wasn't alone."

Rani replies quickly.


Ilara glances at Sai, who seems to be lost in thought.

"I think they were talking about Dan."

Ilara says with a worried look on her face.

Rani stares at both detectives and feels quite uneasy with the tension brewing.

"What now??"

"Now we head to the wardens office to find out where Dan is being kept."

Ilara says as she begins to walk down the hall with Sai and Rani behind her.

"Who's this Dan guy we're going to rescue and why is rescuing him so important that you guys are willing to risk your freedom for him??"

Rani asks with curiosity.

"Yeah babe, why is it so important??"

Sai teases.

Ilara stops and looks at both before replying.

"Well for one we know Dan has been on the Harlem case way longer than we have even though he doesn't realize it just yet which would mean he might have reasonable Intel on Cheng and his circle.. Secondly, the fact that he is here around the same time that we are here sparks suspicion. What if Cheng also got to him somehow, I mean the Dan we met at that alleyway was way more fun than the sad lump we saw today… We need to find him and quickly."

Ilara begins to walk again and Sai along with Rani move with her.

"Rani you know you don't have to follow us on this, you've done your part…. You should leave now before things get out of hand."

Sai remarks as he holds Rani back.

"Really??.... Even after I risked my life and career to get you out of there, you are just going to send me away like I'm useless??"

Rani is quite disappointed.

"It's not like you're useless but…"

Sai tries to collect his words so as to not offend Rani.

"You'll hold us back."

Ilara replies bluntly.

"it would be best if you leave now."

Rani is offended by what Ilara said and was about to say something before Ilara dragged them and they placed their backs on the wall to their right.


Sai asks while trying to take a peek.

"Guards…. 5 of them if I'm not mistaken, all armed."

Ilara looks back at Rani.

"Things are about to get real, you sure you still wanna stick around."

Rani doesn't appreciate Ilara and her condescending tone towards her.

"I think I'll be fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Sai can't handle the tension brewing between Ilara and Rani so decides not to get involved…

The guards talk amongst themselves as they play cards but are soon interrupted by Sai.

"Hey guys, so I was looking for the bathroom and I seem to have lost my way."

Sai remarks in his usual cocky tone.

"Yo that's the detective that got arrested along with his partner yesterday, what the hell are you doing out of your cell??"

The guards abandon their game and begin to walk towards Sai.

"Well as I said, I'm just looking for the bathroom."

The guards pause for a moment and look at themselves before looking back at Sai.

"Get back in your cell right now."

One of the guards attempts to grab Sai but is unsuccessful as Sai grabs his hand and pushes it back.

The other guards don't take lightly to this and immediately gang up to beat up Sai.

Sai evades a punch from one of them and uses his knee to hit his stomach before using his left elbow and fist to deliver three consecutive hits to his face which knocks him out.

Another guard tries to hit him but is also unsuccessful. Sai bends low and fists his stomach twice before delivering another hit to his chest and then finishing him off with a powerful punch to the face.

Sai is tripped by one of the guards bayonet and evades being stabbed by it.

He rolls to the left and then does some flashy acrobatics to get back on his feet.

Seeing that two guards were coming at him with bayonets. He grabs the broom behind him and breaks off it's sweeping end, using the stick to defend against the onslaught of both guards.

He hits the bayonet out of one of the guards arms and uses his stick to jab him in his groin before bending low to avoid the attack from the other guard at his back, then turns around to strike the guard with his stick causing the guard to yell a bit after which he strikes the guard on the head knocking him out.

He blocks the punch from the previous guard and proceeds to weaken his legs with kicks to his thighs before striking his stick square on the guard's forehead.

The last guard makes to shoot but is knocked out by a stone smashing into his temple, Sai looks back to see who had done that and it so happens to be Rani.

"Who's the dead weight now??"

Rani asks with a little sass which causes Sai to chuckle a bit.

Ilara sees this and seems to be having none of it as she steps forward and continues on her way to the wardens office.

"Hey wait up."

Sai calls out softly as he and Rani follow Ilara.

"Is she always this grumpy??"

Rani asks as they go up a flight of stairs.

"Nah she's mostly cheerful actually, kinda also wondering what she could be so tensed up about."

Sai replies with a worry.

"You guys do realize that I can hear your conversation…"

Ilara comments as she continues walking up the stairs but then abruptly comes to a halt.

"Oh shit."

Before them are two guards armed with bayonets and they had spotted Ilara.

Before they can speak Ilara and Sai rush towards them and take them to the ground before delivering blows to knock them out.

"you guys are like a welled oiled machine."

Rani says with a chuckle before reaching out to open the door…

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