
Chapter 41

"Andy Grant here."

Josh clutched his cell phone, stomach tightening the moment he heard his manager's voice.

"Hey, Andy. It's me."

There was silence for so long at the other end of the connection he wondered if Andy had hung up.

"So you're not dead."

Josh blew out a breath. Andy's voice was so flat and even he wondered if the man was going to tell him how glad he was Josh had surfaced or tell him to go to hell.

"Nope." He tried to lighten his voice. "Still walking, talking, and breathing."

"You ready to come back to the land of the living?"

Was he? Was he ready for this, even though he wasn't sure if he could drive? But he owed Andy a meeting, if nothing else.

"Only if you keep it between us for a little while longer."

Another long pause.

"How long would that be?"

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