
Chapter 38

The Anderson wedding, which resembled a circus more than nuptials in Courtney's opinion, was set at the edge of town on one of the old plantations and teaming with family she was pretty sure the bride was trying to avoid. The woman had no idea how lucky she was. Regardless, the wedding had been lovely. This was the second time she'd been asked to photograph an event, and though it wasn't her favorite aspect of art, she enjoyed doing it.

Courtney brought the camera to her face and snapped shots of a few young troublemakers eying the cake. Before she could put the camera down, an uneasy sensation crept up her neck and spread to her head, crushing. Turning slowly, she found a group of teenagers giggling and pointing at her. She froze.

Suddenly, it all came back. Every harsh word, every drunken slur washed up and held her locked in place, awaiting a blow.

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