
Chapter 29

Father Jerry Mercer replaced the phone to its cradle on his rather large desk in the church office that was littered with papers and smiled at the two ladies waiting patiently in the chairs on the other side. He patted his chest, as if searching for his glasses, and then realized they were in front of him. After putting them on, his rather robust voice asked, "So, Serena dear, what would you like to talk about?"

"I'm afraid I'm ill again, Father," she said without missing a beat. She was prepared for this conversation and the sympathy that always followed. Part of her just wanted it over with.

"Oh no." He edged forward in his seat. A dark red curl fell onto his wrinkled forehead and he absently brushed it away.

Courtney wondered how such a deep voice could come from a man so small when he lowered his tone.

"Is it serious?"

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