
Chapter 24

After leaving Jake's house, comforted slightly by the thought that he was resting, Courtney headed back across the field. The porch light on the main house had been left on, and for a fleeting moment she hoped Austin was up waiting for her.

Not at all disappointed to find Grams on the porch swing instead, she climbed the steps and smiled. "What are you up to?"

"Oh," Grams looked up, startled. She floated a hand over the book in her lap. "Just remembering days past." She patted the bench next to her for Courtney to join her. When she did, Grams smiled. "This is one of my scrapbooks. I have so many and each one tells a story."

Interested, Courtney leaned over. "Tell me about this one."

Opening the cover she pointed to the first page. "This was the first picture taken of the twins when they were born. Notice that Serena is smiling and Austin is screaming?"

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