
Comments of chapter undefined of The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

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Well cool as long as baldur doesn’t become the Phoenix host because all hosts are female duh and it would be another extremely pointless situation as what would happen to Jean gray of this universe 🙄 and FYI the Phoenix force isn’t actually death but rebirth people mix them up but the Phoenix force doesn’t destroy planets just the inhabitants and allows the planet to have its own rebirth Fromm the ashes the Phoenix force is pure life force that looks like fire in any case it would make sense if the Phoenix gave baldur a gift of its flames and maybe some other things but it choosing baldur as a host unlikely unless author san doesn’t know what to do to for baldur to keep himself busy

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Well thank the gods and I didn’t know about thanos son

HelloDarkness07:Nah, Phoenix has taken Male hosts too. Eg Thanos's son, Thane. But yes, I'm not going to make him the host, as it's too much OP. I'll let him have some gifts from her, and then have her leave.

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Now baldur has sunshine he can go full escanor on his opponent’s

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use the PF to improve the light dimension

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Never... who is better host than god of Sun and Light... he could also became god of fire and psionics ...

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Amazing just bloody amazing and im actually say that this is amazing and not in the bad way just to clarify.

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Will the phoniex cause him to become a god in another field like fire or rebirth something like that?

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Thank You For The Chapter Mr Author 😜 A Fantastic Chapter As Always 😉

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Nice fight scene, plenty of tension.

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was really hoping he wont become a Host too... Bad i guess

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Funny how the annoying woman is from Gamoras planet If I'm not wrong lol considering Thanos also brought balance to it haha

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great chap!!! dont listen to those people, if they are so keen on saying what they dont like then tell them to make their own fan-fic.

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I love the chapter! This story is one of my favorites so far! And I can say from the getgo that I can bearly wait for the next chapter so I can see what happens between Baldur and the Phonix force.

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soooooooo, if I uuummmmmmmm, just say I hate that there aren't waffles in the story when I'm completely okay that there aren't, would Author put waffles in to spite me? ("I'd like a slice of life chap/paragraph in a transition between arks/major plot points please." "Your order comes out to 100 power stones." LET'S DO THIS)

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I'm glad this isnt like cultivation where just because you have more power at your disposal you pretty much auto win

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I red the note and the wiki page. I also red the section about Jean Grey and I honestly do not see why there should be a "jean Grey, phoenix's host" in this Universe. Her story its full of misery and suicides to get rid of the power, so just don't let it be a thing in the first place! Also, as a die hard OP lover, my opinion will always be to maximize gains, so its either fully absorption (which doesn't seem really possible tbh) or full control forever, which I also don't think you'll greenlight, so in the end I guess my vote goes for just having him get some insights and let her go, I'd kill me to see the MC nerfed down in the future, so I'd rather never see what he's capable of with this extra powers.

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He should keep it till the star of the x men. Right know you said that his going out to see more of the universe you can use this chance to incorporate balder into the myth of The Phoenix as he travels and goes around the universe creating his own myth. You can even use some of the Phoenix Force and the power of the light dimension to create Balder Force just like the Odin Force and everyone knows just how powerful the Odin force is. Thanks for the chapter

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Have PF stay and strengthen him and his connections hope it stays like a friend

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Keep it as he is a fair being and perfect host to judge the universe

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i like how its going so far but i hope his not gonna be a host for the phoenix...i just dont like MC have exterior power kinda shitty for me but o well ill still read it keep it up

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The first ever


You could make Baldur champion of Phoenix Force i.e. Baldur could derive power from phoenix force just like light dimension but as a favoured being. Making Baldur host of Phoenix Force seems a bit difficult as it mostly chooses female host