
Is it easy go to move on?

"Do you think I can love someone again?" Jason asked making Valentina look into his eyes.

"Do you think will you?" Valentina asked.

"I am not sure... That is why, I am asking you." Jason Answered.

"Well... If you want and wants to move on... Sure, you can fall in love again..." Valentina replied.

"Is it so easy fo move on, Valentina?" Jason asked as he grabbed her wrist which was about to make him eat another spoon full of his break fast.

"I don't know, Jason... It's just different from everyone... It's different for you and me... If I want, I can get over Xavier and... You know, Date someone else... But I am not sure either... Because it's my time to support him... I know, I can't get over him as soon as possible... But he keeps breaking my heart... Then, of course, there will a time for me to leave him... Because I deserve better!" Valentina answered.

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