
New Plan!

"What the hell you want me to do again?" Xavier asked witha stern voice making George look up at him.

"Um.... Yeah... Umm... I have seen Valantina..." George said making Xavier frown at him.

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked.

"Um... When I met her today... I... I have got an... Idea..." George answered making Xavier take a deep breath.

"And what idea is that?" Xavier asked.

"Umm.... That... That..." George stuttered making Xavier frown at him.

"Don't tell me that, you want to kill her?" Xavier asked with a wide eyes.

"No... No, Son... I can't do that!" George answered.

"Thank god... I thought, you will consider that!" Xavier replied making George sigh.

"Then what do you want me to do again? Not something nonsense again... Right?" Xavier asked making George look at him.

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