
Immune To The Toxin

Arthur raised his hand and pointed towards the old lady with no speck of hesitation.

"W… What the hell is that?" the old lady seemed shocked at first before she hurriedly shouted, "is this some sort of a joke? Are you making clowns instead of warriors now?"

Aemie didn't react even when her aunt spoke in such rage. Instead her eyes were fixed over Arthur's body as if she was able to see through him.

And the more she stared at him the more uneasy Arthur became. However he didn't have the choice to move a muscle, not when he threw such a bomb.

"Give me that," the old lady on the other hand didn't wait for the master to make a decision. Instead she leaned towards one of the guards and grabbed a sword off his hands.

She leaned on her stick to move a step forward while the other hand waved the big sword towards the head of Arthur.

Arthur saw her coming and his instincts told him to jump and evade. However he didn't.

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