
Arthur Was Right

Arthur was feeling more unease towards this situation the more he thought about it. "Leaving behind all these weak mages to just create a false image of being in desperate need for help is a very good move to be honest," he muttered.

'But they can be easily wiped out,' Gege was still unconvinced by his logic, 'what's the need to retreat then? Even the incoming elites are grouped into many smaller teams that we can hunt with much ease.'

'Ding! You are still young,' the system finally stepped in, 'Ding! This is clearly a trap. They want us to stay behind, stay away from the sect either to kill us or to kill them.'

'What can they do to us? To them?'

"I dunno," Arthur honestly said, "but I won't stand here and watch my enemy complete his masterpiece without stopping him."

'You two…' Gege was frustrated and thought they were just being over worried and slightly afraid.

"Where are they?" Arthur shifted the topic back to what he cared much about.

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