
Meeting Dorfis Clan Head Face to Face

Despite meeting such a stranger, and the feeling of danger that overwhelmed him, Arthur didn't retreat or show any signs of nervousness, while flying towards the portal, finally landing ten meters away from the man.

"Can you step aside please?" Arthur asked, as if he didn't care at all with the presence of such a man.

"What do you intend to do?" the man asked, in a tone that wasn't rushed or slow; a very confident parenting tone, like he was a parent speaking with his child.

Arthur didn't feel any speck of doubt or nervousness from this man!

"Why do you ask?" he said, trying to act collected in front of the man.

"I'm Olor, the leader of the Dorfis clan. According to your world terms, I'm the clan head of the Dorfis clan."

"And so what?"

"It's my clan that you keep killing and ruining its belongings, like what you did here, like what you plan to do."

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