
Arming the Whole Army of Warriors with An Army of Pets

In ten minutes, the first batch of warriors came. No one understood what was going on, and Arthur didn't have time to waste on explaining, so he hurriedly pointed to the wide space as he ordered:

"One warrior in one circle, and those who have none just wait for others to finish."

His words were met by silence, as they exchanged glances without knowing what he wanted to do.

"Hurry up and don't waste time!" he shouted again, without raising his head even from his current ore he was writing on. they all jolted awake from his shout, as his recent huge dragon form flying above their heads was still fresh.

They did as he asked, and he gave them a couple of minutes, finished another pile of runes, then moved towards their direction.

A wave of hand, one monster appeared, and a group of runes were laid on the ground, both inside the circle with the warrior.

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