


  It was mid-noon, Rachelle just finished her lunch alone- just like during breakfast, she was told that Alexander worked all night and just slept that morning. But when Alexander finally did woke up, Andrea just forced the two out of the house- without saying a single thing, both looked at each other with confused looked in their eyes.

Rachelle noticed how tired Alexander looked, he would rub his eyes every now and then- trying to shake his sleepiness away.

Because of those string of events, Alexander and Rachelle found themselves in a particular situation.

Two figures sit together under the shade of an oak tree, one is a woman- her long black hair flows as the wind blew, while the other is a man with emerald green eyes and messy blond hair. The girl stared at the scenery ahead- a small smile on her lips and a sparkle in her black orbs. The man however is trying his best to keep his eyes open, due to his tiredness from working all night.

Another warm breeze blew across as if convincing Alexander to close his eyes and just go to sleep.

Leaning in the tree, he closed his eyes as if this would help.

"Are you alright?" Rachelle suddenly asked.

But Alexander only hummed in response, not fully aware of the question.

To Rachelle's eyes, he's very tired- which he is, then she wondered what could he possibly be doing all night.

He has such a calm and handsome face, it could even rival the angels above- she thought.

Without thinking it through, Rachelle inched closer- her face a few centimeters away from Alexander's.

"You have some really long lashes, I'm so jealous" she mumbled.

"Don't be, because you're beautiful" Alexander replied, abruptly opening his tired eyes.

"Ah! I-I… I thought you're asleep" she stuttered from surprise.

Those shine emerald orbs, gleaming wonderfully as they stare at her very soul.

A blush crept its way to her cheeks which caused her to look away.

Alexander on the other hand was calm- too calm than he would have thought he would be when being this close to Rachelle.

"Do you miss home?" Alexander suddenly asked which took Rachelle by surprise.

"Y-yes, I do but there's nothing I can do. I'm just glad that you're here with me" she replied before flashing him a smile.

Her black eyes sparkling like the night sky, her cheeks- red just like a kiss of rose, and her lips which appear to be as soft as the petals of a lily.

At this very moment, Alexander could feel his heart melt both due to happiness and sadness, something he never thought was possible.

He is very happy that Rachelle feels that way but he's sad that she wanted to leave.

Oh, how he wishes that she could just stay with him.

If only she knows the things he is willing to sacrifice for her happiness.

"You looked really tired" Rachelle chuckled.

"You should go back to sleep" she continued with a smile.

"Please, don't mind if I do" he replied before leaning back in the tree, closing his eyes- making his lashes flatter, like those of a butterfly's wings.

The girl watched closely as the other slowly fell into a deeper sleep. Staring at him as his chest rose and fell as he breathes, it was such a sight to see.

Moments later, his head fell to the side.

It was not a comfortable position to sleep, he'll have a stiff neck it this continue- Rachelle thought.

Carefully, she started pulling him towards her which cause Alexander to wake up.

"Hush, it's alright" her gentle voice lulling him back to sleep, this time in a much better position…

His head laying in her soft lap.

Rachelle stared at his sleeping form, she always thought he was handsome yet in a closer look his definitely even more handsome.

She placed a hand in his chest and another in his upper forehead- entangling her delicate fingers with his soft blonde hair.

Slowly her breathing matched his and it wasn't long until she- herself fell asleep.

It was a warm day, the sun is up in the bright blue sky, the breeze is warm, the birds are chirping and the flowers dance along with leaves in the trees.

  Under the shade of the mighty oak, two figures are resting, two hearts beating in sync.

Andrea stood by the window with a particular gleam on her eyes- her plan worked like a charm. Just by watching the two people sleeping under the oak tree- she could already feel the love blooming in their hearts.

  Away from the hidden mansion inside the forest, the people have gathered- torches in hand, they've had enough of the killings. Another body was found, a little girl- missing for days was seen, floating in the river. She was placed in a sack but it ripped, allowing the body to flow along with the current of the water.

So many people had been killed that the town folks themselves had lost count: the family in the outskirt, the drunk man along the road, the little girl collecting firewood, and so many others. The worse one, however, is the Stone family's death- so much misfortune had occurred in the town and now the people are convinced that a witch had arrived and with her is the downfall of the land.

The people believe that it would be a matter of time before another horrible thing happens, therefore now is the time to end it all. With their cry of agony for the loss of their loved ones, the judge and town leader finally agreed to seek out those who serve the devil.

The angry mob marched forward- towards the eastern side of the woods, where the old village witch lives. They shall capture her and put her in a trial, if guilty which most likely would be- she will be either hanged in the gallows or burned at the stake.

Reaching the edge of the woods, the people stood in front of the hut.

Inside is an innocent old woman- kneeling, her head is down, hands clasp together close to her chest. Praying to the God above, asking for forgiveness for the sins she had committed. She does not wish to be saved however, she wishes for another to be- a young man that came just weeks before the murders had occurred. She's hoping that he could still be saved, wishing for him to find the light once more.

The mob outside has entered the hut, brute men- dragging the old woman out. She did not scream, she did not struggle, she only closed her eyes and prayed to God.

The people burned the hut down to the ground and brought the old woman to the court. Where the trial will take place.

They were so focused on the old lady but little did they know the real culprits are within the crowd, whispering among themselves after they just left another body in the alleyway.

The sun is starting to sink over the horizon- casting red rays of light into the land.

As if sending a dreadful message to those to live below…

At this point on…

The witch trials had begun.

Hello guys,

I hope you are having a good day.

I honestly don't know what to say LOL, I just bit more than I can chew. I can't believe that I accepted two art commissions while I have a lot of papers due. Welp~ wish me luck.

See ya in the next update!


princess_nincreators' thoughts
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