
Deletion Notice

After deciding to take me relationship with Jesus seriously, I can not in good conscience, allow for my work, that depicts actions that would be considered sinful to continue to exist.

I have always considered myself to be a Christian and try to live as best as I could, but recent events have opened my eyes to show me I was not doing enough, For the last 8 years I have been a slave to porn and masturbation.

I do not wish to be one anymore, i want to live for Jesus and by his word and have in the past week finally started to read my bible and pray to him daily.

I do realize some people may argue that it's alright for my stories to continue to exist that they are fake worlds with fake religions.

I may come out with a new book, I just have to think carefully about what kind of story I want to tell that I can feel that you the readers can enjoy and that I will also feel comfortable if God was sitting next to me reading the story I write.

I hope everyone that reads has a relationship with Jesus and if not that you may one day gain one. If not I respect your decisions and wish you a blessed life.

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