
Chapter 96 Odin Vs Thanos

Jane Foster got a clear look at the wreckage and numerous smoky remnants of put out fires before Harry took a step back out of the portal and closed it. After a sigh of defeat, he turned to her and said, "I can still take you to Asgard if you want, but now may not be the best time. Just leave me your number and I'll call when Thor and Asgard are a bit more ready to receive you."

Jane dumbly nodded, still a bit overwhelmed at the scene of destruction she had just witnessed. Harry escorted her out and after the door closed, he made another portal to Asgard and jumped in to find Thor.

Harry didn't use a Notice-Me-Not so as he ran through Asgard, he received a lot of stares. Warriors in the field of battle have instincts which make the unnoticeable, more noticeable, so walking around a battlefield with a Notice-Me-Not was a great way to get attacked. It didn't take long to get to the wreckage that was the former palace of Asgard where he saw the warriors lifting massive chunks of the former palace and setting it aside. Harry used a Point-Me charm to direct him to one of the few buildings close to the palace that remained standing and found Thor speaking with his mother and Heimdall. The Tesseract was sitting on a table.

Upon Harry's approach, Heimdall turned around violently and stared in Harry's direction. He asked with uncertainty "Who are you..?"

Thor noticed his friend and gave a bare, weak smile. "This is Harry Potter."

Heimdall asked, "The one you spoke of? This is the first I have seen of him."

Harry replied, "Supernatural farsight, clairvoyance, and foresight can't see me. You can only see me now because we are next to each other and this doesn't count as clairvoyance."

Thor stated, "As you must've seen, Asgard was attacked while I was away."

Harry nodded, "Was it the one who sent Loki or someone who used Loki as a distraction?"

Frigga answered, "The former."

Harry turned to Frigga and said, "I carry a large amount of powerful medicines in a pocket space. Can you have someone direct me to the wounded?"

Frigga smiled and said, "I can take you there myself."

Thor let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you Harry Potter. Asgard is once again in your debt."

Harry said, "It's fine. I make them all the time and I never have anything to use them on." It was true. Making and inventing potions was ridiculously dangerous for most, but Harry could take a newly invented potion and put it in his inventory to determine the effect and store them indefinitely. That and the fact that brewing difficult and complex potions increased his Crafting Path was another good reason to make them. Harry had enough stored potions to clear out most Hospitals in New York.

Frigga took Harry to the tents were the wounded Einherjar were kept together and tended to. The moment Harry saw the first patient, he cast a diagnosis charm and cast a few spells to stabilize the wounds before taking a potion out of his inventory and using a spell to assist in feeding it to him.

Frigga watched all of this, now perfectly clear that the lack of magic she and her husband felt within Harry was a ruse. The fact that Harry had tricked them all actually caused her to show the barest glimpse of a smirk. This was the mother of Loki after all and it wasn't like Harry lied to them and they'd never asked, so it was entirely their fault for making the false assumption.

Frigga continued to watch Harry with interest. Her own magics had been completely consumed keeping her husband alive after he fought off the leader of the invaders. Asgard had many machines capable of healing others, but the number of wounded far exceeded the number of machines and many such devices were stored in the now destroyed buildings.

When the healers saw their Lady Frigga standing next to Harry, they made way for him as he healed their fallen one by one in the strangest of ways. For destroyed bones he would cause them to vanish and feed the patient an elixir which caused the bones to regrow. These were not normal human warriors of course, but these potions were not meant for normal humans. Harry's specs were too high for normal potions to affect him and his girls so his potions had been enhanced using all of his mystical knowledge and they were highly effective on the Einherjar.

The wounded Einherjar only numbered about two hundred, so Harry was able to get to each and every one before emptying even half of his reserve potion stock, and his own magics were barely drained from the spells he had to perform.

Frigga had already left and once Harry finished, he found Thor and said, "The wounded have been taken care of. A few days of rest and they will be back to normal."

Heimdall stated, "Most impressive. I have never seen such medicines before."

Harry admitted, "I brewed them myself, so I suspect not."

Thor nodded, "Thank you my friend. That is one less concern. Asgard will not last long without its warriors to defend it."

Harry offered, "I can call the Reds over and we can stay for a few days until the Einherjar have fully rested."

Thor replied, "That would be most welcomed. Perhaps thankfully, my Father rests in the Odinsleep. He would never allow outsider help so easily." Although Odin could see everything in Asgard during the Odinsleep, he couldn't say anything during that time to complain about it until after he woke up.

Harry asked, "How is he?"

Thor answered, "Alive. My mother was able to save him after he drove the attacker back."

Harry continued, "Who attacked?"

Thor shook his head. "I do not know his name and my mother has not told me anything about their fight."

Harry looked over at Heimdall who sighed and replied, "I have been ordered not to speak of it."

Harry asked, "Have you been ordered to prevent anyone from looking at where the fight took place?"

"I have not," he replied.

Harry said, "Then let's go have a look, shall we? I can help us find out what happened today."

Thor agreed without issue. He had a lot of pent up anger at the one who did this and being left without a name or face to vent it on was most irksome for the Prince of Asgard.

Thor brought them over to the palace and said, "The fight occurred mostly here."

Harry nodded and began concentrating. He started casting a powerful Sorcery spell he'd learned off the Ancient One. Though it was powerful it was basically a practice spell for Time Magic which he hoped to soon learn. It did not allow one to change or go against the flow of time, but view it. This spell allowed one to peek into the past, and was one of the few spells that could be used to see Harry, since he was not shielded when being looked at from the present into the past, only when being looked at from a distance and from the present into the future.

Harry released the spell and a massive illusion formed around them, an illusion of the palace before its destruction.

Thor and Harry watched Odin stand tall before his Throne as he was forced to look up. Sitting above him in a massive floating chair, was a massive purple humanoid.

Thor sneered, "Thanos. The Mad Titan."

From the illusion, the so-called Mad Titan stated in a calm voice, "You know what I have come for. Release her and I shall spare your life and that of your people."

Odin's form shimmered. He now donned a glowing set of golden armor whose majesty could clearly be felt through the illusion. In one hand he carried the spear Gungnir and on his waist was tied the spiked mace Thrudstock. Harry's detailed illusion even showed the golden ring Draupnir that adorned the Allfather's finger.

Odin raised his spear which surged brightly with Odinforce and said, "You Dare Court Death?!"

Thanos smiled without the slightest trace of fear as one of the most powerful beings in the universe threatened him. He replied, "You know I do."

Odin struck out with his spear, but the chair Thanos sat in vanished and appeared at ground level in an instantaneous teleport. Thanos sat up and said, "So be it."

Odin launched himself forward in a strike that looked more like a lightning bolt than a spear thrust. A barrier appeared over Thanos and the chair but shattered a moment later. Thanos used that moment to dodge and strike Odin with a massive metal glove.

Odin was slammed with such force, the columns of the palace cracked from the impact, but Odin only slid back a few feet before bracing himself. His form suddenly multiplied using what Harry and Thor recognized as the same type of illusion magic Loki often used.

Lightning discharged from Thanos's glove into the stone floor where spikes of obsidian stone shot up all over the palace grounds. Some of the illusions were dispelled from getting hit while the others were disrupted in their movements around the irregularly positioned stone pillars.

Harry couldn't help but frown at that. Harry knew that most powerful beings like Odin and Frigga were Sorcerers, but they along with every other powerful Sorcerer Harry had met were usually allies. Thanos was an incredibly powerful Sorcerer but was obviously an enemy.

Odin swiped his spear, shattering all of the obsidian pillars with a wave of force and took control of the debris and reformed it into a massive spike he threw at Thanos' chair.

The chair automatically teleported out of the path of destruction and Thanos used the opening to smash his armored fist into Odin once more.

Odin was struck flying into the air but twirled his spear causing him to change direction mid-flight and point himself instead at Thanos who released another discharge of lightning into the ground and raised a massive stone block between them.

Odin's spear passed through the magically reinforced block like it was made of styrofoam but it still slowed the Allfather down enough for Thanos to use the moment to align himself for a counter. The Allfather predicted it this time however and used his spear to block the heavy punch Thanos struck him with.

Though the fight was faster than most mortals could even comprehend, Thor and Harry could see every detail. Harry was mostly paying attention to the type of Sorcery Thanos used. It seemed to be Electromagnetic Sorcery, similar to what Magneto used, but far more sophisticated. He was also clearly using Technomancy with his incredibly advanced chair. The force of his metal glove was massively enhanced using magnetism which also had the effect of deflecting much of the force from Odin's Gungnir, or at least it would've had the spear not been completely saturated in Odinforce.

Odin pressed Thanos back and threw Gungnir at Thanos' chair. The chair teleported once more out of the way, but Gungnir spun without losing momentum and followed it, forcing the chair to teleport further away from Thanos.

Odin grabbed the spiked mace Thrudstock from his side and swung it at the Mad Titan with all the force of the apocalypse itself.

Thanos met the strike with his own palm thrust but this time Thanos was pushed back and a massive crater formed beneath him.

The reason Odin kept trying to destroy or at least separate that chair from Thanos was obvious to Harry. It was a masterpiece of Sorcery and technology and seemed to act as a focus, a source of power which channeled limitless energy into Thanos allowing him to match the Allfather's Odinforce.

The chair immediately teleported above Thanos and he created a pillar beneath him that rose him from the crater's depth's towards Odin who shouted down.

Harry and Thor watched wide-eyed as Odin's shout caused time to stop around Thanos, just as Gungnir flew back into the throne room toward the Mad Titan's heart.

The chair teleported both itself and Thanos out of the way and to the side, breaking the time lock and saving the Titan's life. Odin grabbed the spear and spun to throw it back at Thanos's new position. The aim was true and the chair was directly behind the Mad Titan, meaning that dodging the spear would allow the spear to destroy the chair.

The chair and Thanos were teleported again, causing Thor and Harry to frown. Even for Harry, back to back teleports were not a simple thing, but that chair didn't seem to have any cool down period before it could teleport again.

Odin leapt forward mace in hand to strike at Thanos once more, aiming to smash his head off his shoulders.

The Mad Titan raised his hand to meet the Odinforce saturated mace and pushed it up, parrying the strike rather than taking it head on. Odin twisted to follow through with the attack and jumped at Thanos in a shoulder tackle that threw the purple giant into a pillar, causing the pillar and the roof above it to collapse on top of him.

Odin stepped forward but faltered and had to take in a few deep, steadying breaths.

Thanos rose from the rubble. Various parts of his arms and face bore shades of darker purple showing where he took damage and he also seemed to be just a bit out of breath. Still, he said without showing any weakness, "You are much weaker than the last time I saw you. The peace you used your strength to achieve has taken your strength from you. Ironic really."

Odin's ring glowed and the light of his Odinforce seemed to be absorbed into his body, armor, and weapons. He said with a voice that carried with it the depths of his age, "You know nothing child."

Thanos only smiled and replied. "We shall see."

Odin vanished from his position and appeared before Thanos thrusting his spear. Rather than teleportation, it was a movement of pure speed.

The Titan's chair's auto barrier stopped the tip of the spear for only an instant before it pierced through, aiming between Thanos' eyes. Thanos moved faster than before to tilt his head out of the way, but the spear still drew a gash through the side of his face and continued forward towards the chair itself.

The chair once more teleported out of the way and behind the pair. The chair started glowing with power and sparks of light and waves of energy seemed to coalesce around Thanos.

Odin twirled his spear before throwing it forward, but held onto it causing the spear to drag the Allfather towards Thanos at an impossible speed. Odin swung his mace at Thanos who sidestepped the flying spear forcing the Titan to block. The impact of the mace and Thanos' glove shined white within the illusion as a deafening explosion occurred. Odin didn't stop and moved like lightning but Thanos moved like the wind. He was not as fast, but he was fast enough to dodge, deflect, or counter everything the Allfather's newly empowered form threw at him.

The space itself seemed to cry out in pain as the shockwaves from each clash caused the ancient palace walls to shake, creak, and rumble.

The pair's last exchange was something even Harry had trouble registering and it almost caused the illusion of the moment to shatter. When the dust cleared, the Palace and Throne room of Asgard was reduced to rubble.

The illusion extended a bit and showed images of the armies of Thanos and his generals fighting against the Einherjar. The latter was winning, but not by much. Ten massive ships larger than the one Harry saw commanding the chitauri littered Asgard and the Einherjar were outnumbered fifty to one.

The Mad Titan's chair teleported into view and sitting on top of it was a visibly wounded Thanos staring down at the rubble. A moment later the rubble exploded out and Odin stood there, strong and proud.

Thanos raised a hand and in a single instant, his armies started retreating. He said, "You may stay alive a little longer. I have completed what I came here to do. It is a shame you won't get to see her. Perhaps you will in the next life."

The chair teleported away, and after the armies returned to their ships, the ships also teleported away.

The illusion showed Frigga immediately running up to her husband and putting her arm to his. They walked away together, but Harry and Thor could tell that without Frigga's arm holding him up, he would have collapsed then and there.

Harry cancelled the illusion and asked, "Did Thanos take something? Why'd he say he got what he wanted?"

Thor remained silent for a moment before softly answering, "My father cannot use his full power without cost. His life has been greatly shortened. Though the Odinsleep will restore his strength, it cannot return what he lost in this battle. My father has but years to live."

Harry asked, "So if he wanted to kill him, why retreat?"

Frigga, who had followed them and watched the illusion, made herself known by answering, "Because he understood that my husband cannot be killed in Asgard."

Harry asked, "Why not?"

Thor answered this time. "It is the King's right, a power Asgard grants to her ruler. In the direst of circumstances, my father may take the lives of his subjects on Asgard to empower himself. Doing so may even restore his lost strength. But he would never do this unless a threat to Asgard herself was too great to stop without such sacrifice. If Thanos continued, my father would have been forced to this measure, restoring his life at the cost of the Einherjar."

Thor then turned to Frigga and asked, "Mother. Who is the one the Mad Titan spoke of? Who is she?"

Frigga shook her head. "I am sorry, my son. I cannot tell you."

Thor gave her a hard look but it did not last. Harry couldn't blame him, glaring at your mother wasn't easy. Thor sighed and said, "Then I shall discuss it with Father when he wakes."

Frigga gave a look that told everyone she did not believe that would go particularly well. To avoid further awkwardness, she left them and returned to the room Odin was resting in, to stay at his side to protect him until he woke.

Thor decided to change the subject by turning to Harry and asking, "So, you're a Wizard then?"

Harry shrugged, "Yeah. My magic is invisible to the senses of others though."

Thor nodded, unconcerned over the ruse. "My brother may be relieved then. He was most upset to have been bested by a mortal."

Harry laughed and said, "Oh, I didn't use any magic on him except for the glitter and when I removed his weapons. Where is he by the way?"

Thor smiled for a moment but the depressing atmosphere caused it to die once more. He said, "My brother is locked away. His sentence shall be decided when my father wakes."

After another moment of silence, Thor continued, "The Mad Titan's strength is beyond me." Harry could tell how difficult it was to admit this for the God of Thunder. But Thor had clearly seen his father go all out and he knew that Thanos was stronger than Thor was.

Harry replied, "I don't have any confidence either. I can teleport too, but I can't do so as smoothly or as fast as that chair of his allowed him to. There may be a weak point, but going against him without a plan of attack isn't something I'd recommend." Harry usually had confidence going against Tech since his own Technomancy gave him an edge over anything without mystical protections, but that chair was just way too overpowered. The most difficult part of powerful magics was the targeting and channeling of power, but that chair seemed to do everything automatically for Thanos and probably had an AI which could judge the situation without input and assist Thanos as needed according to the situation.

Harry couldn't even begin to figure out how that chair worked. The strongest artifacts he created either enhanced his own power, had built in power sources, or stored power he channeled into it while making it. Thanos' chair on the other hand actively channeled extra dimensional energy into Thanos, granting him more power with finer control than Harry suspected even the Ancient One could ever achieve. Regardless of Thanos' own talent at Sorcery, that chair gave him the ability to channel more energy than the Sorcerer Supreme, and it did so on its own, allowing Thanos to concentrate on the fight while receiving the energy.

What was worse for Harry was that Thanos used a better version of the same fighting style he was trying. Martial arts, magic, and tech all at the same time. Nothing Harry could think of would likely surprise the Mad Titan so there wasn't a good way to win against him should they start a fight that didn't destroy the planet they fought on.

Harry told Thor, "Give me some time to figure out how to stop that Chair of his, or at least how to stop his teleporting. If we go all out and catch him off guard, ending him may be possible."

Thor nodded, but knew that such words were little more than false comfort. Someone who had schemed so deeply against one of the strongest forces in the Universe would not be caught off guard so easily.

Before Thor went off to direct his people in the rebuilding of the palace and wrecked buildings, Harry asked when they would use the Tesseract to rebuild the Bifrost.

Thor thought about it and frowned. "Only Heimdall knows how to do so, but he must stand watch until my father wakes."

Harry offered, "Odin hasn't retracted my permission to check out the library. I could probably find how to do it there and rebuild it myself. Do you mind if I have a look?"

Thor nodded and said, "All of Asgard is open to you Harry Potter," before he went off.

Harry nodded, pleased at this answer. Harry used a Portal to return to New York and asked the girls to keep watch on Asgard for a few days. Most of New York was shut down from the invasion so school was closed for the next week until everything was back to normal.

After returning he quickly headed to the library. It was under the palace but had survived the destruction without difficulty. The library and prison were two of the strongest areas of Asgard.

The reason Harry returned in the first place was that many of the areas of the Library were blocked by Asgardian magics Odin would certainly believe Harry could never bypass. Harry needed time to learn said magics before he returned and opened these areas. Now was the perfect chance. Odin was out cold. Frigga was at his side. And everyone else was busy so Harry could enter the most restricted areas without a problem.

It only took about an hour to get through the magical defenses of the restricted section. Harry found it odd that the books within were stored more securely than the actual vault, though the vault was apparently protected by the Destroyer. Or at least it had been.

Once Harry removed the last of the locks, a room Harry felt existed within a pocket dimension appeared filled with ancient books. Harry used magic on each one to confirm whether or not they were dangerous before he would place them inside his inventory. It didn't really matter how powerful something was, the dangerous aspect of putting something in his inventory was whether or not it was sentient.

The Mind stone for example sat safely in his inventory, but it was not actually sentient. Like all Infinity Stones, it was basically an Administrator's Login and Password for the Hidden files and programs of the Universe. The files the Mind Stone gave access to were basically the Akashic Records, but a little different. The Mind Stone had access to all minds, all knowledge, but was incredibly difficult to use. You could not simply gain knowledge using it. Trying to download knowledge into yourself with it would grant you echoes and aspects of the minds of the people the knowledge came from. This was similar to how Rogue felt when she borrowed the powers of others before Harry helped her.

When Loki brainwashed Clint, what he actually did was channel the echoes of an artificial mind into Clint which was completely loyal to Loki and suppressed his true mind. For Selvig, Loki implanted a fragmented mind that had the knowledge Loki needed Selvig to possess to create the portal machine. The side effect of the latter was that Selvig would gain traits of the person the knowledge came from. Apparently, that person didn't like wearing pants.

When Harry initially put the Mind Stone in his inventory, it had no effect, just like when he tested doing so with the Time stone. Harry could not access its power, it was like a picture of a keyhole. He couldn't use the picture to look through the keyhole. After he got the Infinity Perk though, he felt that he had somewhat limited access to the hidden files of the universe the Mind Stone gave access to even though it was in his inventory. That was unusual.

As far as Harry knew, Infinity stones cannot be used safely without assistance, usually in the form of an artifact built specifically to allow a people to use a tiny portion of the stone's power. The Eye of Agamotto allowed one to use a tiny bit of the Time stone's power. The Tesseract allowed one to use a tiny bit of the Space stone's power. The Scepter Loki used and Hulk snapped allowed him to use the Mind stone's power.

The fact that Harry could use the stone meant that the Perk basically turned Harry into an artifact capable of channeling a tiny portion of the stone's power. How much he could channel depended on him.

He'd already noticed the effect since the Perk was acquired. His psionic skills were massively enhanced and he was hearing the thoughts of others without meaning to, so he had to put some effort into dulling this. Harry considered removing the stone, but decided against it. All power came with a price, and he'd just have to live with it. Besides, his Psionic Path was slowly increasing as the passive use of the stone got him more and more familiar with the use of Psionics.

After confirming none of the books within were possessed, and thankfully the Stone assisted with checking that, Harry decided not to be polite and put each and every book from this secret section into his inventory before pausing to read and memorize them all.

Quite a bit of time later, Harry unpuased, returned the books, and started relocking the space.

Harry already knew exactly how to use the Tesseract to rebuild the Bifrost without reading from the secret library. He just wanted an excuse Thor would buy so as not to question the time it would take him to take down the defenses.

The books told of the history of Asgard, but some of the pages were ripped out, so Harry still didn't know who Thanos was talking about, but he could guess. The period the pages were removed from was during the war where Odin swept across the realms and created Asgard.

Perhaps Odin took someone prisoner during that period and Thanos wanted her released. If she was dangerous enough to keep prisoner this whole time, Harry doubted Odin would tell Thor about her if he asked.

That was not what Harry was really looking for though, and thankfully, the true history of Asgard included the portion he'd theorized about, confirming his guesses about Asgard.

Thor was born over a thousand years ago and Odin was born over ten thousand years ago. Yet cultures from across the stars know of both. This is not surprising since Odin really did a number on the Universe during his conquest of the nine realms, but the problem was that Harry found evidence of people knowing about Thor's existence before Thor was born.

How was this possible? According to the records Harry read, it was the Ragnarok Cycle. Odin died, Ragnarok occurred, everyone died, Asgard was destroyed. A new cycle started, a new Odin was born, a new Asgard created, a new Thor was born and a new Loki adopted, and the cycle continued. The Ragnarok cycle has existed since the dawn of the Universe.

There were hints to the cycle existing even in Kamar-Taj. That's why Harry was so surprised when Thor was stripped of his powers and sent to Earth. That had never happened before.

From what Harry could tell, Odin was fully aware of the Ragnarok cycle. He gained knowledge of it every time he sacrificed his eye to the world tree. However he was also bound to it. So how did he do something other incarnations of Odin had never done before, and sent a powerless Thor to Earth to learn humility and the value of mortal life?

Harry wondered if it had anything to do with the woman Thanos wanted. In any case, there were too many missing pieces of the puzzle. Harry could either ask Odin or Thanos, but he felt neither would be willing to give an answer.

After finishing up in the library, Harry grabbed the Tesseract and put it into his Inventory. As he suspected, it too became usable within. Harry then made his way over to the Bifrost.


[New Quest: Road of the Nine Realms

Repair the Bifrost

Bonus: Build in a safety and kill switch.]

Harry Paused to consider the quest. Thor had told him how the Biforst could channel the power of Asgard to destroy a world and Thor had no choice but to destroy it to prevent such from happening again. Harry could just repair the bridge back to what it was, but who was to say history would not repeat itself.

Harry spent some time figuring out the best way to do so before unpausing and channeling the Space stone.

The Space stone gave Harry access to all the energy of the Universe. Many thought the Power stone gave the most power, but this was a false assumption. The Power stone allowed one to control all power. Power itself originated from the expansion of space. All power was basically driven by the expansion of space, and Harry could create roads from micro verses and stars to himself through the Space stone to create the exact matrix formation of power the shattered Bifrost was created from to repair it.

Heimdall stood at the edge of the Bifrost and for a moment, turned his gaze away from the universe and towards Harry. He watched, amazed as the wizard did in moments what he knew would take him months if not years. Perhaps only the Allfather could do better. Satisfied with Harry's work, Heimdall's gaze turned away to continue looking for any threat that may be coming for Asgard.

Harry took his time, getting the feeling of the Tesseract and using the stone. His Magic Path and Crafting Path were both affected by the rebuilding of the Bifost and Harry wanted to slowly savor the feeling. While channeling the energy of the universe, he wondered if Heimdall would notice a small prank.

The Tesseract itself was an Asgardian crafted artifact and with Harry's knowledge of Asgardian magic and access to the Space stone, he could in fact make a pretty lifelike copy. They only needed the stone to fix the Bifrost after all.

It took Harry about five days to repair the Bifrost and the girls had been assisting with the reconstruction of Asgard while occasionally sparring with the Einherjar. Lady Sif and Mary Jane became drinking buddies after they sparred for three hours straight. Sif won, but only because MJ did not have unlimited stamina. MJ also told the warriors of Asgard a few stories she knew about Odin. She had never met him but Red Sonja heard stories of Odin before he became the Allfather which none among the Einherjar had known of.

While fixing the Bifrost, Harry returned to Earth every five hours to use his Time Turner since he had just as much to do there as he did in Asgard. Many of the people of New York felt better when they saw he was busy since Harry had clearly established he knew what he was doing and Harry doing something meant something useful was getting done.


[Quest Complete: Road of the Nine Realms

Reward: +1 Magic Path Rank, +2 Crafting Path Rank]

Harry smiled at the reward. The Magic Path's increase from 50 to 51 was not a small bump and the Crafting Path's jump from 39 to 41 was just as impressive.

Much of Asgard was repaired at this point and with the return of the Bifrost, Asgard could call for assistance from other worlds.

Harry pulled out the Tesseract copy he'd made and handed it back to Thor saying, "I'm done. I think you're good to go from here."

Thor smiled brightly and said, "In my father's place, I must ask what can Asgard do for you to repay this?"

Harry seemed to ponder this and asked in return, "Where are you going to keep that?" while pointing at the Tesseract.

Thor answered, "In the Vault of course."

Harry said, "In that case, I'd like to be put in charge of protecting the Tesseract."

Harry pulled out a large Safe he built and put it on the table. He said, "Put your hand on the scanner."

Thor examined the safe for a moment before complying. The scanner registered his hand and opened. Harry then got out a random rock and put it inside the safe and closed it. He said, "This safe contains the entrance to a stable pocket dimension. Only your hand can open it after registering it. Try breaking the safe with your hammer."

Thor complied and smashed the safe to pieces. Harry took the pieces apart and showed that the rock was gone.

Harry pulled out another identical safe and said, "I'd like to be put in charge of ensuring the Tesseract is never used to harm Midgard again. I invented this safe to guarantee that anything put inside cannot be obtained by others. My request is that you allow me the honor of guarding the Tesseract and use this safe. You may place it in the Vault of course, but closed, with only your hand capable of opening it."

Thor smiled and shook his head, "I do not understand how you can ask for that which sounds like something we should be asking of you. But on my word if this is your request, it shall be granted. I name you the protector of the Tesseract." He then placed his hand on the other safe and opened it before setting the fake Tesseract inside and closing it. He then picked up the safe and said Farewell to Harry before heading over to the vault.

Harry hoped Thor would forgive him but that stone was not something he wanted in the hands of others. The safe was great and all, but nothing was perfect. If Thanos' Technomancy was greater than the mystical protections Harry could build into the safe, he could open it anyways. Harry's inventory on the other hand was something created by the most powerful beings in the Multiverse. Gaining access to it was harder, especially because almost no one knew about it and fewer still even knew Harry had the stones. Harry called the girls who said their goodbyes and made a portal home. Harry really didn't want to be there when Odin woke up.

After returning to Earth, Jade asked, "So what are you gonna do with the Mind stone?"

Harry considered it and said, "Well, studying it will give me a greater understanding of the mind than any person in the universe. And I think I know exactly what to do with that."

Jean laughed and asked, "You're going to create a video game right?"

Harry smiled, "Of course I am. What better way to use knowledge of the mind than to create a Full dive virtual reality platform video game?"

*Author's Note*

In case it was not obvious, I'm using Comic Book Thanos which has been slightly formatted to fit into the MCU. This is not someone a random laser can slice in half. Comic Book Thanos is like Kang the Conqueror, Ultron, and Apocalypse all rolled into one. Comic Book Thanos was once called in to fight Thor when Thor basically had Odin's Odinforce and the Power stone and went mad with power and no one in the universe could stop him. Without using a stone, Thanos beat Thor easily. And that was without that OP Chair of his. Even if Harry gets the stones and counters that chair, it won't be an easy fight.

The fight may not have seemed like much, but that was just because the fighters concentrated their force into the smallest areas instead of having giant flashy moves. That's how I figure real power houses should fight. All of the stuff here, including Odin's ability to take the lives of his subjects in Asgard are legit in comics.

The plot for this one is the direction I wish MCU had gone when they introduced Hela, but I'm tweaking it a bit to add details from Comic Book lore and some original details to make it cooler. Some of you may even be able to use the clues I gave in this chapter to guess what's going on.

Arc 5 will be a race for Harry to get as strong as he can before Odin kicks the bucket with some fun filler thrown in just because I feel like it.

Ideas for random Filler:

Harry visits either Canon HP universe or an HP fic. Anyone have a preference for which fanfic to visit?

Heads to Sakar and meets Beta-Ray Bill

Something with Jackie Chan and Uncle, maybe Shendu as well

Harry heads to Zombie Universe and kills everything for EXP


Next chapter