
Chapter 48 Harry Vs Selene

Harry reflexively Paused to get himself together and not freak out. The first recorded sighting of this woman was more than 10,000 years ago and according to the Ancient One, Selene had been a contender for the position of Sorcerer Supreme a number of times. Not that this meant she was a good person. The position of Sorcerer Supreme was given to someone who was strong enough to protect the world from mythical threats. Morales were not a requirement and many a Sorcerer Supreme in the past were not people one would want to meet.

Harry knew he wasn't going to like what was to come but he still had to act as if he didn't know it. The text message he received at least made sense now.

Harry didn't hold out his hand for a shake, instead he gave a respectful half bow and said, "I'm certain most of what you've heard about me won't do me any justice. So what is it you wish to speak of?"

The immortal gave a beautiful smirk and said, "I'd like for you to sell your company to me."

The telepathic command she gave to simply do as she said had all the subtlety of a wrecking ball.

Harry snapped his fingers and conjured a chair behind him and behind her and sat down. "No, I don't think I will Ms. Gallio."

Selene could not detect any mental protections within Harry's outstandingly organized mind and yet her psionic abilities had no effect. That, and the fact that he seemed to have just cast magic in front of her and she couldn't feel its presence made her eyebrows twitch in surprise. Harry wondered when was the last time this woman was surprised and felt he should be a bit proud of himself.

Selene turned to confirm the seat behind her was not an illusion and sat down before turning back to say, "It appears my sources are woefully under-informed."

Harry smiled back and said, "Yes, I doubt they've informed you I've a student of an acquaintance of yours. Though calling her the Ancient One when she is a mere trifle over nine centuries old is a bit much don't you think?"

Selene's gaze quickly changed. There was no twitch or narrowing or eyes or movement, but she no longer looked at Harry like a predator would look at meat. She saw another predator.

Continuing with the initiative Harry continued, "My company cannot be sold so I'm going to politely request that we stay out of each other's way. You will gain nothing from going against me."

Selene lightly asked back, "Can your company truly not be acquired if I were to kill you? I doubt all of your employees would be so stubborn."

Harry Paused and considered this. Not her threat. Using Telepathy on a Goblin was not a great idea and Goblins had dozens of ways around magic based mind control. Both of which were irrelevant points as no one would ever assume Harry's employees were Goblins in the first place. No sane or powerful person would allow themselves bound by the contracts required to work with Goblins. Harry always laughed at that and wondered if he was an exception or just insane.

Of course it didn't matter to him. Sanity was highly overrated.

No, Selene's point was that Harry's company not being in her control or not being destroyed outright was not an option for her. That meant she had something to lose if Harry's company continued as it was.

Harry unpaused and said, "I see. So you're the one who built Multivac."

Selene's smile was all the confirmation Harry needed that the machine that could predict the future and the location of mutants was designed by her. That meant that Sebastian Shaw was Selene's minion and the fact that Harry was affecting the future was affecting her as well. Of course, they seemed to be assuming it was Harry's company that was making the future harder to see, and not Harry himself.

Selene also inferred a few things from Harry's accusation and answered back, "So Shaw's toys are still alive I see."

Harry gave a curt nod. Information had to come from somewhere after all so there was no point in denying it. Harry said, "I can promise you that my death will grant you nothing. If I have unintentionally gotten in the way of any plans you have, then either adapt or ask for my assistance. As I said, you will gain nothing from going against me."

"You are making many assumptions. If killing you gives me nothing, then what about killing your friends? Your family? And I don't believe you have earned the right to speak to me as if you were an equal. If you know of me, then you should know your place."

Harry sighed and raised a hand. He had already been chanting mentally for the last few moments and at the chant's completion, a blood read flame emerged in Harry's hand. Harry said, "Now you are the one making assumptions. You think I care about them? What do you think will happen if I release this Hellfyre Heart? I'm sure you can guess."

Harry used his strongest Occlumency and mental prowess to lock away his feelings for others and emitted only a cold indifference and apathy. Can't use hostages if the other person doesn't care about them. The Hellfyre Heart was a spell Harry came up with after going through Belasco's Book of Spells. It used the principle of Fiendfyre which was strengthened by Harry's knowledge of the Darkhold and principles of Hellfire Harry learned from the Grand Grimoire which were strengthened by what he learned from Belasco's Book of spells.

Since the magic contained far more sources than just his own, Selene could easily feel it. And what she felt, was uncontrollable. Once the heart was released, it would burn everything until it went out. At the moment they were at MIT and everyone there wanted to listen to Harry's dissertation. She knew that Harry had brought friends and Professors with him. They were all die if Harry released that spell.

Selene gave Harry a cold look and said, "You're bluffing."

Harry smiled and dropped the flame.

Selene was absolutely certain Harry was bluffing so she was stunned to see him release the spell and could only watch it fall to the ground. Harry teleported out of the room and the fire exploded into a torrent of black flame. Selene was fast but she couldn't teleport so she could only shield herself and watch as her barrier was smashed back through wall after wall as the tide of flames devoured everything. In the blink of an eye the entire building was devoured and she was thrown through the final wall outside. Blood red and black flames danced against each other as the entire grounds of MIT was reduced to cinders.

Of course this was not the end. The black flames started flowing into themselves and formed a massive flame demon. The spell created the heart, and the heart created the flame. Once the flame was created, it would join the heart and the true purpose of the spell was shown, the birth of a massive hellfire fiend.

Selene knew she had to get away, she gained nothing from fighting such a thing after all and didn't care that it would destroy the city. She could stop it, but that would require more resources than she would gain from doing so.

However the moment she looked away from the hellfire fiend, she realized she had been duped. In the sky above the city was another city look down. In the distance was another city that was aligned vertically from up to down. The room they were in had been taken into the Mirror dimension without her being aware of it and she was now trapped with the fiend.

Selene glared at the massive beast of flames and lifted a hand in its direction and closed it. The beast felt what she was doing and looked over to her with its blood red flaming eyes and roared, however the flame around it was vanishing, being put out. The towering construct charged at her but was losing height and strength with each moment. Before it could reach her it was shorter than she was. Selene bent down and blew at it, snuffing out the last of the flame.

In the same moment, a glowing red longsword pierced through her chest from behind, destroying her heart. Selene instinctively threw out a psychokinetic wave to toss her now visible assailant back and in the next instant her wound healed.

Harry steadied himself and said, "I heard you were good with fire but seeing it in person is really something else."

Selene realized then that Harry had only pretended to leave her in the Mirror dimension. She assumed that he was under the impression she would not be able to leave without a Sling Ring as even the Ancient One could not do so. She could of course and she had already sworn revenge against Harry for his trick but it turned out he was simply waiting.

Selene answered back, "You've seen nothing yet. Fighting me in this dimension was a great mistake."

Black Sigils appeared in the air all around her and darkness coalesced into them taking the form of demons.

In the next instant over thirty high strength demons wielding weapons and armor forged of shadow had appeared. She pointed at Harry and said, "Capture him."

Harry didn't move. Summoning was actually much easier in the Mirror Dimension though there was no way to move a summoned creature from the mirror dimension back into the normal world without cost so that was not a loophole.

Once the demons were within range, Harry conjured a golden glyph which shot red chains into the chest of each demon. Most tried to block but the chains were ethereal and passed through their weapons, shields, and armors. Harry released the glyph and the chains vanished, but the demons didn't move. Harry smiled and said, "Attack Selene with everything you got."

Selene was more than a little surprised when her summoned demons she spent her own lifeforce to call had been taken out of her control and were attacking her instead. How could she know Harry had memorized the Grand Grimoire which contained both the Greater Key of Solomon and the Lesser Key of Solomon, books which had more information on controlling demons than any other. As long as it was a demon Harry knew about he would know a way or two to control it. He didn't know about them all of course and he couldn't control a demon in their own realm, but Selene's summons were ones Harry was familiar with so there was only one way for that to turn out.

Selene cast multiple spells at the attacking armored demons and while she was distracted Harry used his dimensional energy to shift the space of the mirror dimension. Buildings folded out from the ground and changed the landscape as direction and gravity lost meaning.

Selene's footing easily adjusted as she was also manipulating the mirror dimension to crush or separate the demons. She only needed to touch them to dissipate them so they were not threats to her if they did not attack all at once.

In the next moment the building Selene was fighting on folds over at Harry's command and smashed against Selene. A breath later the entire building cracked and shattered into rubble floating in the directionless space with Selene floating in the center. An invisible Harry slashed against her once more with his sword and she flew back to distance herself and conjured her own sword. Harry matched her flying speed and slashed through her flesh over and over.

At this point Selene realized she is slower than normal. Harry's strength is much higher than what she could wield but she could see that his speed did not reach her own, yet she was failing to dodge or parry his slashes and was taking more and more damage. She cast a wave of magic through herself and returned to her max speed, deflecting Harry's sword and throwing him back. She realized that the sword to her heart he initially struck her with had cast a Slow spell against her and the spell had been refreshing with every slice of Harry's energy sword.

Harry felt the Impedimenta jinx he'd cast on her get dispelled and knew she figured out his trick. Harry's magic was undetectable so fighting while casting jinxes and invisibility spells was obvious. Harry's standard spells seemed to have no effect on her but when cast through his sword the spells worked as it was the equivalent of casting a spell through a wound instead of against the skin.

Harry was going for the long fight. Selene's body had much in common with his own in that she was basically a bundle of flesh and magic held together by a massive life force. Much like a video game boss, she would not die until her accumulated Life Force, her Health Points, had reached zero. Harry had spells that could drain life force of course but draining life force was Selene's mutant power and the spells he tried had no effect on her as they were weaker than what the immortal could do naturally.

Harry turned invisible again and moved to strike once more.

Not wanting to be left on the defensive, Selene used her psychokinesis to freeze all the debris in the area around her in place. She could feel if any of it was touched so she could find Harry through that.

Harry teleported some distance away when he felt what she was doing and took what looked like a gourd out of his inventory. Harry pointed it at Selene and used his own psychokinesis to pull the trigger within.

Selene's head and upper torso exploded in a mass of blood and gore. A line of buildings behind her shattered outwards damaging the line of buildings to each side of them. The gourd contained a pocket dimension which contained a very long railgun Harry eventually crafted at Jean's nagging to make one. The bullet travelled roughly twenty times the speed of sound and were actually magically shrunken. The bullets unshrank to the size of a cannonball before it reached its target and the kinetic force could probably put a dent in the moon. This of course meant he couldn't use it on earth.

The mass of flesh reformed itself back into Selene with her clothes perfectly intact just as Harry reappeared behind her and slashed her once more. The bullet only did physical damage which was actually less than the magic damage Harry's sword strikes were dealing to her so after striking her again Harry teleported away and fired another round with his railgun.

However instead of Selene turning into paste again, the path of the cannonball sized bullet bent hard to the side the moment it was close to her. Harry sensed the spell she had just used and realized she had bent the space. Projectiles that moved using physical momentum would be turned away from her.

Harry made note of that spell and reappeared in front of her and started slashing again. He couldn't give her time to breath or escape. Both were capable of flight so the twisting buildings and mountains of rubble around them didn't get in the way.

Selene took the next slash without blocking and sent a lightning bolt spell at Harry which smashed him into a nearby building. Harry endured it and countered her next cast of Lightning with a Lightning Rod spell he cast at the ground that caused lightning to be directed to that point. Selene tried holding him in place with Psychokinesis and Harry countered by making a film of Psychokinesis around himself which allowed him to slip out of any psionic grip she placed him in.

Selene shouted, "Enough!" Twelve enormous purple glyphs appeared in the space around them and Harry felt the space lock up, preventing him from magical teleportation. Selene conjured dozens of shards of black ice and pointed them at Harry before launching them forward. Harry threw a silver ring in front of him and when it expanded, Selene saw her own back on the other side of the ring. She looked behind her to see a second ring had formed and Harry used his own psychokinesis to speed up the shards of black ice to prevent her from blocking.

Harry's Portals had so many different types of magic in them, he had yet to find a way to block them and even standard space locks could not do so.

Selene dodged a few but some of the black ice hit her and Selene's body instantly froze. Harry flew over to the ice sculpture and tried to place it in his inventory, but unsurprisingly, it didn't work. Harry could in fact put petrified non-magical animals in his inventory and hoped he could do so with a frozen person as well.

The black ice exploded as Selene's flesh and blood changed into Shadow. The Shadow expanded and engulfed Harry before reforming into Selene. She had grabbed Harry's arm and smiled. Then frowned. Her life force absorption ability was unable to drain anything from Harry.

Harry knew the gig was up. She had only humored him with this fight because she knew once she touched him, she would win. Selene was a psionic vampire and she could drain the life and will from her victims, turning them into her slaves. No matter how strong Harry was, once she had him in her grasp, she would control him. Or so she thought.

Harry released the strength energy of Cyttorak, his Immortal Dragon Chi, and created his Heavy Eldritch sword. His single slash shattered Selene's psionic barrier and cut her in two dealing many forms of damage. Harry didn't stop at one cut and sliced over and over.

Selene's dismembered body parts shifted back into Shadow and Harry cast a nonverbal Patronus charm and a bus sized dragon of light appeared within the shadow. The dragon exhaled its fire shaped light breath and from what Harry could tell, dealt serious damage to Selene.

Serious damage being relative. If Selene had a health bar at 10,000, then Harry's total damage up to this point would be less than a thousand. Of course, Selene's magic and psionics also required her life force to use. Putting out the Hellfire Fiend used over a thousand points and the skills she used up to now also used up about five hundred. Of course, this meant that Harry had only forced her down a quarter of her total might but his own magic was nearly empty. The Hellfyre Heart alone used up more than two third of his magic. Not that Selene could sense his reserves.

Selene's shadow form turned back into flesh. Harry almost flinched at her look. She was beyond livid at this point. Selene spoke calmly but her voice traveled through every inch of the mirror world. "I went easy on you because I wanted you alive. As you don't understand how to appreciate my kindness. It is time for you to die."

Harry calmly answered back, "There is still much about me you do not understand. Just remember that I did warn you. You will gain nothing from going against me."

Her eyes narrowed at that. She could tell Harry was referring to something but she could not grasp what. In any case, it was time to end this.

Harry could feel a significant portion of Selene's lifeforce was suddenly being used. In the next moment, wave after wave of psionic force spread out from Selene. Every building and structure was shattered and the space around Harry became nearly solid. Since she couldn't hold Harry, she held the space around him using her psychokinesis. The buildings getting wrecked around them was not done intentionally, but was merely a byproduct of the intense power she was using.

Suddenly, another wave was expanding outward from another direction. Harry sighed and used Load Save. Harry's body turned to dust just as the wave reached the pair and all concepts lost meaning. Solids turned to liquids and multicolored matter formed from nothing and the outlines of structures blurred and bent.

Selene's control over space was cut and caused a massive backlash as her psionic senses which should have been able to passively scan everything around her started ripping her own mind to shreds as if the knowledge of the space around her was an attack against her own mind.

Matter, space, and color blurred together and broke apart as the immortal's body crumbled and elongated. Every moment of existence dealt heavy damage to her and anything she tried to defend herself with ended up dealing more damage to her.

The bubble that engulfed her and caused this had engulfed the entire mirror city which caused the view to look like something from a Salvador Dali painting.

From the outside the bubble had lasted only a few seconds before popping but within where time and space had lost meaning so it could not be calculated if Selene experienced moments, seconds or minutes within. What could be seen however was that when the bubble popped, everything within turned to dust as reality re-established itself. Selene herself was nowhere to be seen.

Harry's particles were able to shift from his existing position back to his save point even during the collapse of causality as nothing about Harry's Load Save feature worked using logic or physics.

Harry emerged inside a closet in his room back at the Institute. One benefit Load Save had over actually dying was that he did not drop a full level. If he was 80% of the way through level 100 and died, he would return to 80% of the way through level 99. Load save however actually would take him to 99% of level 99. Just barely under the energy requirement threshold to restore his level.

Thankfully he had leveled up two days ago so there was barely a waste in dropping to 99% of the previous level. Harry Paused and went over his stats and the fight in his head.

[Harry Potter

Level 231 Age 15

STR 300 AGI 310

INT 510 WIS 475

LUK 30

Warrior Path Rank 29

Scholar Path Rank 46

Magic Path Rank 42

Tech Path Rank 36

Business Path Rank 30

Crafting Path Rank 29

Dragon Path Rank 12

Psionic Path Rank 23]

Rogue and Wanda would not stop nagging him to increase his luck and since he was inventing more often he eventually relented and brought it up to 30. The rest of his skills and stats were more rounded out since Harry was a multiclass character with stackable abilities. That's why his eldritch sword did measurable damage to Selene when a normal sword would do almost nothing and normal magic would likely not pierce through her magic defenses.

Selene herself, if Harry had to give an estimate, would have been around level 400 with a Magic Path Rank of 35 and a Psionic Path Rank of 45. Unless Jean went full Phoenix Avatar which had irreversible consequences, then Selene could be considered one of the strongest Psionics on the planet, just behind Charles when he was boosted by Cerebro. Even if Harry used everything in his inventory he had no way to kill her before she could run which was why the only thing he brought out from his inventory was the rail gun gourd. Harry could use powerful equipment to fight beings at higher levels like when he killed Chiantang but the Black Dragon fought him without flying and actually died when his heart exploded. For high level immortals who could survive their hearts exploding, Harry could only fight them until they ran away and came back for revenge one day. The demon N'astirh was a good example. Harry wanted to deal as much damage as possible before she could run which was why he didn't use Phoenix Flame.

Harry didn't know if Selene survived the Reality Bomb or not but it didn't matter. Records show that Selene was successfully killed around the 6th century and came back some time later. Even if her store life force hit zero, she could still somehow come back. She wasn't called immortal for nothing after all.

No, the point of the fight was not to kill Selene or make her flee, but to make her understand that she had nothing to gain from fighting Harry. If Harry wanted to make her flee without a fight, he would have summoned Phoenix flames instead of a Hellfyre Heart. Harry felt such a thing could permanently kill the immortal if used against her while she was in a weakened state.

This time, if she survived, she would find out that Harry had survived as well, thus making her think Harry could resurrect or was immortal like her. Immortals tended to stay out of each other's way so revealing this was the only thing Harry could do. Harry doubted she would recover the the same strength any time soon so if she did show again, Harry felt with some prep and magic armor, he could finish her off. Since he didn't show her his Phoenix Flames this fight, she wouldn't know he could end her until it was too late.

As for the reality bomb itself, it was something he needed to go back and plant. The text message he received, 'Bill and Ted BJ Cage, RB MK5,' was the shorthand of a plan. In the movie Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, which he abbreviated to Bill and Ted BJ, they used a cage against the villain which they set up by coming back from the future after defeating him with the cage. RB MK5 meant he needed to use the Reality Bomb Mark 5, his strongest weapon capable of wiping cities from the map.

Harry wouldn't consider the fight a win or loss. He had to use a reality bomb after all and she was better built for a long fight than he was. Of course, Selene was far worse off. Harry could recover spent magic and levels and the resources he lost in the reality bomb's use could be regained. Selene's Health Points were not recoverable with rest. She had to drain life force from others to regain her might and that was not an easy thing for her to do without attracting attention. Selene was a mighty enemy, but her weakness was that she could in fact be defeated by numbers if she spent more life force attacking others than she got from draining her attackers.

Harry unpaused and got out a time turner and went back three hours. He then opened a portal to MIT and another to the mirror dimension and found a place to set the reality bomb out of harm's way. He didn't need to arm it with a timer. This thing was dangerously unstable and would go off pretty easily so Harry had to set up all kinds of protections around it. The immense psionic waves Selene emitted at the end to finish him would be enough to break through the protections and set the bomb off.

Next, Harry found the room Selene intended to meet him in and created a portal to the Mirror dimension in the doorway and spent some time hiding it. He concealed himself and waited there while maintaining the portal whose silver ring was hidden in the wall, roof, and ceiling of the doorframe.

Selene eventually showed and Harry held his breath and presence with every wizard magic he could think of. Selene wasn't expecting an ambush of course so she entered the room through the door after hypnotizing one of MIT's staff to bring Harry to her.

The concealed Harry from the future then sent the text message to the current Harry who shortly afterwards was led into the room where the door was shut.

Harry cancelled the portal once the door was closed and walked over to the hypnotized staff member. Harry wasn't the type who invaded every person's mind to tell if they were controlled or not so he hadn't seen that this woman had no idea what was going on. Harry used telepathy to release her from the weak hypnosis Selene had over her and asked, "Excuse me, I seem to have gotten lost. Can you direct me to where the stage is for the Dissertation?"

The woman shook her head for a moment and asked, "Mr. Potter? Of course, right this way."

Harry met a few more of his fellow nerds and geniuses who wanted a few words with Harry he was happy to share. When it was time, someone went on stage to quiet the audience and get them ready.

Once called over Harry walked up on stage. He was tempted to imagine everyone in their underwear but far too many members of the audience were older men. In fact with the exception of his girls and some of the students from the Institute and from MIT, most of the audience were older men with many a bald spot scattered throughout the seats.

A cinematic projector lit up the wall behind him showing the slides he had prepared to introduce the basics of Metaphysics. Although on paper Harry was fifteen, six weeks sigh of his sixteenth birthday, Harry's six foot stature, well defined muscles and healthy frame could easily pass for someone in their late teens in casual clothes and early twenties when he wore professional attire. His confident gaze prevented any member of the audience from thinking he did not deserve to stand there.

"Electricity as we think of it, is a property of the electromagnetic spectrum. Now, imagine there is a planet out there that through some quirk, does not have a single ferrous metal on that planet. No iron, no copper, silver, or gold. Nothing that could conduct electricity or could turn into a magnet. Imagine if some form of life existed on that planet. Now imagine explaining electricity and magnetism to that species. Could you do it in a way they would understand? Not really. You would need to reference ferrous, electrically conductive metals. Such materials are how we interact with the electromagnetic spectrum."

Harry had several slides which showed magnets, copper wires, and semiconductors to illustrate the point.

Harry continued, "Metaphysics, is the study of other spectrums of energy previously unknown because we did not have any materials that could interact with them. Such materials do not form naturally on this planet and it was only within the last year that a means to synthesize materials that could interact with these spectrums was discovered by me."

Several hands rose of course to no doubt ask what these processes were and where Harry discovered them. Harry certainly was not going to tell people he met a Time Lord and spent centuries studying his sonic screwdriver to figure out how to use sound to alter the material physics of nearly anything.

"Hold your questions until after the lecture please. There are questions I am going to answer and questions I am not going to answer so asking either at the moment would be a waste of time. At the end of the lecture I am going to hand out ten packages which include several samples of these materials which I'll be calling Metagems and instructions on how to use them to interact with the fields I am going to go over."

Harry would of course tell everyone that he expected the care packages to be returned and he expected many of them to be stolen or 'lost.' Each metagem had a spell which combined the Portkey spell and the switching spell to make a long distance switch. After the designated time, the metagems would be swapped with identical gems which had not been processed with the Sonic Screwdriver.

There was also a spell that would destroy the gems if they were damaged so if someone tried to scrap any off, the gem would break and its properties would be lost. Not that scrapping any off would let someone make more. It was possible if you knew how to use a tiny bit of a gemstone and use it to grow more. Using such a process on Harry's metagems would either not work or cause them to turn back into normal gems.

Harry's dissertation was about two hours long and the only reason it was so short was because much of it referenced material he included in his textbooks and the dissertation was just a sample to prove that he wasn't talking out of his ass.

Once it was over Harry told everyone how they could get one of the ten sample packages.

"Any group with research purposes may apply to receive one of the packages. The group however must have a history of at least ten years and sign a form stating that all samples must be returned in the same condition they were given in two months, no later than June 17th. They must also agree to the penalties of losing any sample in the care package. Those who cannot agree to such penalties should not bother to apply for any of the samples. You must also sign an agreement that any and all findings from studying the samples must be openly published."

The sample package included seven metagems and showed how to use them and what they could do. For example, a material physics altered quartz could be used to interact with the astral plane. Altered quartz was actually how Harry's cell phones worked, they transmitted info through the astral plane which was why they could bypass physical barriers and distance. Harry used some tricks he learned from Lockheed about Astral Tech to make the signal undetectable in the astral plane without specific tools. If he didn't, then Astral travelers would be able to intercept the signal or would just be bothered greatly by it. They could even block those signals in the astral plane if they knew it was there. The fact that Xavier has not said anything and many of the Students had cell phones meant the concealing part had worked fine.

Other pieces in the package were; an altered ruby that could channel strength energy; an altered sapphire that could channel ice energy; an altered tourmaline for fire, heat, and light energy; an altered emerald for illusion energy; an altered opal for cloud and mist energy; and an altered diamond for dimension energy.

Of course Harry didn't show it off as Sorcery even though that was basically what most of them were. He used scientific jargon and called the effect 'phenomenon,' and showed charts and graphs and numbers explaining how each energy field interacted with the world.

Of course, not calling it magic didn't stop people from recognizing how unbelievable it all was. No one in the lecture hall would argue that if all the properties shown by those materials were possible, the world would change.

A number of groups did not apply for the packages either because they couldn't afford the penalty fees from losing them or because they were smart enough to realize the possibility of them being stolen and their security wasn't enough.

Harry somewhat rushed through the rest of the meetings and once the day was over he headed over to Kamar-Taj to give the Ancient One an update.

After tea, the Ancient One summarized, "Over-all I cannot say you could have done better. Using a self generated time travel loop is disturbing and there may be consequences in the future, but having tricked her into the Mirror dimension and dealing so much damage to her to the point of possibly killing her physical form is a worthwhile feat."

Harry had not left out anything about the conversation they had and the fight that followed including the spells he used and how she responded. He knew that some part of him may have wanted to be praised a little for getting one over on Selene the Immortal and he did smile at her assessment. Harry did not consider himself a hero but he was of the mind to keep the collateral damage caused by him to a minimum when he could.

The Ancient One continued, "Selene is not the only person of power you have drawn the attention of. Does the name Gene Khan, of Khan industries ring a bell?"

Harry nodded, "CEO of one of the largest, most advanced, nastiest tech companies of Asia."

The Ancient One continued, "Gene Khan is the given name of the Mandarin."

Harry froze for a moment and sighed. He did in fact give his name to that guy and showed his face. Although they were literally on the other side of the planet from each other, that didn't mean there would not be any interactions. However he accepted that he would have come to head with such a person eventually so it didn't matter.

The Ancient One then pulled out the cellphone Harry had gifted her, and after a moment handed it to Harry. The phone was on the Mystic Knowledge website the temple hosted and seemed to be a post on the forum with some pictures of old texts. The Ancient One asked, "Do you recognize this?"

Harry recognized the script of course and the content was more than a little disconcerting. Harry answered, "Pages from the Book of Erebus. Scripts about the Blood God La Magra. Where did this come from?"


[New Quest: Stop the rise of the Blood God

Vampires are plotting the Resurrection of La Magra, stop the ritual or Defeat La Magra]

The Ancient One didn't didn't see Harry get the quest and said, "It was posted by someone in New York. I believe his name is Whistler."

Next chapter