
Stories and culture 2

everyone in the hall especially the Huassain males was listening quite avidly to Sienna despite not knowing it, she was weaving a very interesting and fascinating story for them 

  "We have romance novels about men that have animal characteristics men who turn into wolves under the full moon we call them werewolves or werecats for those of us who like felines

they become very powerful beings at a special time and a woman will meet him and fall in love and tame his wild heart "

Aunty Ae laughed "I get it so earth girls are not entirely scared of men who are a bit more primal then? it's appealing to them?" 

"yes, we like our men a little exciting" Sienna said "a little bit hint of danger you know? mysterious  but not too much some women will like it a lot,

they like the big strong dominating male, there is a dom-sub, culture on earth as well I don't know if you have it here but some people are like that

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