
Hunters Arrest

the update that came by a phone call from Agent Orizen a little later

Daisuke picked up the call

"this is Agent Orizen I am calling to let you know

the hunter's ship is going to arrive on Prylea within the next hour we are going to be conducting an arrest operation, make sure all of you stay indoors

and do not leave home we will be sending some extra officers to guard your home just in case

the hunters are definitely tracking the girl's pod the Huassain kids were very valuable

the going price of just one Huassain child with special features like furred ears and tails

is several million galactic credits so the hunters could not afford to lose them"

"what about the other kids?" Daisuke asked

"they have been rescued safely" the Agent replied

"The six other children have been taken to medical facilities,

some of them were injured and some of them were ill due to the period of time they were held captive on the ship lack of care and lack of proper nutrition,

and they had been given various drugs, to keep them unconscious, have left the children in a poor state of health, but their families have already been notified they have been found,

and rescued after they recover we will be sending them home,

thank you for the heads up we will make sure to take all precautions during the next hour "

Daisuke walked around the house checking all doors and windows making sure they locked and secured even the garage was in lockdown,

the living room had been turned into

something of a nest, pillows, and blankets covered the floor

and game controllers in the hands of Sadeska Rhakem and Quin playing video games on the holoscreen with Zane and Liam the kids now referred to both as "Uncle" and

Kaleb was "big brother" since his personality was so playful and easy-going he did not seem much older than the children themselves the kids liked him a great deal

trays of snacks and drinks were being held by various robots that melody had arranged for

convenience within easy reach so that the kids had something to snack on,

the house felt very full and crowded but it was very lively and filled with much laughter and kids playful happy chatter

sienna and Ziya were napping upstairs while Kanna and Melody were sorting out the band's schedules for their awards shows in Melody's studio

Daisuke's phone rang and he picked up

"Daisuke I am outside your home what is going on? why are they planetary guardians outside they won't let me in"

"Mr. Williams?" Daisuke replied in surprise

Daisuke took Mr. Williams call into another room which was much quieter so they could talk

"we had a bit of a situation" Daisuke began explaining the entire situation to him

"The last update we got was that the hunter's ship was an hour away incoming

so it's going to be over soon we just have to wait and take care of the children for now

and then when it's safe we will send them back to their families on Huassain"

"Daisuke you should have called me and told me about this situation" Mr. WIlliams said

"I know you're our label head but this has nothing to do with our music so it's not your job to take care of it for us" Daisuke said

"you guys just released an album" Mr. Williams said "and I am getting a million phone calls about you guys"

"the awards shows are coming up and you all have rehearsals this weekend

what are you going to do with the kids?"

"we will handle it don't worry," Daisuke said with complete confidence

Mr. Williams released a sigh of frustration "you kids take care of it carefully!

if this were any different day you wouldn't have time to be here babysitting! do you understand what I'm saying?

and you can't let the media catch wind of this no broadcast got that?"

"I understand Mr. Williams" he replied patiently

"if you have something going on you have to let us know so that we can deal with it accordingly I only came because I called you and you bearly spoke to me before hanging up"

"I was sleeping" Daisuke replied "we had stayed at the record shop and extended the event until really late plus we had done the music video shoots and radio interview without much rest in between plus the party yesterday we were all exhausted"

"thats, why I had not scheduled anything for you guys" Mr. Williams, said "because I knew you pushed hard so I let you guys have a few days off to prepare for the awards show you guys better be ready"

"we will" Daisuke assured him "we have everything under control I will call you and let you know next time"

"will these kids be gone by then?" Mr. Williams asked

"don't worry about the kids we will handle it accordingly," Daisuke said

"you had better," Mr. Williams said "ill take my leave then"

Mr. Williams turned his plane around and left

the time ticked by seemingly slowly as Daisuke quietly kept watch over his family

Agent Orizen called back an hour and a half later

"We have them the hunters and their ship had been captured and the hunters are all arrested"

"Thats a relief," Daisuke said "thank you for calling"

"There are going to be further investigations into their operations," Agent Orizen said

"the buyers on Belezon are also caught during the black market auction by Xierien and a team of galactic guardians with him

so we have successfully arrested the criminals on both ends of the child smuggling gang"

"great so how we getting these kids home," Daisuke asked

"We were planning on using transportal technology to beam the kids back to Huassain" he explained

"However, the situation depends on getting a ship to Huassain to complete the network of beams

required to get them home we are literally attempting to build the children a beaming bridge to

Huassain by connecting the beams of the ships together, the distance will be astronomical and would require a number of large ships with the technology to be in place at various locations across the two solar systems synchronizing their transportal beams together to beam the children safely from one solar system to the next or else

we could loan them a ship but it could take them a month of direct flight on a ship to get there, and if we put them on a commercial ship, it will be longer to about three months because of the various stops along the way they will also need an escort, a team of agents to accompany them safely home to Huassain

the kids had already been missing from home since some weeks ago so we want to get them home as soon as possible"

"can you guys take care of the kids for a few more days? until we can complete the arrangements" he asked

"ok we will do our best to manage the kids we also want to make sure the kids are safely returned home" Daisuke agreed

"then thank you I will call back with the updates take care of the kids," Agent Orizen said

the band gathered for a meeting after dinner and putting the kids to bed

"what are we going to do about rehearsals?" Zane asked "we have to be at the venue tomorrow"

"We take the kids with us," Melody said "Kanna and I are not performing so we don't have to rehearse for anything only you guys do and I can still film the behind the scenes footage,

it will be even easier actually cause Rhakem is really interested in technology he is willing to help me because he wants to learn so we just find something to keep the kids occupied they should be fine"

"Besides, it's my job as band manager to manage things like this for the band" Kanna added

"The kids are old enough to be able to know how to behave themselves with the exception of baby Ziya but she is easily managed"

"I guess we can ask the staff to cooperate to let us have the kids on the bus" Liam said thoughtfully

"Why bother? I can fly them in the horizon plane and I can make sure it's packed with whatever the kids need for the day and its better if we keep the kids close with us just in case" Kanna said

"let's not make things difficult it's our own problem, not the staff's let's deal with it on our own" Kanna said

"I agree," Melody said "we have to show Mr. Williams we are capable of managing both our job Schedules and our actual lives well even if something like this happens, we can't fall apart so easily"

"and I'm betting this won't be the last time we have to juggle something important going on in our lives, with our job as idols, who knows how the future will turn out," Sienna said

"All alright then it sounds reasonable," Daisuke said "and I think this happening is a valuable lesson we might as well learn now rather than later"

"Does anyone have any objections or other issues they need to discuss?" Zane asked

"no, we are fine I am sure everyone will do their best to help out with the kids so melody and Kanna won't have too much of a hard time," Kaleb said

Liam nodding "I think we can manage just fine the kids are cool and well behaved so far"

everyone agreed

Next chapter