

The black van with red stripes on the back doors and only two windows at the front left the Merry Block apartment from behind with the men in it. They traveled in the direction of the casino where the other cars joined them. Most of them were electric cars and so it was nearly impossible for the guys to know if they were being followed.

After leaving the Oasis it was then again evident of where they were, people in rags sat outside of ruined apartments TVs were being thrown all over the place. Furniture soared as men in black suits made their presence felt.

"Do our evictions happen like that too?" Monke asked.

"Huh, it really depends on who is being evicted and why. We normally evict someone if they are unable to pay for their rent in the second month, how fast it happens depends on the market then."

"Look at you," Monke turned with a huge smile on his face. "Smartass player, I bet you wanna go to college too."

"I will crash this van and kill both of us," Po said with a serious look on his face.

"There is no need to be shy, little Einstien." Monke leaned against his chair and laughed.

Po left the wheel and started hitting Monke as the van swerved out of the road and missed a traffic light barely. It hopped on the street and came off on the other side on to a lane opposing them.


"YOOO! SHIT!!!" Po screamed as he avoided two vehicles and eventually jumped back into their lane. After a brief moment of silence, he whispered, "check the GPS."

Monke turned to look at him like he was crazy, Po laughed, "I said check the GPS are we lost?"

"The nerve," Monke laughed. "You could've killed us both."

"We are still alive aren't we?" Po happily drove forward.

They arrived at their destination with an hour to spare. The Bey building looked like nothing but a huge parking space building with a little house on top. They drove in with all their people and followed the GPS until the final floor.

True to the secretary's predictions there were many people there with the enemy's side. It a good thing they didn't skimp on back up, Monke and Po even wore helmets and bulletproof vests.

In front of them were 19 people with sacks over their heads and they were kneeling in a line. Behind them was a man in red tracksuits, the top jacket was not zipped all the way up so his bulletproof vest was also visible.

All of their cars' lights were on so it was a bit hard for Monke's guys to see. In response to this Monke's people did not get the hostages and most of them retreated to behind their car doors, including Monke and Po.

"You don't seem to want your people back, is the Monkey King really as heartless as everyone says he is?" The man on the red tracksuit stood up from the hood of his BMW e30.

"I might be, but then again you might be the one making it impossible for me to express compassion for my men."

"Is that so? If they were really your men shouldn't you be standing boldly in the center to get them back? Shouldn't a general be glad to die for his soldiers?"

"Will you trade your life for the people in the back of my van?"

A few seconds passed and the car lights started going off one by one until only the BMW was lit. "Does it look better now?"

"I've decided that I value my life more."

"Then why did we come here in the first place if you were going to be selfish?" Po whispered to Monke.

"Shut up for a second." Monke hushed him and realized his hand to signal for one of the guys to be released. A few seconds later a man in a black suit came to the front with a tied up boy in a white robe and he also rocked a sack on his head.

"Let's cut to the chase, I only brought with me ten of your men because the others escaped while I was looking for their seniors," Monke said as he stepped up from behind the door, the lights to his van were also turned on and cranked all the way up to their brightest.

"Do you expect me to believe that you let enemies escape from under your nose?" He took out a gun and placed it on the head of the person in front of him. "I'll shoot."

"If those were your intentions then you wouldn't just simply tell me, besides there are a lot of policemen roaming this area. Can you afford to make a commotion?" Monke calmly said he had also observed that there were at least three shooters now on the enemy's side. They brought ten including him and Po, but they had no intention of wasting bullets on such foolish altercations.

"You're right, if the police were to come here it should be because I've successfully removed the biggest thorn on my heel." He pointed the gun at Monke and immediately 4 shooters on Monke's side took out their guns.


"Enough!" Monke exclaimed at the guy shouting. He bowed and apologized. "Just give me my people, we have you outnumbered and outgunned. Even if you win you won't be able to handle the police." Monke said calmly.

The guy lowered his pistol and thought about it for a second, "how about this? Since we are not sure about the well being of our other men, you will give us three silencers in exchange for ten of your men?" He chuckled.

"HOW BOLD AND AUDACIOUS.." Again Monke was forced to quiet down a guard.

"I can only do 2, anymore and I'll be fucking insane."

Tracksuit raised his hand and the car engines started, Monke's side responded with the same energy, and the cars revved with all their might releasing smoke into the air. Lights were on and the scenery was barely visible.

No one took the first shot, in a world were firearms were illegal each shot was supposed to be an absolute kill. The very sound of a bullet being shot will attract a swarm of officers to whatever place it came from.

The guy in the red tracksuit grinned, 'fucking fancy cars can't even make enough sound to drown a gunshot. We are clearly outgunned and if they fired we'll be on the losing side.'

"For now," he chuckled and dropped his hand, all of the engines stopped one at a time including his. "You guys are bloody unprofessional," he yelled to Monke. "For now I'll settle for two silencers."

Once the deal was done Monke and his guys left the building first, after being about a block away the police in the area moved in to apprehend the rival gang. Before leaving, the secretary advised that they give the police a false tip about a drug deal.

But Monke's underlings even went as far as putting actual drugs under the white robes they had dressed the hostages with. But of course, they didn't tell him, because drugs were one of his least favorite things in life.

Monke thought that the silencers he gave will be enough to incriminate those guys which is why he wasn't too worried. But his face still looked conflicted, he had his head down and couldn't even gag with Po just like they did on their way to the scene.

"It's okay man, we didn't lose anybody this time. You should have a smile on your face."

"No, I feel like we are missing something." Monke sighed.

"I understand how you feel too, the Oasis was carefully placed in the middle of the city and it is also the center of the Divinity family. No one in their right mind would attack it directly unless they were trying to hide something from us." Said the secretary on an earpiece both Monke and Po had. He was also the one who told Monke how to act at the incident and breastfed him his dialogue.

"Are you guys trying to jinx a good turn of events? If you keep prophesying bad things they will come to pass. It is better to remain simple-minded at times." Po turned to look at Monke. "Kind of like someone I used to know, he has been cranky ever since he got a taste of power."

Monke turned and forced a smile on his face, "who is cranky I'll grab that wheel and drive us into that truck."

Po burst out laughing, "as if. You're so afraid of death it's comical at times." He stopped laughing but still kept his smile up. "Yeah, death is funny."

"I don't remember laughing at someone's demise. Death is pain."

"Pain is a symbol of gain."

"What can you gain from death?"

"Well, I got you didn't I?"

Monke looked back down and smiled, "Yeah, I got you." suddenly a memory of his mother getting gunned down in her bedroom while he was hiding in the closet as a kid flashed instantly before going away.

"Do you believe in the supernatural?" Monke asked.

"Only a kid would believe in something like that." The secretary burst out laughing from the other side of the earpiece. Po joined him and Monke finally got a kick out of being made fun of and laughed too.

Next chapter