
237- War on the Horizon Pt.2

Sarda, Year of Severus, 18, I.R., the 83rd day of Spring, Broken Spring


The townsfolk were still hesitant with Nullus plan but at this point, they don't have a choice. The townsfolk took the best cart they could find and placed three jars of the fermenting wine they made weeks prior. The fruity scent of the wine dissipated in the air as a few of its contents spilled from the transfer.

"The wine is very sweet!" One of the townsfolk commented. "I have never smelled such wonder aroma in all my years of drinking wine!" He added.

"Aelderman Hostea, are you sure it's alright to trust him in this?" Another elder asked.

"Sure, this man was a bad drunkard once, but remember how he saved us from hunger? No one never trusted him then, but he went on and made those watermelons work. So, if there's anyone here who has a good idea of what he's doing, that's Nullus." Aelderman Hostea looked at him and answered with a smile.

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