
Dwyrvyn Tongue

I. History

The Dwyrvyn tongue is used by the Dwarves of the Eastend Mountains. Their entire language was based on the Yldar tongue that they mimicked from the Yldars of the East during the Age of Wonders when the ley lines flowed, and savage monsters roamed the world.

The language itself was not an accurate representation to the Yldar tongue as the Yldar's language itself sound differently to the other races. It was the intelligent dwarves who created their first system of language in the new world. It wasn't taught to them like how the elves and the other races had theirs.

It was during the reign of the Dwarven/ Dwyrvyn King Ryvhstr two centuries after the Age of Wonder that the language was finally transcribed to an official book and was taught to the other races.

II. Distinctions

The Dwyrvyn Tongue is pronounced phonetically. It is spelled with no vowels and requires the use of a rolling tongue pronounciation for the "R".

III. Dwyrvyn Alphabet/Phonetics

B /bii/

C /sii/



















IV. Rules:

1. Any letter paired with the "H" will be pronounced with an "a" or "e" sound.

e.g. bh /bha or bhe/

Bhstyrd (bastard)

Dhrk (dark)

Fhlsk (flask)

2.If the second letter of the word is "W" it is pronounced with a /wa/ or /we/ sound.

E.g. a. Dw /Dwa/ or /Dwe/

Dwyrvyn (dwarven)

Dwynd ( Dwende)

b. E.g. Gw /Gwa/ or /Gwe/

eg Gwyryr (Gweryer)

3. If the first two letters are the same, "Ll" or "Mm" it will be pronounced like "ow' or "uw"

E.g. Hhs /hows/- ( house)

Ccw /cow/

Note: This rule is seldom used because the dwyrvyn tongue and dwyrvyn scripts does not words spelled like these. They believe that it is bad luck to write or say names with the same letters. They believe that the pronunciation sounded like as if someone has been in pain.

4. If there is no "y" in between two letters it is automatically pronounced with either "a".


Mgyk (Magic)- there is an absence of the letter y in between M and G, thus it had to be read as Magyk

5.The last letter of the word will be pronounced reversely. Letters that end with R,S,F,M,N,H are exemptions to the rule.

E.g. Fhnytyk (Phonetic) originally the letter "k" is pronounced as "kiy" but on this setting it's pronounced as /yik/

E.g. for exemptions Fhyr (fire) the letter is pronounced as "iir" and will retain it.

Dear Readers,

This would be updated as it goes.

I hope you enjoy using this language!

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