
First Day of School, Zeppo Style

The night of Danny's confession, he decided to sleep. He still lacks the proper physical stats to ignore sleep for a week even with the boost to his status from the bought points.

As such


Body: 4 + 21 =25

Mind: 11 + 29 =40

Spirit: 3420

'Danny's base points were shit, but it is acceptable for a teen I guess' Xander couldn't help sigh

[Actually Boss, his highest stat would be spirit. It's how he was able beat all those ghosts who have more experience than him]

'So… plough through them with violence?'

[for him, I would say no, for you, who has 300 times the spiritual power of an average human, definitely yes]

'Heh, will keep that in mind' Xander went to bed that night with a smile, he was getting stronger, he never thought about it that way, and he is nowhere near a god… but he's getting there


-Next Morning-

"Danny, could you get the door?" called his mom

"Sure thing mom" he liked saying that word… "Mom" not "Sure" or "Thing"… in case you misunderstood

Opening the door, Xander found Sam and Tucker standing there "Morning Danny" Sam greeted

"Yeah, yeah, never mind that. DUDE this Ghost is awesome" Tucker gestured towards the Ghost replica blueprints.

Xander replicated the Ghosts in the AGE universe. He hated using something he doesn't understand, so he made his own.

"It's more advanced any drones out there and the use of micro pulsers to levitate while maintaining the same power output at any altitude…" tucker went on and on about the tech while Danny watched with amusement

Sam however, just rolled her eyes in exasperation at her friend's antics. She turned to Danny as he invited them in and marched Tucker towards the kitchen for those lovely, lovely pancakes of misses Fenton…

Get your head out of the gutter


Amity High is your average school with the usual groups and cliques. Your experience in this hell (as many saw it) is entirely based on your social status. This usually boils down to three things.

Willingness to study.

Willingness to exercise.

Willingness to dress to impress.

Grades guarantee your parents/teachers approval.

Exercise insures you don't get bullied, additionally, if you play sports, the first requirement may not become necessary.

The final subject is about how many people want to ride your bone and are willing to impress you for it as well as impression people get when interacting with you.

That's how Danny explained it to Sam and Tucker…

"Wow man… just wow" Tucker aptly summarised his thoughts

"Is that what the memories told you?" Sam asked, unsure how she feels not being the one with the most cynical look on high school

"Not exactly, it's more of the combination of their mentality plus my own thoughts on the matter" Danny explained

"That's… impressive" Sam concluded as they entered the school and were now heading to their lockers

"Anyhow, I'm going to test the ghost abilities today, want to come by?" Danny asked

"Uh, DUH! Like I would miss that for anything" Tucker snarked accompanied by Sam nodding

"Great, I'll…" Danny was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder shoving him aside

Unfortunately, Xander's instincts took hold and he spun with the hand that was still on his left shoulder. Preforming a perfect though instinctive shoulder through, he was able to avoid slamming the victim to the floor by releasing him early.

As the blond Jock was sent sailing towards the nearby lockers, Danny could only think 'shit'


The sound reverberated across the morning traffic heavy hallway, causing silence across as the students couldn't exactly fathom the sight of the school's jock/bully Dash crumbled in a heap on the floor in front of the 'usually' punching bag Danny with a couple of badly deformed lockers nearby.

"What is going on here?" asked the bane of Danny's existence, vice principle Lancer as he breached the encirclement of gathered students

"I was attacked and instinctively defended myself" Danny spoke firmly with a confident eye to eye contact with Lancer

"Yeah right" Lancer rolled his eyes "YOU" he pointed his finger at Danny, too close to comfort "have detention for assaulting a student"

Danny's eyes bugged as did Sam's, she was about to jump on Lancer's neck but was stopped by Tucker who pointed at Danny as his eyes started to faintly Glow with purple for his right and gold with his left, though faint enough for most not to notice.

"I see, in that case I'm leaving" Danny said as he turned to exit the building

"What, you can't leave" Lancer spoke, his voice filled with indignation

"I no longer feel safe in this school as the vice-principle is encouraging bullying" Danny paused and turned "I'll have to tell my parents and contact the city council about this, have nice day Mr Lancer" he nodded and walked away

Sam and Tucker followed him soon after, choosing to join him on the way back "Dude, that was AWESOME" Tucker was practically vibrating from the adrenalin pumping through him

"Y-y-yeah… awesome" Sam spoke much more reservedly with a bright blush radiating off her face 'and SO HOT' she thought

"That's not all" Danny laughed then took out a futuristic looking phone "Scarlet, did you get it?"

[Got it, here is the footage] the phone's screen showed the security footage of what happened earlier, along with several other incidents of Dash bullying Danny

"Wow, how did you get all that" Tucker asked as he was examining the phone

"Scarlet can hack anything, right Scarlet?" Danny smiled proudly

[Of course Boss] she chirped

"COOL" Tucker shouted in excitement

"Um, Danny… I- I'll tell my parents about this if you email me the footage, I can show it to them… um… they're on the school council and city council… I bet they could help" Sam stuttering speech was interrupted when Danny held her hand with a soft smile

"Did you hear that Scarlet?" Danny spoke

[Already sent] the charming voice confirmed

Danny turned to Sam still smiling "Make us proud love" Danny joked with a 'silly' British accent he used to use at willow to make her laugh

What he didn't know was that, being as experienced he is, he simulated it beyond silly and into downright James Bond level sexy. So much so that Sam felt Danny's voice when he said the word love reverberate through her spine.

"W-w-will do" she managed then gathered her courage and took a deep breath "if you promise to keep calling me that"

The fact that even with her courage gathered she couldn't look him in the eyes was kinda pitiful she confessed

"Anything for you love" Danny shot again with a smirk

Sam felt it again, it was bliss "say, um, if you aren't doing anything tomorrow, want to, I mean…"

"Sure" Danny interrupted

"Really" she turned to him with big bright eyes

"It's a date" he smirked causing her blush to practically shine "oh, but we already have an arrangement with Tucker… where is tucker?" Danny asked as the third of the trio was nowhere to be found

[He told me to give you a message to "Get a room, I'm going home"] the voice was definitely Tucker's causing the pair to blush but as they caught each other's looks they couldn't help but laugh

"Let's go, call your pants to meat us at my place, I'll call Tucker to bring his" Danny suggested and Sam complied


By the time Danny got home with Sam, Sam's parents, Tucker and his family were already there.

He barely stepped through the threshold before a woman with a 60s style hair cut rounded on him "YOU"

Xander, being used to this decided to play along. So with a grand gesture he took a villainous stance "YES, it was me all along"

"What?" the woman muttered, face set in a confused visage

Not waiting for her to get her thoughts straight he continued "and I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids" his fist was held in the air as if cursing his rueful luck

The snickers and muffled laughter broke the Manson parents from their shock as Jeremy Manson decided to take over as his wife seems to be malfunctioning.

"We got a phone call from school saying you got in a fight and that you got our children involved" Jeremy explained

Danny shrugged, took out his phone, pressed a few buttons and pointed it at the living room T.V "watch" he concluded

On the T.V everyone can see Danny, Sam and Tucker talking happily when suddenly they were shoved aside by a much larger boy. Gasps were heard when everyone saw the following turn of events as Danny basically threw a boy almost twice his size several feet across the hallway and towards the lockers opposite.

"this is where Mr Lancer came in and I told him I was attacked and acted on base instinct" the gathered parents can see the exchange though without audio as Lancer pointed a finger at Danny an inch from his face "and here is where he assigned me detention for being bullied" he spoke in a not at all suitable cheerful manner "now, who wants to see the other incidents of bullying involving me and Dash" he concluded as a list showed up to the side with titles such as:

Shoved into a locker #6

Hit by a Football #4

And Danny's favourite: Playful punch #7

"This is outrageous" Voiced Pamela Manson

"Ahem" Danny coughed drawing her attention. When she turned to him, she saw him looking at her with a raised brow and judgmental eyes

Pam couldn't help but fidget and squirm under his gaze. She looked like a five year old caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Eventually the silence was too much and she spoke a soft "I'm sorry"

Danny nodded "apology accepted, but please hear both sides next time Mrs Manson"

She simply nodded then regained her previously set self-righteous demeanour "we will get to the bottom of this, please call all of the PTA members Angela, I'll get the school council" she spoke clearly with anger lacing every word

"On it Pam" Tucker's mom nodded "you want in Maddie?"

"Sure" nodded Maddie Fenton in an excited Manner "Just let me get the baseball bat"

The male contingency in the room didn't know what to do at the moment, but one thing for sure:

Don't get between a mama bear and the one who poked her children

Maurice, Tucker's dad turned to Jack and Jeremy "So~, wanna get out of town for a while, say for…" he struggled for a bit to find an excuse

Jeremy decided to help a brutha out "Fishing, I have a new yacht that I have been meaning to go on a trip in for a while"

Jack added his two cents "what a great idea, I have a few new inventions I wanna field test like the Fenton ice box and the Fenton fishing rod"

All three of them met each other's' gaze and in unison they nodded, turned and called "HONEY, I'M GOING FISHING WITH THE BOYS"

With a trio of "HAVE FUN" from the distracted moms, the men ran for their lives, leaving the trio standing there, mouths agape.

Xander tried to appease what happened to himself by muttering 'must be cartoon logic'

I’ve been reading all these serious stories about serious MCs and I’m like, can’t we all just have some silliness in our lives, so…


TADAAA ~( ̄▽ ̄)~


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