
Chapter 53

It has been a week since the irritating event of those shitty aliens invading. I was currently relaxing in an open field on Perfectum. I was reading news on the internet about what Earth is calling "The Great Disaster". Which makes sense, because hundreds of thousands of people died around the globe.

While I was browsing the internet, my draconic son was busy trying to burn everything in the field. I shake my head at that, of course, one of my children would be a pyromaniac. He is lucky it would grow back, otherwise I would have to restrict his fire breath with my magic.

"Dad, I make the green go boom." Draigoch the barely 2-year-old dragon excitedly babbled out. It was honestly cute, but I bet a lot of people would see it instead as scary. After all, my son was the size of a horse.

Poor Elsa is the midget of the family. I actively shrink myself since, after the use of the power stone, my true size has increased to double what it was. I may not be blue anymore, but I am more giant than Laufey ever was.

"Good job, I am sure you will make bigger booms when you are bigger." I probably shouldn't encourage this behaviour, but I like seeing my children happy. His happiness is worth the lives of a few ants or property damage.

"Really. I wanna be as big as Jormy too."

"Unfortunately my child, unless you study magic to change sizes, I don't see you achieving that feat soon," I said, causing him to pout. It was a weird look on a dragon, but no less cute. Maybe I am just biased. "It's time for you to get to bed, you need your energy to grow."

"But I am not tired." He says while yawning. I refrain from snickering and lead him to his room before teleporting to Midgard, the land of the short-lived people and some longer-lived people.

I am a billionaire and what people usually expect from people like myself, is them spending millions, if not billions on random charities. Which shockingly I never did. I just never saw the point, I know I am not a kind person, and frankly don't see humans as anything more than entertainment. Frankly, I deserve a gold medal for not faking that I care by doing fundraisers, drives, etc.

Now I see a benefit to wasting my money on people, I frankly don't value scouting out the heroes. Tony Stark was feeling humanitarian, and decided to host a fundraiser to fix the property damage of the USA. Which in itself would need billions of dollars.

As I put on my best tuxedo and comb my hair, I lament being invited. I had a nice thing going on for me being an ancient shut-in, just reading books, doing magic, playing and creating games. I can choose not to go, but it's time to meet the local heroes.

After my grooming was done, I headed to my garage and got into one of my custom made cars. Its max speed was 500 km/h or if you are American, 5468 football fields. I had supernatural reflexes that let me outperform Franklin's special ability so I could handle the max speed.

As I drive to Stark's tower, I question myself why I even made the car so fast since road rules limit the speed I drive. As I am stuck in traffic, I begin to question why I didn't just take a helicopter, New York isn't actually known for its clear streets.

After 30 minutes since I got into the car, I finally arrived, even though I live just a km away from the tower. If I hadn't had a mini tv in the car I would have probably just given up on my quest.

Showing my invitation to the security guard I enter the tower and expect him to lead me to the place, but he just points to the elevator.

"How am I supposed to know what floor I am supposed to go to," I asked.

"Just enter the elevator, it will automatically lead you to the right floor." He said.

I just nod toward him and enter the elevator. If I didn't know better, I would think this is hella sus. He let his AI be an elevator doorman thingie, I am surprised Jarvis hasn't tried a Skynet. The elevator music wasn't too bad, so I had to give that to Stark.

I arrived at a giant room that could house a regular person's house. There were a lot of people here, either journalists or rich bastards. I guess I could count as one of the rich bastards or 'The Rich Bastard' since I am the richest here.

Although I spend most of my focus on game development, I don't neglect Youtube or Netflix, which are my major revenue service. That isn't even counting all my treasures through the centuries I have accumulated.

"Hello there," I said as Tony Stark came into my view. "I am surprised you invited me, and even somewhat more surprised that your invitation letter reached my very private penthouse."

Not really since I never tried to hide, and my AI is far better than his. What I don't know however is his intention. A quick peek into his mind reveals that he has recently studied Norse mythology, which is unsurprising since two Norse figures showed up and helped the other day. With me having the name Loki and my company's name having a correlation with the name Loki, it is obvious why he would suspect me. Upon trying to investigate me with his AI, he found out he couldn't hack my cameras.

"I just wanted to invite the second most wanted bachelor. Give you a chance to do some good."

"Second best. Aren't you forty or something?" I raise one eloquent eyebrow. While I am more than a thousand years olds, I still have the looks of a mid-twenty-year-old unlike the wrinkly guy in front of me.

"Semantics, semantics. I like to think I aged like fine wine. You know as the kids would say, I have a bit of a dilf aura." Tony said. "I am surprised you came though since you're famous for being a recluse, finally decided to leave the videogames."

"I wanted to meet the Avengers, you know see what is with all the hype," I said trying to ignore the part where he referred to himself as a dilf. "I hear this place will turn into a base for them. It's good with real superheroes moving here, I would feel so much safer."

Did I imply he was a subpar hero compared to the rest, yeah, but the dude mocked my love for video games? So I could afford to be petty.

"They are all here except Magni the supposed god of strength of the Norse Mythology, you wouldn't know about him, would you?" He replies the last part offhandedly. I didn't even think he was hiding that he suspected me, which honestly amused me.

"This is the first information I have heard about him aside from the youtube videos people shot about his fights or the press convergence you gave. But seeing him defeat the Hulk, I am certain the title god of strength makes sense, even if I am not a religious person myself." I said, not even trying to come up with an impressive lie.

"Thanks for the talk, though didn't your parents tell you it was bad to believe in superstition? The name Loki was given to me by my parents so you if associate me with them, just because of that, I will have to question your famous intellect."

We talked(insulted each other) for a while before I walked away leaving a contemplative Tony behind. My identity being exposed has never been a particular concern of mine. Sure I did that whole convoluted plan to gain an identity, but that is only for getting access to money since I can't get anything done without one.

Grabbing a glass of wine from one of the trays, I chug it down before making my way through, looking for my next conversation partner.

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