
Chapter 38

Creating an afterlife as you can imagine, isn't a very fun activity, and frankly almost impossible for the average magic user. Playing god usually doesn't end well for people, ask the original me or Thanos who got himself snapped by a man with a nanotech suit. Unfortunately, pride is my main sin, so you can see why I would nosedive right into the activity.

The first thing to create is a dimension, and I know the perfect location. A mirror world on Perfectum will do, or close enough since I don't want my dead souls to see what happens on Perfectum. I will have to change the place up.

There are dozens of ways to create a dimension, but rituals are an easy and efficient way. I already have a sacrifice in mind. The abomination is powerful enough to be the sacrifice for the ritual, and now I just need to find him.

"Oracle call our little spy. I need the whereabouts of that guy who ruined Harlem." I say.

"Your command shall be swiftly fulfilled." The ever-loyal AI states.

A few hours later, Yelena comes into my office. I had a chair open for her, and being the obedient follower she is, she immediately sits.

"What do you need, boss?"

"I need to find out where the abomination is. You can either infiltrate Shield to find where he is located, or secure some of his blood so I can use a locator spell."

"The first option will be difficult, and I doubt his blood is just hanging around."

I take a bracelet out of the drawer and hand it to her. "This will allow you to shapeshift to any person you can think of. Make good use of it."

"Got it. This won't take too long then."

"Nice job. You jinxed it. Now I have to wait weeks." I sigh.

"Don't believe in silly superstitions. It will be fine." She waves off.

"I am god. Of course I believe in fate. Doesn't mean I let it dictate me."

I sent her off on the mission, while being bummed that the fuckers didn't keep the info on their network. A smart move, since I would wreck them in cyber warfare. Luckily, I have a pet assassin to do my job for me. Maybe I should let a clone work at shield, but then it would just give information that I can get through hacking them anyway.

When a week passed without getting the location, I knew Murphy's law had kicked in. Damn, you Yelena, why couldn't you keep your mouth shut. Luckily a few hours later, she came back with the location. One quick teleport to Vault, a cryo-cell located at a facility in Barrow, Alaska, and I had my sacrifice. I wish I had a TV screen to watch the soldiers' reactions to the disappearing monster.

I am currently on Perfectum with the ugly monster cursing at me. He was in a ritual circle with a powerful barrier around him, that was impossible for him to break, not that he wouldn't stop trying.

"As much as I love listening to your voice Emily. Could you be quiet, I am trying to make sure your sacrifice is perfect."

"Let me out of here and I won't kill you too badly."

"Why would I? You're going to help me create heaven. Don't worry, your noble sacrifice won't be forgotten." I say as I continue drawing the ritual and putting the necessary ingredients where it is.

"You son of a whore!!"

"As an orphan, I am deeply offended by your words. Ever watch Harry Potter, the inspiration for this spell comes from it." I say as I cast an equivalent of the crucio curse . Watching the thing squirm in pain, filled me with pleasure.

I don't like when people insult what is mine, I was just going to kill him, but I think I want him to be the first person who will enter my hell. One torture session later, I end the scmhucks life and watch as my dimension forms.

It was far bigger than my little portable planet thanks to space magic, and I removed the effect that let people see Perfectum from here. Don't want souls to see my secrets, or me boning Hela or anyone else, I am not an exhibitionist. Fortunately not everyone from the known universe will be able to enter my little afterlife, only people with my mark.

I marked Abomination, or also known as Emily Blondie, I prefer this and not his old name. He is the first resident of the punishment half of my afterlife. There is only one other resident currently, but he is in the nicer area.

The place is divided, so no resident of Hell will meet a resident of Heaven. Those are just temporary names since I don't have a good naming sense and don't currently have access to google random name generator. Teleporting towards the Heaven area, I'm met by an old man with only one eye. Only he looks like a 30 year old midgardian and has both his eyes.

"Loki." Odin said.

"Father. How do you like the place? It's better than oblivion I hope."

"Where is this place? How am I healed, and how am I alive?"

"Nirvana, or at least it will be when I add more features. Healed isn't the right word, more like dead and in the afterlife, my afterlife to be exact."

"I see." Odin said with a thoughtful expression. "You have come a long way from the baby I picked up. Creating things of wonder, I suppose creating an afterlife isn't out of the question for you."

"Flattery will get you nowhere. I may have created this place, but resurrection is not one of my abilities." I lied. I could put his soul in a new body, but why would I? I already saved him from oblivion, since I doubt Valhalla is an actual place here.

My familial duty is done, if my mother dies one day she would be happy that Odin is here, unless she moves on, then it would just be awkward. Not that I plan for my mother to die. I am immortal and extremely possessive. Not even death can take the things that belong to me.

"My job as king of Asgard is done. I will have Thor take care of it from now on. Tell me about matters after my death."

I spent the hour updating him about Asgard's affairs. I don't have to worry about him somehow leaving. Only I can use magic here and that magic is currently being used to create golems and homunculi for the residents of Nirvana and the Abyss. I finally thought of two generic names that make sense, so I am satisfied.

An/n: Sorry that I uploaded the chapter so late. School and exams have been a pain in my ass but luckily I have the rest of the week off which I use to binge a story or anime. Anyways thanks for the support and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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