
Chapter 23

Moving at the speed of sound I smash the shark with Sortem in the form of a war hammer. The giant shark gets sent back flying because of the impact. Teleporting behind where it would be landing I hit him again to send him flying but he stops midway.

It growls in rage at me and if I was less of a dick I would not be trying to encourage his rage even further, but just like Thor was born to be mighty I was born to be a metaphorical dick.

"You look a bit down mate, maybe I have to wait for lava girl to show up for you so that you would offer a better challenge." I mock while using a spell to be able to speak his language so that he can understand my taunt.

Although he doesn't get my reference he still becomes angrier. It swims forwards at frightening speeds for someone so large. He headbutts me and I am sent flying through the water. I crash into a rock breaking it upon impact.

"All of that for just a drop of blood." I say before wiping the drop of my blood that came out of my nose. "I guess this is going to be more fun than I thought."

Flying towards it I immediately begin hitting it with my fists causing shockwaves to form because of the power of the blows. It tries to counterattack but since I am so small compared to it I can easily dodge.

Sortem flies towards me turning into a gauntlet before placing itself on my hand. The shark tries to headbutt me again, but its head meets my gauntlet and I can hear cracks before he gets sent flying again.

My attack opened his head and I can see the insides. Fortunately for him, it doesn't look as if his brain was in his head or else he would be brain dead right now.

It growls and I have to use magic to stop the sound from reaching me so that I don't get ear damage. Superhuman hearing is really shitty when fighting loud bastards.

It opens its mouth and does something disgusting. Smaller sharks began forming in its head before coming out of its mouth.

"Did you really have to give birth in front of me… and here I was thinking you were a male. I thought delivering babies was already disgusting, but you just had to decide to show me it could be worse." I say.

The several smaller sharks immediately began attacking me and I just used water magic to slice them as fast I can since their speed is nothing to joke at. A few of them get a chance to strike me. I just grunt at the tiny bit of pain as one bites my arms before breathing out green fire, completely disintegrating it.

The giant shark decided to use my moment of distraction to shallow me. The inside of his maw was frankly not a pleasant sight, but since it is more vulnerable than his scales I allowed myself to be swallowed. The beast decided to try and eat me, but when it decided to allow me to enter its mouth it had already decided its fate.

'This is the perfect time to test out one of my spells' I thought before feeling my skin starting to heat up as the beast began chewing me. A massive blast enveloped me and began damaging the beast from the inside before the shark began disintegrating.

Swimming out of the beast while regenerating my wounds the shark's teeth did. I look back at the dead beast. Only a bit of its flesh is floating around. Truly a wonderful spell. The Kamikaze of the Japanese had quite an effective method of attack. I am not suicidal so I had to incorporate intangibility when I created the spell, that is why I am not damaged from the spell.

"Jormungandr I hope you have any clues on where to go. I smell like fish guts and I really just want to go home to clean myself." I say over the telekinetic bond I have with my son.

"I believe so. I found the temple you mentioned, but there are a lot of creatures protecting it. Permission to engage, father." He replies.

"Permission granted and here is some advice. Don't go into any of their mouths and explode yourself. It's not very hygienic, trust me." I reply and I can feel his confusion over the link, but I don't explain myself.

I use the mental link to warp towards his location and I disappear and appear before what I would classify as an army. Thousands of aquatic creatures standing ready to defend their home.

"You know when you said there are a lot of creatures defending this place, I thought it would be like 50 or something." I whisper to myself in disbelief. After this is done I have to re-educate my child on the necessity of giving proper intel.

'A lot my ass.' I thought. I can only hope little Elsa doesn't inherit my assholeness that Jormungandr, unfortunately, picked up.

I see Jormungandr already engaging them. Swimming through them and showing the superiority that is my genes. Whenever he attacks, tens of creatures die in barely a second. He shoots his toxic breath and immediately more than a hundred of the creatures dies.

The big creatures begin attacking him so that he doesn't kill all of their fodder.

I let him deal with his playmates before feeling my eyes heat up. Lasers came out of my eyes and I began culling them by the tens every second. Some try to sneak up from behind me, but they fall as well. A pufferfish moves toward and I shoot my laser vision towards it, but before it can reach, it explodes itself.

I see in the back a humanoid fish with the ability to teleport and it decides to teleport more pufferfish towards me that immediately explodes. I just disconnect myself from this dimensional connection, meaning I go intangible and allow the explosives to be wasted.

"What the fuck, you can't just so brazenly steal my move. You know I was feeling indifferent towards you at most, but now I am really irritated by you cunts." I say before summoning the Omnitrix.

"Handle this you schmucks." The Omnitrix began turning into a sea dragon and began materializing more loyal aquatic creatures for me. Tens of really powerful creatures on my side. "Get them, boys."

My sides collide with the enemies. Even though they have superior numbers, quality over quantity usually wins in a situation like this if I am involved.

A/N: More chapters on patreon

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