
Chapter 7

After my business with Aelsa, I returned to Asgard. It was currently morning and most of my family was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

"So where is Thor?" I ask while cutting my food. "Is he with his new friends who go by the name the warrior three?"

"Yes, your brother is gallivanting around Muspelheim with them." Frigga says.

I raise an eyebrow at that. "The home of Surtur and fire demons, my brother seems to be getting cocky these days."

"Heimdall is currently watching over him unlike others who seem to go out of his way to hide from the gatekeeper and Surtur is still weakened since our last battle." Odin looks at me with disapproval.

"Excuse me If I value my privacy, not everyone likes having their every move monitored."

"It seems it is my destiny for all my children to have poor vices, one is a hedonist and the other is a bit of a brute." He says and I let out a quiet chuckle at his description of Thor. He lets out a sigh. " At Least I can be thankful you haven't turned the palace into a massive orgy."

I let out a fake indignant denial. "I am not that bad and you can't just ignore the good qualities, father dearest, plus orgies aren't for me. I don't share women with men."

My mother chips in to quickly change the topic. "So Loki I see you appear happier than you have been the last few years."

"Well I completed my latest project and now I have so much free time I could cry and afterwards I met a few maidens who wanted to keep me company so my mood at the moment is quite blissful."

"And how are you going to spend your free time?" Odin asks.

"Not sure at the moment, I was thinking about expanding my skills in blacksmithing and forging, since I want to create my own weapon like Mjolnir."

"Why not just have me ask the dwarfs to create it." He asks me, clearly interested.

"Because it wouldn't be as satisfying as to wield your own creation."

"And you forget to mention the part where you don't like the fact that someone can do something better than you, that is why you don't just want to ask the dwarfs." Odin says amused. "You should be less competitive Loki, thankfully you don't take it too far."

"Damn it's like I am an open book around here." Of course, I make sure to hide my darker tendencies such as apathy to everyone except a few and my willingness to do a lot of things people would consider immoral for my goals or happiness.

We make small talk amongst ourselves for a while before I depart and teleport to Heimdall. I nod to him and say. "Heimdall take me to an area near Thor."

He nods and activates the Bifrost. "As you wish, my prince."

As I move through the Bifrost I end up at Muspelheim. It looks rocky and fiery; it could easily be compared to a volcano. Heimdall landed me a bit of distance away from Thor and his party. I move in their direction, but not before getting a pair of gauntlets out of my hammerspace and equipping it.

Thor is currently with the warrior three and Lady Sif fighting against ordinary fire demons. As I see one going to attack Sif from behind I shoot it in the head with my wrist bow. As she looks up at me, I only wink before front flipping from a mountain I am currently on. She snarls at me and I have trouble keeping my amusement clear. She has somewhat of a crush on Thor and is either too shy or afraid to try and advance their relationship and I sometimes make fun of her for it and she thinks I have a superiority complex which I can't deny since look at me at I massive variety of positive traits like my intelligence, brawn, looks etc.

I forget about her for a second before getting into the battle and beginning smashing them with my dwarven gauntlets. They don't stand a chance as their number keeps getting more and more. I just keep expertly hitting and dodging them. The most useful magic against these creatures would be ice magic, but that is the one magic I would not use unless it is important and since these monsters barely qualify for me using magic even against If I don't have to. I am not afraid of using ice magic because I hate being a frost giant or something as stupid as that, but so that Odin won't know I know what I am.

I move towards Thor and ask while still fighting. " Is there a reason you're here, maybe to find something?"

Thor smashes a fire demon away with Mjolnir. "No, we are only here to do battle."

I feel amusement at his answer but can't fault him for it. In Asgard, everyone is taught to love battles and adventure. We continue to fight for a while before I see a fire dragon approaching. I am caught between excitement and apprehension when I see it. Meanwhile, Thor next to me is looking like a drug addict finally getting his supply after abstaining for a while.

I sigh before getting into a battle stance and summoning my swords from my hammerspace. As I know a fire dragon is a dangerous beast I get ready to use my magic. At Least I will be able to get something out of it. If I subdue this creature or keep its corpse in stasis I can study the biology of the dragon as well as magic and create myself a pet dragon if I want. Or a better idea I can create a device/artefact that can let me change into more advanced creatures that I wouldn't be able to use with ordinary shapeshifting.

My idea of ripping off Ben 10 is interrupted by Thor summoning lightning at creatures who only get briefly stunned. I immediately capitalise on its stunned state and send light bolts in its direction. My water magic isn't really effective in this area since it would just turn to steam so I use the other types of magic. Afterwards, I send darkness spheres towards its open mouth as it prepares to send its fire breaths in our direction.

Thor isn't idle while I attack the beast with magic and smashes it with his hammer while summoning lightning. While Thor and I gangbang the dragon his friends are fighting the fire demons around us. I transfigure the rocks on the ground into a giant sword and stab through its maw. It takes us a few minutes to defeat the monster me transfiguring the environment into weapons and sending it towards the dragon and Thor with his lightning attacks and hammer.

I put the dead dragon in stasis before putting it in my hammerspace.

I am interrupted by Thor. "What are you doing with the beast, brother?"

I look up at him. "I am keeping it as a trophy."

Thor looks at me. "You can't take my kill as your trophy."

I look at him incredulously and do a double-take to make sure I heard correctly. "Excuse me, weather boy, do you not see the massive sword going through its chest?"

He looks sheepish. "Well I helped do 50% of the damage, so I assisted, does that not count for something."

"What you mean is you tried to kill-steal, what did I do to deserve such a shameless brother." I shake my head at him "Lookout brother your fanboys are almost done, see you back in Asgard, Heimdall send me back."

As I made my way back to the palace from the observatory I frowned at myself for giving myself more work. I cursed myself for getting the idea to make an artefact similar to the Omnitrix from ben 10 and then want to kiss myself for creating the ability to make clones and dodge the work anyways. I spent a few hours relaxing at home before going to my secret base and deposited the dragon while creating a few clones to start working on researching the creature's DNA.

I figured my clones had their work cut out for them so I abandoned them to their tedious task and headed into the woods of Asgard to the artificial hot spring I created and decided to relax in it. The reason it's in the woods is that I want to admire the beautiful nature as I relax. I only added a few wards such as detection and one so weak-minded people will ignore this section and the rest to make the hot spring as comfortable as possible, also to disallow people without my permission to enter.

The reason I only let weak-minded people ignore this place is that I want the strong-minded to admire my creation while not being able to enjoy it. It is for reasons such as these I am surprised I do not have the reputation as the asshole of Asgard. As I relax the wards let into someone being in proximity to me.

"You can come out, come on, don't be shy." I exclaimed.

I expected a lot of different types of people to step out from the trees, but I couldn't hide my surprise at who I found.

"Lady Sif this is certainly a surprise." I stared at the raven-haired beauty that is in love with my brother.

"Prince Loki, I just wished to give my thanks for saving my life today." I internally roll my eyes already expecting her to say something related to honour or something similar. "Thor told me I would find you here and I wanted to say If you need anything within my power I would do it, my warrior pride wouldn't allow me otherwise."

I groan at being right. Sure I could use her favour, but she couldn't really be useful to me, but I don't understand people who would give such open-ended favours. I sigh at her foolishness before gesturing across from me.

"Join me." Am I scummy for using a favour to get one of my brother's best friends to sleep with me? Yeah, but I am also technically teaching her not to make such stupid favours and her pride wouldn't allow her to back out anyway, so I think it's a win-win.

"My prince, I don't think this is appropriate." She says with an unsure expression.

"Nonsense and if you are afraid of someone watching I will assure you no one is able to see us at the moment." She still looks unsure, but I know her pride won't allow her to back out.

It doesn't take her long to disrobe and tremble walking towards the hot spring. I admire her naked athletic form letting out a hum to show my appreciation. She steps into the water and sits across from me a few feet.

"Hmm, you say you would do me a favour for me within capabilities, I don't need your strength for I am the prince of a realm full of warriors and I don't recall you knowing sorcery to benefit from that end." My expression changed to thoughtful. "It's a shame you're in love with my brother, I wouldn't mind having a beauty such as yourself for the night."

As she is about to reply I move forward and silence her with my lips. I feel her tense up, but as I use empathy magic I feel emotions such as surprise, resignation and surprisingly lust. It seems dear Sif isn't looking after her needs if she gets aroused from a scoundrel such as myself. I move my lips to her neck as she lets out a shaky moan.

I stop placing kisses along her neck and move to her breasts and begin sucking on her one nipple while my hand fondles her other breast. "Loki ahh we shouldn't do this."

I move up at her flushed face and immediately know she is one of those girls who like their partner to take charge otherwise she would be a whole lot more reluctant. I move back from her breasts before moving her to my lap. I begin to kiss her and drag her slit along my shaft. I am surprised that she began to grind on my cock by herself, but not upset at this pleasant development.

We passionately kiss for a while before I decide to move her vagina above my length before slowly thrusting into her. Her cunt was virgin tight and my shaft loved being enveloped by her snug walls. As I begin thrusting faster she begins to moan louder in my mouth and starts to bounce on my shaft by herself.

As I fuck her harder she moves her mouth away from mine and bites into my shoulder. Her cunt clenches on my member and I knew she had her first of many orgasms for the evening. I know we won't be lovers for more than a short duration since I don't seek any other permanent lovers at the moment. So I make sure she at least enjoys this casual affair and if I ruin her for other lovers, not my problem. We fuck for the rest of the evening before she leaves. Over the next few weeks, I sneakily visited her home and invited her to the hot spring to get my final fill of her before stopping our activities.

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