
Chapter 3

It was a bit harder to get Odin's permission to go to Alfheim than I expected and I am not skilled enough in sorcery to avoid Heimdall's gaze to sneak there myself. The main issue lied that he didn't think Thor was responsible enough to go off-world, which I mentally agreed with, but couldn't accept the outcome since it would be embarrassing to tell Thor that after I so haughtily told him I could handle it. So I had to promise that Thor was my responsibility. I figured it wasn't too much to promise since even though Thor isn't the smartest tool in the shed he still has the genes of both Frigga and Odin so he is still decently smart; It is only his biases and arrogance that holds him back.

I made my way to find Thor and I knew where to find him this time of the week, the arena. It is a place where we go to test our fighting prowess against all types of opponents from Asgard and even some from the other realms. I usually fight with an illusion to avoid letting the people see their prince being defeated and definitely not to lose my vanity. Odin actually requests/order that the warriors should let Thor win until our mother made a bracelet with an illusion enchantment so Thor can fight without people letting him win, but his lose count has diminished since then and so has mine so we chose to forego our illusions to foster rep with our people since we are a warrior race at heart.

As I arrive at the arena I see my brother fighting against a basilisk, a foul creature of the nine realms. It basically looks like a humanoid snake. Thor has the advantage since he is of superior strength and the basilisk is only holding on because it is slippery. As I watch them exchange hits I commit the basilisk fighting patterns in my memory as easily as breathing since my memory is my cheat code in life, I don't have to worry about watching Thor since I know all his fighting methods unless he starts to become spontaneous. The fight goes on until Thor lands a killing blow and decapitates the beast with his sword.

I quickly walk to Thor and lightly slam my hand on his shoulder. "Good fight, it seems you aren't as untalented as I thought."

He puts a stupid grin on his face." Surely you jest, I am going to be the finest warrior in the realms, whilst you focus on your witchcraft ."

If I was a cartoon a tick mark would appear on my forehead at the mention of witchcraft." It's magic you buffoon and you say that as if I am behind you in fighting, the only reason I am not ahead of you is because of your superior strength and your speed."

His strength is superior to mine and his speed is the same as mine which is bullshit since I work on my physique more. In a fight, the odds of winning between us is 50/50 because I know all his moves and can predict it as if I had a Sharingan, but that is without magic because if we were to fight with magic I could literally turn invisible and stab him etc. It will be harder to beat him when he gets Mjolnir and be able to use his lightning powers, but I don't have to worry about that now and even then since he can't hit things he can't see and illusion isn't even my main specialization. I am a jack of all trades and unfortunately master of none, but since I am long-lived I will eventually be master of all so I don't worry.

He harrumphs." Then I will just have to get stronger and leave you behind."

"Sure buddy keep telling yourself that."I pat him on the shoulder."And I got permission from Father to go to Alfheim, but we will be disallowed to go leave Asgard again until we are 100 if you are irresponsible on this trip"

I give a little white lie for him not to fuck up on our trip.

"Fine, let us battle before getting ready for our journey." I just nod at him and get an idea.

"Sure how about a bet, the loser will have to change his hair colour to red for a week." I wanted pink, but father will fix it since it will tarnish the names of the prince. Thor just lets out a grin and quickly agree to get the opportunity to humiliate me.


I whistle as I walk through the palace to where my mother is with a massive smile on my face and wonder why I never got the idea to have Thor's consent to bully him. I may have secretly used magic when Thor got a bit more aggressive than usual when I was about to win at the end and he almost made a comeback.

As I arrive before my mother's door, it automatically opens. I can't help, but be amused by this and remember when I was young when I a bit creeped out by this. It reminded me of the countless horror movies I watched in my previous life and it didn't help that the room was extremely dark at the time.

"Hello, son." I move forward and hug her before kissing her cheek.

"Greeting mother, I just wanted to tell you Thor and I will be away for a while."

"Oh aren't you a bit too old to still have me where you are going." My lips twitched at that.

"I just wanted to say goodbye, lest you badger me about being uncouth to not even say goodbye to my mother when I return." She hums.

"Okay, but be safe son and look after Thor, so the poor boy won't get himself in trouble."

"I am not a child caretaker mother, but I will at least stop him from getting killed, plus Thor almost 21 he will be fine, goodbye mother." As I walk to the door, I am stopped by her saying something.

"And Loki, why is Thor a ginger?" I put on an innocent expression, but make sure to put on a cheeky smile. I shrug my shoulders and leave for my room.

As I pack my stuff into my magical bag I think I should create a hammerspace for myself. When I am done I go to my hot tub to relax since I will have to wait for Thor. I could go alone, but it won't be as fun as with company. Maybe I should start making friends, I think to myself and quickly dismiss that thought. The only reason I am close to Thor is that I grew up with him and along the way, I somehow ended up becoming friends with the guy. I am not a sociopath, but I generally don't care for random people or even about acquaintances. The only people I feel affection for in this life are Thor and my mother, sure I respect Odin and like him because he allowed me to live here on Asgard, but he is too busy for me to spend time with him to cultivate the feeling of affection.


I meet up with Thor and we go to the observatory where Heimdall watches over the realms. We walk along the city to see the sights for one last time for us to better compare it to Alfheim even though it isn't necessary for me.

'This is it, even though father's strings aren't completely off me I can celebrate that this is my first step to independence.' I think to myself as we silently enjoy the beauty that is our homeworld. I silently chuckle to myself because of how I sound like someone who is finally moving out of the house. I see how the people are looking at my redhead brother and can't help but chuckle. He glares at me before walking on.

We finally arrive after a long walk and I nod at Heimdall and watch as he activates the Bifrost.

"Cushion my fall, Thor." Before he even has a chance to ask what I mean I push him in and jump right after and disappear into a rainbow vortex, the same when I used it 20 years ago. I can't help but marvel at the beauty of this technology as freefall through it.

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