
Growing Closer

"Ahhhhh–they are so cute!"

Her eyes sparkled while scrolling through her galleries. Those pictures with the dolphins earlier really boost the serotonin in her body. Her legs paddle like a kid while sitting on the bench under that thick tree.

The sun passed by and hid behind those thin clouds, making the day brighter. There were fewer people walking in front of them since lunchtime was only around a minute. They just finished strolling around the water park and Charlotte can tell that she really enjoyed everything.

Spending this day was indeed enjoyable. But she needed to get a hold of herself since she didn't come here to enjoy alone. The thing that she really needed to do came into her mind and it made her quiet. 

Aiden, who was sitting next to her, got bothered by the sudden silence. 

"Why did you become quiet all of a sudden? Are you hungry?" he asked. 

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