
New beginnings

Gotta open this one with a long ass authors note as I have more than a few things to address. First and foremost jesus christ that last chapter was a bit of a mess, I went through and re read the last few chapters, and jesus I fucked the timeline and cannon, which is good, and bad. So a few reminders by the messed up timeline I kind of have. 

Naruto should be turning 12, and graduating this year. Sakura got the axe in the last chapter due to an attack by the akatsuki. Haruko woke up after 3 years, and read a series of letters, and notes left by various people, but primarily Naruto.

 Obviously there is going to be a shift in tone from this point forward, my writing will be different as I'm getting back into the swing of things, and honestly I only remember around 80% of what all happened in my own story.

 I'd like to apologize for being gone for so long without saying anything, but life got too busy, and a series of events occurred culminating in me having no motivation to write.

 But I'm getting my shit together in real life, and now have the peace of mind to start writing again. Like I said previously it's slow going, I don't wanna rush headlong into it, and would like quality in my work.

Naruto looked on in disbelief as what amounted to a grown ass man appeared in his window, eyes bulging slightly as some small details began to align in his mind, and slowly realization dawned on him. 

"Haruko?" Naruto let just a bit of hope bleed into his voice, as his eyes grew moist, and he watched the brother he had lost finish entering through the window.

"Hey man" Haruko scratched the back of his neck as Naruto's condition was laid before him. He sat raised in the bed looking exactly like a mummy while his eyes blurred with tears.

"How was your vacation?" Naruto at a slight loss as to what to say said the first thing that popped into mind.

"For a vacation it was pretty lame, I had to come to grips with a lot of unfortunate realities I'd been closing myself off to." Haruko nodded awkwardly as this wasnt where he thought this conversation was going.

"What's with the horns?" Naruto pointedly asked while nodding with his chin

"A personal choice, while an impractical one. Some metaphorical nonsense about my separation from humanity.. Or something?" Haruko nodded sagely while looking into the distance.

"Goofball…. You just like how they look don't you?" Naruto more stated than asked.

"Horns are cool, man." Haruko chuckled while rubbing his forehead. 

"I read your letters… I'm sorry to hear about Sakura"

"I haven't really had the time to process all that by this point. I'm still in shock over being attacked by a group of missing nin. Seems a little surreal for the fears of the upper echelons to become reality out of nowhere." A definitive weight settled on Naruto's shoulders as he gazed up at Haruko.

"That kind of leads into the whole reason I came here today. I need to fulfill a promise I made to Itachi a few years ago, and I'm leaving the village." Haruko let the silence hang between them as Narut took in the information.

"I had a certain fear this would happen. You've always talked about how you feel you don't belong, and I know you appreciate our small family, but you've always felt constrained here haven't you?" Naruto once again had tears welling up in his eyes.

"That's the long, and short of it buddy. More so there are threats out there I know of, and I know I can do something about it. I could continue living out a comfortable life here with you, reacting to threats as they appear, and doing what I can from beside you, but I'm more effective on my own." Haruko's eyes quivered a bit as he spoke.

"I understand Haru, I wish you would choose to stay though."

"I know, that's why this really sucks, but Naruto I need you to promise me a few things. Before that I'll still be visiting regularly, never looking like myself of course so we need a code word. Obviously Lord DogMan."

"Obviously" A sad chuckle left Naruto as reality firmed up for him.

"I need you to promise you'll take care of yourself, the pervert, and the old pervert. That you'll take plenty of time for self discovery, and get the fox under control. Also that next time you're hounded by powers greater than you, you won't lose total control."

"I didn't need you to make me promise those, I was going to do it anyway."

"Good, I'm going to be leaving after visiting with the new Hokage, I'll need her to mark me as a missing nin so nobody comes after you for my actions in the future. I expect great things from you in the coming future, I know you'll make everybody proud."

"Bye Haruko, I know you'll be busy, but be sure to visit."

"I will"

As the silence hung in the air, Haruko's body flickered as he raced through the village to the Hokage's office. Landing silently on the balcony, he tapped the glass three times much to the annoyance of Tsunade. Upon turning confusion was written all across her face as she opened the balcony doors.

"Is there a reason a complete stranger is entering my office through my balcony instead of the proper channels?"

"There's several Miss Hokage, but a brief explanation should be good?" Guilty hope tinged Haruko's voice as he held out his hands.

"This is my other adopted pupil." Another voice chimed in, conveniently standing upside down from the top of the balcony.

"Kakashi?" Tsunade asked as she looked at the stranger.

"Haruko, I've briefed you on his situation before, and I believe he's here to leave."

"It's exactly as my dear teacher proclaims, I've woken from a 3 year coma with renewed purpose. I can't accomplish the things I need to do from here. Well with one exception."

"An exception?"

"Danzo needs to go. As long as he's alive, and pulling strings in the dark. Naruto, and many of the youth in the village will be in danger."

Kakashi didn't show any outward emotion beyond a kind smile, and Tsunade looked confused, then thoughtful.

"You're proposing the murder of an elder of the village?" Tsunade asked, but it clearly wasn't a question, she may have recently taken up the mantle of Hokage, and several years earlier than in canon, but she is a competent leader. 

"Yes, treason against our village is high on his list of crimes, but making my life hell, and making me lose three years of life is my personal reason."

"Do you have proof of his treason?" Tsunade was well aware of how shady the village elder was, but between him, and the two civilian elders her hands were tied on an obnoxious amount of fronts, removing them would further her personal goals, and provide much more security for the village. 

"Of course, I've absorbed the memories of no less than 10 individuals who were acting under his orders to commit treason. Hold out your hand."

Haruko held out his own, and it dissolved down into a black, and red mass forming into a sphere.

"I'm not touching that." Tsunade commented with clear hesitation

"Would you take my word for it then Lady Hokage?" Kakashi asked while reaching to touch the sphere.

"Yes this is acceptable, your information can be later confirmed with the Yamanaka."

Given permission Kakashi touched the orb. Memories swirled all around his mind, and before the input could become too much. Haruko cut the flow, allowing him a needed breather. 

"You okay teach?" Haruko asked while supporting the man.

"I'm fine, that was… an experience.Since when could you share the memories of those you've absorbed?"

"It's a new thing, there's a lengthy version of how I do it, but the Short of it is I can tap into your nervous system and send along short bits of information."

"Always strange, and stranger things with you kid" Haruko smiled brightly while motioning for Kakashi to share.

"He speaks the truth, between the ambush 3 years ago, the massacre 6 years ago, and 2 assassination attempts on his life there's plenty of evidence."

"I don't know that this is enough to go off of, but I need a drink, and a break. Do what you will, and if the other two old fox's are tossed in all the better."

A grin crossed Haru's features, as he turned to leave Tsunade called after him "You know this willmark you as a missing nin right?"

"That's the plan boss."

With that he flickered out of existence. 

Along with all his assimilated memories he knew exactly where the two civilian elders would be, and a good inkling where Danzo would be. Appearing outside the elders house he was amazed at the lack of security.

These two must have felt so secure in hiding behind their pathetic titles as elders. Haruko shifted his skin to match the environment as he moved through their shared home. 

"That Tsunade has no respect for us! Always trying to implement her policies, throwing around her title as Hokage to get her way" Koharu spoke while pacing back, and fourth in the living room, while ranting. 

"It's fine Koharu, between our votes, and Danzo's we can keep Konoha proud, and clean. She can try, but we can halt her at every corner." Homura Spoke while loafing on the sofa. 

'Jesus these two really have nothing better to do, but sit around and complain, while gloating? They don't have the same last name so I don't really understand why they're living together.'

Haruko watched patiently for some time as the two continued their rant about the good old times, their shared life stories, an obnoxious amount of gloating, and their moral superiority as they " ruled " the village. Growing tired of it rather quickly he positioned himself along the way, and shifted both hands into dagger whips which shot out faster than they could react.

Their brains were mutilated, and assimilated quicker than they processed their own deaths, a flood of information entered Haruko's mind, well over 90% of which was useless, and the remaining 10% only kind of helpful. 

One chore done, Haruko sped along the village to his next destination. By this point his senses were more than advanced enough to evade the too numerous amount of root nin just hanging about. Knowing it wasn't their fault they were literally brainwashed, Haruko wasn't about to start a massacre and reduce Konoha's fighting force by even more than it already was. Their boss however was a different story.