On planet Tubiko, Dr. Trumboy's best fighters and weapons have been assembled. On planet Earth, the most feared warbots are ready, waiting for a guttural command. On the distant Farther Kingdom, it is rumoured an apocalypse-like explosive is just waiting for a button to be depressed. It seems there will be a long and drawn out war. And then...KABOOM...out of the blues...no one knows what happened...but Tubiko is smashed to smithereens... Earth eats up itself...and Farther Kingdom is no better. The war has ended before it started leaving only four or possibly five survivors. It was the long expected world war IV...and only four, or maybe, five teenagers could tell the story
"Hey Silversten you ready for the launching? " a brown haired chap shouted over the din, making his way to a silver haired guy.
"Yeah, ready, excepting my suit. I can see you have yours already" Silversten replied surveying the ash, silver gleaming suit of his colleague. He have never seen this kind. It must be the newest spacesuit model. He have seen the oldest kind though. His mining drill had hit a bookcase some years ago. The book is a documentation of Apollo 1, the first ship to carry a man to the moon. Silversten was really appalled, burning all those fuel just to travel a small distance. Currently it wouldn't have used more than 50cm cube of uranium...And the suit, it must have been very discomforting.
"It could have been better though " he thought ruefully to himself " if not that many of earth's information and knowledge were destroyed. Earth has to start from the scratch again, which explains why she is still at this stage three hundred years later..."
"It aren't fair" Tungsten's voice snapped him out of his thoughts
"What did you say?" He asked.
"I said it aren't fair of my father to make you give that speech to the public as if you are a hero. But everybody knows the re a reason you have to take this on" Tungsten said
"Looking at the bright side though, I will be a hero when we come back" Silversten said
"If we come back" Tungsten corrected him. Silversten nodded glumly,walking off to the special locker room to put on his suit. It's time for his speech.
Tungsten talked but he couldn't hear himself. It was as if his brain was preprogrammed to say all he said. And maybe its true. He wasn't even aware he has finished till he saw his sister walking towards him. The full impact of what he did and what he was to do hit him.
"Is this a spacesuit or a swimming suit?" His sister asked in awe.
"Of course it is" he replied lamely looking into his sister's golden eyes. The way he replied hit his sister and in an instant he was looking into teary golden eyes. He turned his face away, unable to withstand the sight. But his sister gently turned back his head.
"Please" she said, looking intently into his eyes " something to remember you by. Just in case..."
She didn't need to complete it . He understood, because he is the cause.
I will be back. He hoped so.