
Chapter 4

Seven years, seven years had passed since Ruby arrived in the village and many things have happened since then. seven years ago today she was taken in by the crystal tribe and they had become her family, at first she wanted to leave because she felt she is only taking advantage of their kindness even when they already told her it was fine, but she was glad that she didn't leave,

She now has a family that cared for her wellbeing and a awesome father named Tyrone. The first year staying in the Crystal clan was just her getting used to the people around her, she had thought that they would be like the people back at Patch but after spending time getting to know them, she was glad that they didn't care if she had Aura or not.

Her uncle, Jack Crystal, was... interesting, If she had to describe him it would be, womanizing magic knight. There is not a day where he wasn't with a woman from the tribe, everybody knows that he's a womanizer, he even openly admits it himself with pride. But even if that's the case, he's still a magic knight so when he is needed, he is there.

The second year of staying in the Crystal Tribe in her opinion was the hardest. She was forced to endure strenuous activities every day, She had to learn how to hunt, and react to different kinds of situations, how to fight with her fists, and how to weild a sword. So when she leaves she won't be defenseless, They knew that one day I will have to leave thw village to go explore the dungeon, so they are putting their all to train her.

For the next five years, she and Tyrone went to monster infested areas and killed monsters in there, every time she is wounded, Tyrone will jump up a tree with her in his hands and heal her using a spell, after a mission she would get a pat in the head and a good job from him.

She, who was used to being abused, felt warm and couldn't help but smile brightly every day, "Ruby can you deliver this letter to the Iron tribe?" A beautiful lady with black hair and auburn eyes said, Ruby, who is now twelve years old, nodded at the woman and took the letter, "Is this letter for the tribal chieftain of the iron tribe mom?" she asked.

Her foster mother nodded, "We need a new set of tools for the newer settlers again," Two years ago, groups of people would suddenly appear. They were remnants of villages attacked by high leveled monsters, Her father took them in to the tribe like what he had done to her. The once small settlement turned into a village in a matter of days until it became a town that it was now.

Ruby once again nodded and went to her room and prepared a bag that has an extra set of clothes, snacks, water, aswell as a dagger in case her main weapon is out of reach or destroyed. On the table she grabbed a pendant that glowed in a black hue and put it on. She then put on her costume made armor that was made out of a good magic conduit called mithril. the cloth on the armor was red and had a black rose etched on it.

The armor was the gift uncle gave her before he left for the fifty first floor, She then grabbed the sword that was leaning on the wall and put it on it's sheath, double checking if everything was there she bade farewell to her mother and went off. As she passed by the residents of the town who greeted her she saw her foster father Tyrone who was talking to a buffed man who wielded a large axe.

"Dad!" Tyrone and the buffed man glanced at her and then nodded to each other, the buffed man left leaving Ruby and Tyrone alone, "Oh Ruby, going out again?" He smiled as he caressed Ruby's head, she nodded and showed the letter given by her mother, "Mom asked me deliver this to the chieftain of the iron tribe" Tyrone hummed and gave her a sack of silver coins, "Here, you can spend this for anything that caught your attention. Stay safe out there Ruby,"

She nodded and waved him goodbye, "Inventory" She muttered as a blue screen appeared in front of her, the screen had 5 blank slots for items that she puts in and a money counter on the bottom left of it. She grabs the coin sack and put it in the inventory.

[Stored 200 silver coins in inventory]

The pop up said as she exited the system and went to look at her status.

[System of Dungeon No. 445's Beta Tester]

Name: Ruby Crystal (Rose)

Age: 12

Title: <Chosen One> <Silver Eyed Warrior> <Bullet Time> <Messenger> <Prodigy>

Title Effects: +30 AGI, +25 DEX, +20 STR, +35 INT

Level 34 (Exp 370/80000)

68500/68500 HP

60500/60500 MP

75900/75900 SP

STR: 82/+20 (102) +

AGI: 116/+30 (146) +

END: 96 +

INT: 86/+35 (121)+

DEX: 132/+25 (157) +

VIT: 137 +

Stat points: 60

Seeing her stats she smiled in satisfaction, the many times she was thrown into densely populated areas of monsters finally paid off. Thanks to her being 3x stronger than average adults lessened the danger of going back and forth between villages, She took out a compass-like object from her inventory and hummed.

"Six more hours till sundown, if I rush to the iron village I will be there four AM in the morning." She placed the item back to her inventory and closed her eyes, "[Acceleration]" A green aura wrapped around her body. "[Thermal Protection]" Replacing the green aura was white aura as Ruby felt the warmness of the day disappear, "[Senses Up]" She said as a red aura replaces the white, she then opens her eyes and muttered, "Let's go"

As if she was a bullet flying across the air, she disappeared from her position as a loud bang sounded from her last position. Tyrone, who heard the bang smiled, "And they wonder why we called her Bullet Time" He then turned his attention back to the papers in the table with a scowl in his face.

"Nobody escapes paperwork," He muttered as he got to work, meanwhile everyone with a high position in Remnant suddenly felt pity as they felt another one has bitten the dust.

Back with Ruby, it has been around 4 hours since she left the Crystal Village and she was 1/4 of the way to the Iron Village, her stomach grumbled as she decided that it was time to stop and take a break, she then cancelled her acceleration spell as she stabbed her sword to the ground to decrease her speed.

Once she stopped she opened her bag and took out her snack bag and grabbed a jerky from within, noticing that it was about to be sundown she decided to camp here for the night, she grabbed a couple of stones and branches and made it into a simple campfire.

She stretched out her arm and chanted, "[Spark]" A tiny orange flame came out of her hand as she launched it to the campfire litting it aflame, "Magic is really convenient although..." She glanced at her MP bar and saw she used up four thousand MP, "Mastering it is very difficult, seriously it took me two years just to make my spells cost less than five thousand mp"

She grumbled as she took out a simple tent from her inventory, after that she made a simple barrier outside her tent that makes animals and weaker monsters stay away from her. Having done so she finally went inside and slept.

[Acceleration] - This spell greatly enhances the speed and agility of the caster, the spell takes 300 MP every minute of use.

[Thermal Protection] - This spell coats the caster with mana that adjusts caster's body temperature.

[Senses Up] - This spell greatly enhances the reaction speed aswell as allow the caster to see clearly when moving at blinding speeds

[Spark] - A spell from the life magic branch, often used to start fires. size of the spark depends on the amount of mana used

HiatusAuthorEuclidcreators' thoughts
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