
To you! – Chapter 198

At the very exact place where the little girl was sitting, she kept looking at the boy who wasn't giving any response.

"What is your name?"


No response.

The emotionless looking boy was almost the same age as the girl. That's why she was a bit confused and unsure about this situation.

"Where do you live? Did you perhaps get lost?"

"...." Still no response.

Who could this young boy be? He wasn't wearing anything. Had long hair just like a pretty young girl, and what was more surprising was how pure his body was.

And that's what bothered the young girl. She thought that this boy must have been from a higher status of what she knew.

"Did you get abandoned as well?"

That's what the little girl assumed after seeing the state of the boy in front of her who didn't seem to be reacting to any sort of question.

"I don't have any clothes with me. But, here. You can wear this." The young girl offered the piece of plain cloth to the boy after realizing that he was fully naked with nothing else to wear.

"...." But the boy still did not respond.

"Can you not understand what I'm saying?" The girl worriedly asked, only to receive silence once again.


"Are you not able to talk?" She asked once again with pity in her eyes which almost made her cry from the state the boy was in.

The boy only looked at the young girl whose eyes were about to be filled with tears.

Confused and interested to know about this, he slowly moved his hand once again on her cheek and gently touched her eye bags.

"Huh?" The girl was a bit startled as the boy tried picking the tear of her eye.

"I'm sorry if I acted like this… it's just that no one has ever listened to me for this long…" The girl related to this boy in a familiar way even though they didn't know each other's name. And she wasn't the kind of person to judge someone who was abandoned.

But what was something that she didn't expect, was taking care of this boy who lacked common sense and manners.

"But you don't need to worry anymore. Because from now on… We'll be together.."



Some time had passed since the meeting between the boy and the girl.

Both of them could be seen sitting down the same tree they met.

"This is called 'apple'. It's food, and you can eat it so your tummy won't hurt." The girl explained to the boy with gestures.

"Apple goes to the tummy." The girl repeated as she pointed her finger to her own stomach.

And the boy who was listening with great interest, moved his hand over the girl's stomach.

"That tickles." The girl giggled at the way this boy was touching and listening to everything she was explaining. She felt incredibly happy that the both of them were getting along just fine.

She enjoyed spending time with him while explaining and teaching him everything that she knew.

It was the first time in her life that she was truly needed.

And that's how these two continued living in this garden which provided them with food during the day and protected them during the night.

It was a simple relationship between two kids who only spent their time wandering and playing around all the time without having to worry about anything else.

Even though the boy couldn't talk, he still ended up following the girl around. Everywhere and at any time of the day.

Even when the girl had to go to do her private stuff…

"N-no, you can't come with me. You. stay. There!" The girl told the boy with a flushed look on her face as she was shutting her own legs together in order not to leak.



But on a nice day, after they had been running around a nice field while holding hands, something went through the girl's mind.

"Now that I think of it, I still don't know your name…"

The boy tilted his head to the sudden things the girl was bringing up.

But seeing how the boy couldn't understand what a name was, she decided to explain that to him.

"A name is something special given by the person who cares about you. A special gift only meant for one single person who is cherished. That's why everyone should have a name. It's what makes each of us special."

The boy listened with great interest even though his facial expression remained emotionless.

"Ah. That's right! If you don't have a name, then how about I give you one!?" The girl asked as her eyes sparkled in excitement.

The boy didn't give any response, but somehow she knew that he wasn't against her idea of giving him a name.

"Yay! Alright, I wonder what name I should give to you." The girl said to herself as she was trying her hardest to come up with a name.

And before even a minute could pass, she gasped in excitement. "I know! Your new name will be… Seikatsu!" Her eyes sparkled the moment she said that.

"My parents taught me that this word means 'Life'." She continued explaining as her excitement never faded away from her face. "I don't know why, but this word reminds me of your green eyes."

The figure of the little girl was being reflected over the surface of Seikatsu's greenish looking eyes.

"Huh? What is it? Do you perhaps not like it?" She asked with a worried voice.

Seikatsu shook his head left and right, making his hair wave around for a bit.

"You like it?"

The boy nodded.

"Yay! I'm glad! I thought that you were going to hate me for suddenly giving you a name. But I'm happy that you like it."

The green eyed boy gently pulled the girl's clothes as she was celebrating the name she just gave to him.

"Ah? W-what is it?"

Seikatsu simply stared at her with an emotionless face without giving her a simple clue of what he was trying to say.

"You want to know my name?" The girl tried guessing after seeing the way Seikatsu was grabbing on her clothes.

And she was right, the green eyed boy nodded in a bit of excitement from wanting to know her name.

"...." The girl thought to herself for a bit before looking at the boy in front of her. "My name is… Rose. You can call me Rose."

The beautiful young girl smiled as she told her name to the boy in front of her.



Several more days have passed since the two of these kids were playing around this garden.

Things were pretty much the same for them, and no one seemed to have discovered this place yet.

…That was until a certain injured man was wandering around this place.

He was holding his own arm in pain as blood was dripping down, covering the grass in red.

"I need…. to…." But before he could go any longer from the amount of injuries he had… The man fell down on his back with his eyes wide open.

Even though he didn't have any more strength, he still was conscious as he was looking at the outstanding garden above him.

"H-huh? A-are you okay?"

Suddenly from somewhere near the injured man, a certain brown haired girl asked in concern as she was getting closer.

"C-ca…ll… some….o…ne…. for… he..lp…" His voice was really dry as he was trying his best not to close his eyes. His lips were dry and blood continued flooding the place underneath him.

But the girl wasn't sure how to respond to his calls for help. Was it because she was young, or perhaps scared of him? The injured guy wasn't sure…

His thoughts were beginning to fade away, realizing that he was about to die.

But that didn't last any longer.

His body was feeling much warmer and relaxed.

When he directed his eyes towards the girl, he noticed how her hands were glowing. And on the other hand, his body was healing up really fast.

"W-what is happening? How are you doing this?" The man asked in disbelief at the sight he was seeing.

"I don't k-know… but it's helping you. I'm s-sorry if I b-bothered you. You just were in so much pain." The girl responded with concerned eyes before her hands stopped glowing.

The man stood up, only to find that his body was healed up to its top shape.

"Um… here." The girl offered the man an apple after seeing how dry his lips were some moments ago.

"...." The man simply stared at the girl before taking the apple in his hands and taking an hesitant bite out of it.

His eyes widened in sheer disbelief as he looked at the apple he had taken a bite.

"Where did you take this apple from?" He asked.

"From t-this garden."

"Who owns this garden?"


"I want to meet the one who owns this place."

"...I live in h-here…" The girl responded with a bit of fear on her face.

"I understand…" The man responded as he looked around. "I was chased by some bandits and they stole everything I had. My merchandise and things I had. Do you know where the nearest village is?"

There were some seconds of silence before the young girl pointed her finger towards a direction. "The nearest village is that way."

"I'll be going for now. Thank you for your care."




The next day, Rose could be seen teaching to Seikatsu names of different stuff that were laying around. Like how leafs were called, how the ground was called, even how their body parts were called.

Seikatsu listened with great care even though his face remained unchanged.

But as both of them were playing around, some kind of noise was heard.

"Ah, sorry if I have scared you."

When Rose looked from where that voice came from, she noticed the same man she healed yesterday.

"I-it's okay."

The man approached even more, revealing that he had a bag with himself.

"Do you mind if I get some apples from here? The village was raided by bandits, and everything was stolen and destroyed by them. Now none of them have anything else to eat."

"E-eh?! The v-village was raided?!" Rose asked as her heart clenched at the things she just heard.

Even though she was treated harshly and banished, she still felt really bad about what had happened.

"A-are there any injured ones?"

"No. Fortunately they didn't injure anyone."

A relieved sigh was heard from the girl before showing a soft smile on her face.

"You can take as much as you want."

The man's eyes widened in surprise at the girl's kindness. And without hesitating at all, the man filled his entire bag and left.


Three days later the same man came back and asked Rose for more apples since there were still people that were left to fate's mercy.

And this continued for several weeks until the man returned back once again to the garden… But this time, he wasn't alone…

Rose looked confused as many people were coming into the place she called home.

"Is this the place you've been talking about?"

"Tat's some incredible stuff."

"How come that no one's found this?"

"Get all ya want."

"This place screams free money for us!"

All of the guys that had come here didn't hesitate to get everything that was in the garden. Fruits, flowers, plants, and many more things that seemed valuable to them.

"I've never seen something like this before." One of them spoke as he was filling his bag to the brim.

"U-um… w-who are they?" Rose suddenly approached them and tried talking to the man that had brought everyone in here.

"Oh, they? They are from the village. Since I couldn't bring enough food for everyone, these guys here decided to help me out today."

The girl looked perplexed about everyone since she didn't recognise any of them. And she knew that none of them were from the village.

But how could she stop them now? Not only was she a young girl, she also couldn't talk back to them. But they were almost tearing down entire trees just to get what they wanted.

Rose was terrified to even ask these men to stop doing that.

But when some of them tried approaching the biggest tree of this garden, which also happened to be the heart of this place, Rose immediately rushed towards them.

"P-please can you leave this one be?" Rose asked with a breath that hitched in pity about the place she and Seikatsu spent most of their time. The place where she would eat, and teach everything she knew to the boy.

"Huh, what's this little runt saying?" The guy glared at Rose in annoyance as if telling her to fuck off.

"Just ignore her. No one owns this place. This place is basically our new territory." One of them smirked at the sight of the young girl trying to defend the only tree she ate from.

But with a weak body and inferiority complex, she didn't even dare to look them in the eyes anymore. She was nothing more than a young girl who didn't have the strength to protect the place she finally found happiness.

"We'll be back so don't get too comfortable here."

"That's right. This place is a gold mine!"

They laughed after filling all of their bags to the brim, leaving behind the girl alone with a scared feeling inside her.

With a defeated look on her face, the girl went behind the massive tree, finding Seikatsu who was trying to peek at what was going on.

"You can come out now." Rose said with a pained tone in her voice.

"...." The boy simply looked the girl in the eyes after coming out of the hiding spot.

"You're asking who they were?"

"...." The green eyed boy nodded.

"They… they were some villagers that needed some help. You don't need to worry about anything." Rose forced a smile as she tried keeping the innocent boy out of the cruel side of this world. She knew that keeping him as far away from knowing that side of the world was going to make the boy feel differently from herself who was getting abused every day by the villagers who never cared.

"But let's forget about them. How about we continue playing together?" The girl suggested as her smile reappeared on her face once again.


"Alright, then I'll be the seeker this time."





Several more days had passed ever since those guys pretending to be villagers were gone from the garden.

And things seemed to have gone back to normal from what the green eyed boy was thinking.

After playing and eating with Rose all day, Seikatsu found himself relaxed under the heart of the garden which provided him with the best coolness of the breeze.

But his sleep was interrupted as a sweet worried voice was calling out to him.


He immediately recognized the soft voice of Rose who kept calling out to him.


His body was being shaken by the gentle soft hands which were slowly making his body get up.

"Wake up. You need to wake up, please."

But why did she sound this worried? What could have caused Rose to become this worried? That's what the green eyed boy was thinking as he was fully awake, staring at the young girl in front of him who seemed to be in a hurry.







This was a longer chapter than usual, but it had to be done if you know what I mean. (chapter 1)


Up to 20 chapters ahead are available on (P a t r e o n). Link on synopsis!

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