
One last time! – Chapter 189

After convincing everyone that I was fully healed, I finally managed to wear some proper clothes. But even after that, I could feel gazes in worry from them in case I would collapse once again.

But after absorbing energy from the tree of life and experiencing embarrassment of many girls who cared about me, I was sure that I wouldn't collapse once again.

I finally could use my powers to protect what was important to me, and I never had to worry about reaching my limit.

I wasn't sure why, but now that I was back in top shape, I felt like I could begin the next faze of my growth. Strong enough so none of the girls have to experience what I went through.

In the spirit realm, we spent a few more days wandering around, exploring and finding out how everyone lived here.

I have to say that after Ashera and the rest of the zombies were dead, peace was finally here in this realm. But before they could celebrate, all of the spirits used the tree of life so they could feed themself with energy once again.

Many new spirits were born, blooming entire houses with hundreds of new residents.

While everyone was enjoying themselves with spirits, I on the other hand asked the queen if I could have access to the library that they had.

The queen was more than happy to have me read any of the books that I wished, that's why I was brought somewhere within a massive tree where my whole body could easily fit.

The place was massive enough where I could sit down or stand up freely. Of Course, the spirits had thousands of–... No, they could even have around a million books if counted.

To spirits, this place seems insanely huge, but I on the other hand could reach all of my fingers and feet at every corner of this room.

While the books were really tiny, I used my skills in order to carefully read the content inside the books.

Most of the books contained history and ways of how spirits live in this realm. Some of the books were stuff that the spirits already explained to us, that's why I didn't bother to look at those books.

There were fighting books and many other educational books which were mostly used by young spirits.

But within thousands of books laying in different bookcases, there was one particular book which caught my eyes.

It was an old looking book which didn't seem to have been used for a long time.

And as I had expected, my eyes had not fooled me. Inside this book contained many different information regarding the realms that exist in our world.

It was explained by the very first spirits that realms were different dimensions found by different and dominant beings which already were aware of how they worked.

The very first one to have found this realm was the very first spirit that created life in this word.

'Amaseps' the founder of the spirits, and the only male of its own kind.

It is written that this spirit was one of the most respected beings at that time, and he was considered a god within younglings.

But as I continued reading this book, I became more interested.

If this male spirit was considered some kind of god, does that mean that it was pursued by Angels or Demons?

But as I continued reading some of the other pages, I also found out these realms were created on the same day as the first disaster that occurred in the human world.

Most of the mythical beings like spirits, dragons, and many other intelligent monsters, seeked a different realm where they could stay safely.

That would explain why none of the humans had any information about these beings such as spirits.

We know of dragons, but humanity only believed that they were simply a legend passed down by the older generation.

If there was proof of such beings existing, things might have turned out a bit different for humans.

But now, I'm kind of curious about something.

If the first clash between Angels and Demons caused a huge crater in the world, creating fruits which gave humans skills, and in the end creating another new dimension, then how come that it didn't happen again?

Or to be more precise, why were these things affected when Angels and Demons clashed?


There were too many questions and little information of what might've happened in the past.

Humans had information of what believed what happened, but still, we aren't sure on how true it was.

For all I know, everything we've been told could be a huge lie to fool everyone.

"I'm sorry to bother you." From underneath me, I saw Lilita slowly approaching me.

She still was scared of me and I could feel that she was guilty of what she had done to us.

"I don't mind. I was about to finish here so there's no point in apologizing." I calmly responded back to the small spirit as I placed all of the books I read in their own place.

"Is it ready?" I asked before I could stand up.

"Yes, everyone is waiting for you now."

After she notified me, I carefully walked outside of the library and went where everyone else was waiting.

Since today was the last day we were spending in this realm, the spirits decided to hold a small celebration party as a thanks for everything we did for them.

Everyone was all gathered around a regular table where me and all of the girls could sit down at our perfect height. Even though this table was incredibly massive for all of the spirits, they managed to craft it just for us, and all of the food they had prepared for us.

And I could see that they had put a lot of effort into this since everything was perfect for our sizes.

And as I was looking at everyone having one of the greatest times of their time, I simply let loose of my body while trying to enjoy this farewell party that the spirits had prepared for us.



"Try those berries! They are incredibly delicious!"

"Ah! Akemi! I was saving that meat for later! Why did you eat it?!"

"A great dragon like me can get whatever I want. If you want to defeat me, then you'll have to go past my belly first, Chloe!"

"Nyaaa! Master, feed Shiro!"

"H-hey, Shiro calm down! You're bothering Hatsuko, please calm down."

"Nyaaaaa! Don't pet Shiro, only the master!"

Everywhere I looked… could be seen only smiles and laughs.

No one had to worry about any monsters, no one had to worry about any wars, and no one had to worry about any rules from Sakuru.

It was a really warm atmosphere…

"Ah!" Chloe suddenly gasped as she pointed at me in surprise. "Hatsuko is smiling!"

Even the rest of the girls were looking at me in sheer disbelief as everyone in here tried approaching me.

"Maybe this kind of life isnt so bad" I said under my breath as I looked at everyone with a warm smile on my face.







Another arc, finished! 


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