
Hatsuko Vs Doppelganger! – Chapter 157

"Ho? So the dungeon managed to create a copy of Hatsuko as well?" Akemi smirked as she was preparing herself to land her first attack on my doppelganger.

"No, leave that one to me" But if that's my doppelganger, then I will fight it by myself. I don't want anyone else to deal with my own copy...

"Hatsuko, be careful!" Chloe said to me.

Everyone else was a bit worried as well, that's why I wanted to end this really quickly.

"I'm sorry but…" I jumped towards him with most of my strength and tried slashing him in half. "I will end this quickly." My doppelganger crashed away to the corner of this massive room. Dust was filling that corner of the room.

He managed to block my first atack, but I didn't wait until he recovered and came back on its feet. I created several fireballs and continuously shot them like a minigun.

"Take it easy there, Hatsuko" Akemi said to me as I was shooting the fireballs like that. I hadn't noticed but those fireballs were creating heat and smoke that were harming the other girls a little, that's why I changed my attack into a different one.

But when I turned back to my target, I found him some centimeters away from me, aiming to cut off my throat. I tried blocking with a shield that I immediately created, sending me some meters back from the force.

"H-Hatsuko!" Ichika called out to me. I wanted to tell her not to worry, but it seems like my doppelganger didn't have any plans on giving me a break. He continued charging towards me with another three materialized swords which were coming towards me. I also did the same thing and counterattacked his swords.

His blows were almost as strong as mine and I knew that If I underestimated him, I would lose in one second. But underestimating him wasn't my intention at all, that's why I created several hundred swords and threw them all at him. He was dodging them with ease, but that gave me time to prepare for my next plan.

{ "Boost" has been activated! }

I created several clones and charged them all to my doppelganger and continued attacking him nonstop. It didn't take long before my clones started landing hits on my doppelganger. I didn't even let him get enough time to recover from the wounds, making it harder to get near me. But once again, I almost let my guard down!

"HATSUKO!!!" Chloe called out to me.

A clone of my doppelganger appeared from behind and swung its sword on my neck. I barely managed to dodge it by taking some steps away from my position.

"You won't get me that easily!" I created thousands of spikes from underneath and killed all of the clones that were appearing around me.

When I looked at my doppelganger, I noticed that one of its legs was missing. It was slowly regenerating but I didn't plan on letting it finish healing.. I created another clone of me and charged together with it to that doppelganger.

He tried blocking my clone's attack, allowing me to cut them down from a blind spot. Both my clone and doppelganger were cut in half in an instant.

"That took longer than I had thought…" I said to myself as I went back to the girls. They all seemed a little worried when I looked at them.

"So how do we get into the next floor?" I asked.

"Oh, right! When all of the challenges have been cleared, a gate will op--" As Akemi was about to explain that, a dimensional gate appeared in front of us. "--en… Well, shall we go then?"

We continued completing the floors one after another without any break, until Hina suggested we rest for a while. I could see that everyone else was tired as well and could't go any longer without a proper break.

The rooms where we took breaks were similar to those of the previous floors, making them more comfortable to stay in. The air had this relaxing aroma which filled my lungs every time I breathed in.

All of the other girls fell asleep the moment they laid down and closed their eyes. They all were sleeping together while cuddling so they would use the heat and softness of their own bodies.I, on the other hand, was looking around this room. Even though we were in a dungeon, it felt like I was in an open field with nice looking flowers and plants.

"Can't sleep?" Akemi came next to me as she asked that question. I looked back at her and replied. "I wasn't tired…"

She looked back at me for a second then she leaned her shoulder next to me. Even though I wasn't tired, I felt more relaxed than before. Akemi's body heat felt really nice, together with the nice smell she had. My chest felt like it was on fire and my body felt a bit weaker than usual. I wasn't in pain or anything, but it felt really nice.

From here I could actually hear the way she was breathing.

"....Haa… Haa… haa…" But as we continued staying like this, she was breathing harder than before. And when I looked on my side, her face was a little flushed as she was panting.

"Are you okay?" I asked to see if she was feeling okay, but instead of responding… She pushed me down and got on top of me.

She had gripped me really tight so I wouldn't be able to push her away.

"This... is your fault...haaa... so don't…. blame me for what happens next!" Akemi was smiling as her face was beet red. The way she was breathing was getting much harder as our eyes linked together.

. She began rubbing the lower part of her body against me until she slowly laid herself on top of me, then she placed her hands on my face.

"There's no escape this time… Hatsuko <3…" She gently whispered in my ears those words.






3 or 4 more arcs before this Novel ends... 


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