
Arrival of the special team! – Chapter 148

Going towards the entrance of the U.G.C entrance were a group of soldiers travelling with a military truck. Inside one of those trucks was the special group sent by Sakuru High.

"That's weird… there is no one at the entrance?" One of the soldiers who was driving the car wondered while the other soldier next to him was checking the surroundings for the guards. But since there was no one guarding the entrance of the underground city, they decided to continue driving forward until they would reach the deepest level in the tunnel which led to the main entrance. But as they continued going deeper, they noticed that the road was in a bad condition..

"Was this city always in this kind of condition? If I remember correctly, they rebuilt everything around here..." Watching from the window was Hanna who was sitting next to Tatsuya. But after they finally reached the deepest level of this place, they saw what had happened.

"N-no way… The soldier reacted after getting out of the truck. The main entrance was completely gone and the roads were filled with massive rocks and ruins.

"This is... the underground city… right?" After a long journey, the soldiers couldn't believe that another important city of this world was completely destroyed, leaving nothing but ruins. Since it was impossible to drive through this place, everyone got off and wandered around to see if there were any survivors.

"Just, what happened here?" Koiji asked as he was looking around in astonishment.

"Stay on guard, if a powerful monster did this, then there is a chance that it's still around…" Tatsuya warned everyone as he was trying to see if any monster was around this area. But other than themselves, there didn't seem to be any other people around.

"S-sir…" One of the soldiers tried getting everyone's attention as his words couldn't seem to come out of his mouth. What kind of thing could have caused a trained soldier to freeze like that?

"What is it?" But when everyone got closer to that soldier, they saw something unimaginable... In a massive open field, there were thousands of people burned alive. Their bodies were completely destroyed and unrecognisable.

"Hnnng!! Bleeeughh!!" Hanna puked the moment she saw that kind of thing in front of her. Even the Koiji, Kogane and the other soldiers were holding their nose so they wouldn't breath the terrible smell of burned human flesh.

"This… is just terrible…" Kogane reacted as she was rubbing Hanna's back in order to support her.

"Yes…" Tatsuya was looking around without being bothered by the smell. His eyes were focused if there were any movement in that massive pile of dead humans.

"Team 7, look for any survivors and team 3 try contacting Sakuru about this." The commander of soldiers ordered everyone, then he joined Tatsuya's group.

"We're gonna need as much help as we can so--" The commander tried convincing Tatsuya about helping them in this search.

"We are not obliged to listen to you or any of your orders." But Tatsuya refused to help the soldier and he didn't even bother to look at him. The commander had no other choice but to back away from him since he knew how powerful he was.

"We can at least help them, they didn't say anything about helping?" After calming down a bit, Hanna got up and said to Tatsuya. Tatsuya had no other choice but to listen to Hanna's worried look.

"...okay... but don't forget our main mission." Tatsuya responded back to Hanna. And of course, she blushed a little from the cool way her boyfriend talked back at her.


While looking through the dead bodies and the destroyed buildings, they kept searching for any survivors with hope that they would explain what happened here.

"Just what kind of monster caused this?" Kogane wondered as they kept searching.

"We don't have any records of a monster that can destroy a whole city. But even if there was one… it would be impossible to find its location underground." The commander responded to her.

"Maybe it was an Angel or perhaps a Demon." Everyone stood still for a moment after they thought about it. While one of the soldiers reacted as he found a destroyed camera laying on the ground.

"Sir, we might be able to see what happened with this." But the commander was a bit disappointed with what the soldier had found.

"That's true, but Sakuru's tech isn't powerful enough to reconstruct a camera... and that includes all of the data inside a whole destroyed city. But even if they tried recovering the data, Sakura won't have any spare time for that. They already have their hands in their own city and its protection barrier..." The commander explained to the soldier.

"No, there is a newly built machine that can recreate those videos from that camera." Koiji tried telling the commander this kind of information.

"That's right, but…" The soldier that had found the broken camera tried saying something but he suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" The commander wondered why they were quiet even though they had found something.

"That machine needs a lot of time to recreate and upload the videos, and by the time it's finished it might be too late for Sakuru." Tatsuya explained to the commander. But even though it might be useless, the soldiers gathered the broken cameras that they found.

Everyone continued searching for some hours until they heard noises coming from somewhere.

"Everyone, be quiet." Tatsuya ordered them as he was trying to find the source of that sound.

"He, hehehehe… habahahahah gegegeg hahahaha!!!!" Within the pile of burned humans there was someone moving around.

"Someone is alive!" The soldiers went towards that guy in hope he wouldn't die yet.

"Are you okay?!" But the moment they got closer, they noticed that his legs were completely gone and he was trying to move around by using his arms.

"Hahahahahhaha, kekekekekekke!" And he didn't seem to respond to any of the questions that they were asking him. It was as if he was already gone.

"He… god has abandoned us!!! Hahahahhahahaha!" He kept yelling and laughing as he started hitting his head on the ground.

"S-stop! You're going to die!!" The soldiers tried calming him down but he didn't seem to listen to them.

"Kekekkekeke, hahahahahha! We angered him and he brought us punishment! M-my wife… m-my k-k-kids!!! AAAGGHHH!!!--" He said as he was crawling towards them with a painful smile on his face, but before he could reach them, Tatsuya cut his neck with his bare hands.

"He was already gone… Whatever came into this city did not only kill them but also destroyed their minds." Tatsuya explained himself about his sudden behaviour. No one dared to say anything back at him, not even Hanna…




After another deep search, Tatsuya found a green glowing rock which was buried underneath a massive destroyed building.

"I found one, we're going back." He said to his team as he put that rock in his pocket.




Okay, for those who have been waiting for new updates on this novel, I'd like to apologize! I got sick and couldn't think straight in order to write... so I decided to take a break for some time. I've also been thinking of making a schedule for this novel, so I wanted your opinion about this. Another thing that happened to me recently is about my Laptop where I write and draw Illustration...  Thanks to that I won't be able to post any Illustrations for a while, or at least until I buy a new PC

KrisVFXcreators' thoughts
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