
Chapter 3


The next morning when amongst everyone who had a hard hangover the only one who was sober was Sky. While she was blabbering, she said, "I'm going to expose all the scumbags*hic* Just wait until I become a journalist". Sky wanted to find out more about her. Somehow everything about her made him draw towards her. After hearing what she said, Sky doubted that she was in the journalism department. But he was not sure which college or university.

Then the first person whom he wanted to find was Finn who also studied at the Journalism Department. The building of the Computer Science and Journalism department were in opposite directions. He had no choice but to attend his lectures and then meet Finn in the break time.

Sky was someone who never paid any attention to any girl and now he wondered how he should ask. Puzzled the whole morning it was soon lunch break, and he was still engrossed in thinking how to ask about her. When they lined up to get the food, Finn began talking about the drunk girl from last night.

"Guys can you believe, the girl from the bar who kept on cursing her ex. I kept on feeling that I had seen her somewhere. Her style and voice kept on reminding me of someone but I couldn't remember. Her- "and Sky cut him and said, "Just say who she is"

"She is in my department" said Finn.

Upon hearing this Sky was secretly delighted but controlled his face.

"Later I'm free, so I'll go with you and attend some of your lectures", said Sky in his regular stern-like face. Hearing this Finn was very delighted because he was very sleepy since morning and now, he could sleep and also have neat notes. He could also ask Sky to teach him. He was on his own cloud nine. Drake sensed something.

When they were eating Key asked Finn, "Tell us something more about her. Such a cute g- "

Finn cut him and said "She isn't cute for me although she is. But we don't have a good relationship."

Sky asked, "Why?"

Everyone paused. Sky, the forever virgin guy, asked about a girl. Their silence spoke everything on their minds. Sky was a guy who seemed like a mystery guy but was very sorted. And this was only known by his friends. Even if others are told they don't believe it. Sky won't even explain it. He was a silent guy.

Sky said, "I'll explain to you later. Finn eat fast we need to go to the lecture."

Soon the break was over. Sky and Finn headed towards their class. Sky had butterflies in his stomach which he felt for the first time. His mind was messed up. Soon the class began. He spotted her on the bench near the board. Unconsciously he observed her throughout the lecture. This time she wore a light purple colored top and probably white pants.

Her eyes were a little swollen. "Probably due to last night" giggled Sky to himself.

After the lecture while leaving the class, someone tapped Sky's shoulder. When he turned around, he saw her. Lilith. She was very small as compared to what he thought. She was just about this shoulder. Before he could get lost in his thoughts she said,

"Do you need something from me?" in a hard tone.

Sky replied, "N-Nothing"

"Then why were you staring at me? Don't try to deny it. I saw you."

Sky was puzzled for a second because what he thought he was observing her. Unconsciously his "observing" became "staring" for her.

"I'm sorry.", he said.

"Don't let me see you doing that again", she said back to him.

And they parted their ways. But Sky looked forward to meeting her once again.

Character Profile

Female lead

Name: Lilith

Age: 20

Hobby: Binge watching kdramas, reading mangas

Hates: History, bitter things, perverts

Bonus scene:

Thoughts in Lilith's mind

"Why the hell is that guy staring at me? Is he a pervert? Is he struck by my beauty? Does he go to our college? He is sitting beside Finn. Is he his friend? Is he here to take revenge on his friend? Wtf he is still staring at me. At this condition, he might pierce a hole through my head. This guy! Just wait."

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