
I'm used to being surrounded by girls

Gabby put her books, papers, and stationery on Michael's desk. She sat down and waited for an answer from the man. However, the boy only read the textbook in front of him and did not turn his head.

As it turned out, next to Michael was a new paper question for Gabby. 

"Oh." Gabby whispered, nodding his head.

The sound of pencil scratching on the paper could be heard beside him. Michael's heart felt heavy to keep Gabby quiet for too long. After thinking for a long time, he raised his face and turned his head.

Gabby's short hair brushed her chubby cheeks. Her skin is white and smooth, her chin is pointed, her nose is pointed, her lips are red, her lashes are curled, and her big eyes see the problem in front of her.

From earlier Michael couldn't get rid of the picture of Gabby talking and holding Jason's hand.

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