
I don't like boys anymore!

"Hey, do you hear me?" 

Coach Samuel frowned as he saw Kristina busy playing with her cellphone. Like a mother, the man tried to peek at Kristina's cell phone's screen. But before he could see anything, Kristina immediately turned her cellphone's screen off.

"I'm listening," Kristina replied as she nodded her head.

"Don't keep playing with your phone," another trainer that Kristina didn't recognize also frowned. "Pay attention to what moves Gabby always uses. Don't be ignorant and careless of important matters like that. You may defeat her later,"

"Ah, yes, of course," 

Kristina put her cellphone in her pocket and pretended to be interested in seeing the replay. The girl supported her chin with her right hand, sometimes nodding her head.

Since yesterday, Coach Samuel felt something was wrong with Kristina. But when he saw Kristina taking the replay seriously, the man threw away his prejudices.

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