
Legend of Eleanor Rose Cain

Life in the Imperium is tragic. An average person's life is to serve the Golden Throne and the Imperium which it will be through the service through military or working tirelessly in some kind of industry.

For example, the forge worlds are known for their endless shift of workforces working in the forges to build instruments and machines of war. Because of demand and quotas that must meet in a short time, the forge worlds are notorious for… hazardous work environments and lack of safety regulations. To the Adeptus Mechanicus, they don't mind this lack of safety rules as long as the forges are melting irons and steel, even if some people end up mixing within in the end.

To feed the billions and billions of people in the million worlds, the Imperium uses multiple ways to supply food. To manage this, the entire planet can be used for the dedication of production of agricultural products, Imperium calls these planets, Agri-World. The entire planet is converted to giant farms or open oceans to catch sea animals. The harvest happens every day in some parts of the planet and if workers aren't careful, they might end up becoming the very food that citizens of the Imperium consume.

The Hive City is one of the most recognizable parts of the planet if you are visiting as giant structure pieces the very sky and continent size city are cramped together like fused cities in one. Life in the hive is simple, the higher you climb the city layer, the better life you will have as long as you don't end up dead or backstabbed. The lowest part of the city is nothing but crimes and mutants who exile from society while some parts of the city are so populated that sections of the city are reduced to industrial wastelands covered in toxic wastes and so harsh that nothing grows.

Of all the worlds, not all worlds are dedicated to production and industries. The Pleasure World is well… an entire planet focusing on the creation of cultures such as art, music, and other kinds of entertainment. Think of a world like Earth that has hundreds of thousands of entertainment, restaurants, casinos, etc, for a price. Because Pleasure World is where only the rich and powerful individuals can enjoy what the planet can provide. But because of this, humanity who participate will end up tasting deprave experiences and ultimately end up becoming part of the Chaos Cults dedicated to Slaanesh.

In the end, no matter where you are, as a citizen of the Imperium, there is no safe place to go back or to find. The greatest resources of the Imperium aren't the planet's natural resources or endless supplies for the wars, it's people. The very same people who believe in the faith in the Emperor and are willing to wield the lasgun to fight the living horror of the 40k universe or work 20 hours shift every day in the harshest working conditions. That is the universe where single life isn't precious but rather a number within billions within some Administratum clerk's notebook.

A quote:

"Forget the power of technology, science, and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods." Dan Abnett


"Are you sure about this? Ciaphas, once we leave this New World, we will never come back ever again. That also means you will never see your child, forever." William put his goblet down and said to Lord Commissar who remained quiet until William finish his sentence.

Cain, for once knew he is not making a mistake or bad decision.

Long before, the idea of bringing a child of his own into the Imperium is acceptable as he and others understand the risk and demand within Imperium. Now, Cain has a choice and he chooses to leave behind his flesh and blood in the world where it is much safer (To Cain this world is practically a paradise and peaceful).

"I'm certain my lord. I want my child to stay here and become part of the native of this world. I know it is a most selfish request coming from me but this is my wish." Cain said to William while holding back his tears as he knew he is risking everything including his reputation as a selfless hero of the Imperium. For once, Cain has someone he is willing to fight for and he is willing to put everything on the table.

"Who will take care of teh child? What about the mother of the child?" William said with curiosity.

"Well, about that. According to her letter, she will come next month to part take in the party you are throwing. After the party is over, she will stay until she delivers the baby, but afterward, she will return to her family estate and want nothing to do with the child or me." Cain answered and drink his own goblet to wash the pain in his chest.

"You are kidding me, right? How can she do that? Nothing to do with a child she is bringing to this world?" William said out loud his own thoughts without realizing it as he is shocked.

'Is it because Cain isn't noble? Or is it because the lady isn't married and bearing a child from someone she met during the royal party?' William thought of multiple ideas why mother of the Cain's child decided to cut any ties with the child and Cain.

"Her reasoning for cutting all ties is because of her family and status as a noble lady. She wants to keep all the affairs a secret so she can in the future marry a proper noble house for benefit of the two houses. As for my status as Lord Commissar, it seems it doesn't matter since I'm serving you and you have some reputation among our allies." Cain said to William with the last part quietly as possible but the last part didn't escape William's ears as his enhanced superhuman ability catch everything.

"What do you mean I have a reputation?" William said slowly and pour another drink on his goblet.

"According to the letter, you have some negative reputation among the lesser nobles as… well, a renegade. No, a calamitous person who brings calamity to the nobles." Cain carefully chooses his words and explains to William why certain nobles who are allied to Crown Prince Benton still hold uneasiness towards William.

To the native nobles, William is a strange and abnormal mercenary who appeared out of nowhere and start making havoc in a matter of few months. From slaying vampire lords to declaring war with an army of mercenaries, William made one hell of an appearance and made name for himself as a Knight Lord of the Metal and a Mercenary King.

In all honesty, William did single handily conquer the whole country and managed to remove all competition to ensure his status as the ruler. In the eyes of the nobles and peasants, William is a walking nightmare of destroying normalcy, and this holds a certain reputation within the population, no matter if it is positive or negative. Cutting it short, William is a troublemaker for the natives of this New World.

"A calamity. I didn't expect that from nobles but I did smack a few in the head and there are consequences for every action I take." William said to Cain, but it was more for himself as he reflect on his past actions and understand that he did make a few impressions that could label him negatively.

"So, that is the reason why the mother of my child decided to cut all ties. She will be staying with me until the baby is delivered and I hope I can change her mind but considering her explanation, it is possible that she wants the baby to stay clear of the nobles' political drama. One thing I know of nobles is that no matter where they are from, the political and mind game to gain power and wealth overstep the unity of the family bond." Cain's words have some sense as his years of experience with nobles of the Imperium gave Cain an insight into the world of nobility.

From noble houses to the world governor of the planet, Cain met them all and have a common conclusion about them. Nobles are self-serving individuals who won't mind stabbing anyone close to them as long as he or she can take the position of power. So many times Astra Militarum got involved with the defense of the Xenos invasion or incursion of the Chaos forces that started with a political gain scheme. Each time, Cain had to step up and save their noble asses when it could have been prevented if all noble houses unite as one force instead of fighting each other for the position of power.

"You have some sense of her reasoning but when she arrives, I would like to meet this young lady and ask her in person. You are my Lord Commissar, Ciaphas Cain. You need to be 100% ready to face the enemies of the Emperor and I can't have you distracted with some family drama. This matter will be kept secret and anyone who is involved in this matter including the well-being of the child will remain secret." William made a promise to the Lord Commissar and was about to end the meeting when something popped into his mind.

"Oh by the way, about the child's well-being. What will you leave behind in case the child isn't old enough to remember you?"

"I actually thought about that, my lord. I will leave my estates including my business to the child. I will also add a few personal items to make sure she knows about me and my reasoning. I thought of leaving a vox recorder so she can hear my voice as well." Cain explained to William and put out a small notebook-sized metal box. William recognized it right away. It was the 40k equivalent of a voice recorder which William thought he can do better as he want Cain to leave more than his voice.

William got up and went to his table, pulling something out from the drawer, William handed it to Cain. Accepting it without question, Cain examed the item he was given and saw a necklace pendant the size of a thumb.

The necklace has a golden chain and is made to be durable but not big enough to strangle a person's neck. The main piece of the pendant is a rectangle shape and has the symbol of the Imperium engraved, the Palatine Aquila, a two-headed eagle sigil.

"My lord, are you sure you want to give me such an item? I can take this from you."

"Cain, shut up and open the pendant. You will understand." William said to Cain

Hearing William's instruction, Cain open the pendant's secret compartment and found something interesting. The cover of the pendant can be used as a picture holder but the main body of the pendant has a small built-in hologram projector. In short, this pendant is a memento and secret message recorder for a family or loved one.

"My lord?" Cain have no words to say after that as he was still processing the situation.

William sat down and drank his goblet and explain the item Cain is holding. It was quite simple as he originally intended to give it to Rana but since he can make another one through STC fabricator, it was no loss to him.

"That my friend you are holding is my gift to you for delivering fantastic news to me. You can take the picture when the baby is delivered and record the message to your child when he or she is ready to hear the truth and see your actual face. Accept my gift to you, that is an order." William pour the last drink and drank the whole thing in one motion.

"Thank you, my lord. I will make sure to record the message and set everything before coming of my child." Cain stands up and salutes the Lord Imperator Fratrum in gratitude for the gift William gave to him. To be able to leave the voice for the child to hear is a wonderful gift for him and the child.

"By the way, how long can I record the message? Do you know?" Cain asks with curiosity as he assumes it is a small capability to hold the message due to its size.

"Oh, that? According to the STC instruction, that thing can hold approximately 50 hours' worth of messages also the best part is that pendant is capable of self-recharging and repairing, so don't worry about breaking or losing power for the next 50 years.


7 Months Later,

Ciaphas Cain, William, Rana, and a few selected members of the Admechs welcome the baby girl to the New World. With the agreement between Cain and his lady friend, they decided to name the baby girl Eleanor Rose Cain. Keeping Cain's last name, Eleanor is born with Cain's eyes and strength as her cry was strong the moment she was born.

After a few weeks of rest, the mother of Eleanor left the Terranovis and never heard from again. At the moment of departure, the noble lady held the baby for the last time and felt the despair of leaving the baby girl but for unknown reasons, she gather enough strength to leave the baby in the care of Cain's hands.

Cain left all his wealth and estate to his girl, including his tavern which became a linchpin of the growing community. Aside from property and riches, Cain also commissioned a few items for his girl to have when she is all grown up. This includes a crimson scarf of the Commissariat, a black undercoat, a custom Mastercraft power sword (With a rechargeable power generator), and a few other items that could help in case of emergency.

Also, by the order of William, Eleanor received a nanomachine injection to enhance her as she grow. These machines don't have AI but have the ability and instruction to help the baby's growth progress and ensure her survivability in the future.

Unknown to everyone including William, the nano injection worked too well as its original purpose was to create a superhuman soldier capable of performing top human condition and peak. Ultimately, by the time Eleanor reached the age of 18, she was already a warrior and leader in her own right as she serve the community within her ability.

After receiving Cain's written will from her uncle, King Benton (Formerly a crown prince Benton), Eleanor inherited everything that was Cain's and learn the true purpose of the necklace she had been wearing since her first birthday. After opening the pendant and watching the first recording, Eleanor learns the harsh truth about why her father left her and was never to be seen again as his destiny was to be the empire she could never reach.

Aside from the heartfelt messages and a few small appearances of Jurgen asking Cain if he is interested in Tanna tea, Eleanor found the large number of training video recordings Cain left behind. Mostly involving sword combat, military strategy, etc. From these videos and guidance from Cain, Eleanor's ability and power increased to the next level, surpassing seasoned leaders and warriors.

Ultimately, Eleanor left the former capital city of Terranovis to find her own path and destiny just like her father did. Wearing her father's crimson scarf and a black undercoat of the Commissariat, she became a famous explorer, most popular dance/singer, warrior, a general of a liberation force, scholar, and much much more.

By the time Eleanor returned back home, she became a legend and a hero as her tales and adventures were written and published in many books for all to read.

To this day, in Cain's Finest, Eleanor's full portrait stands next to her father's as her red long hair lay over her left shoulder, wearing a famous crimson scarf and black undercoat while placing her legendary sword down with two hands on the pommel, posing as great leader and daughter of the Hero of the unknown empire beyond the stars.

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