
Clues Of The Past

Agree or disagree, redemption is how the victims see it. Even if its normally the one doing the acts that seek it.

What Riel became was a damned, and a soul anchor. His unhinged jaw arced upwards, a bluish light wisping out before fading.

The system finalized this before a slew of messages appeared.

[Damned created, rewards pending..]

[Soul anchor settled]

Desc: An anchor point to the soul realm, the damned one has been targeted as a strong medium.

[Soul Anchor Stats, Passives And Abilities Generating]

[Soul anchor]

Hp: 30,000


Ectoplosion - Should the soul anchor reach zero or near zero hp given the case. The remaining hp and energies of the medium will be expunged with a self destructive explosion of the soul. 

Kill radius: 5 miles

Injury radius: 15 miles

Cost: Destruction of the soul anchor, damned one and their soul. All energy expunged

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