
Chapter 5

Harry's POV

I woke up in the infirmary.  I should be use to this room by now I'm in it almost once a month I think chuckling to myself causing my ribs to start aching. I try to sit up but I'm held down by arms wrapped around my waist

  I looked down to see Draco with red puffy eyes... was he crying over me.  I turn to my other side to see Ron, Neville, and Blaise sleeping in chairs next to me. Ron with his head on Blaise's shoulder.

  God my body hurts...

Neville's POV *flashback* (Neville is also baby cinnamon roll)

  I was walking out of my room to ask Harry and Ron if I could study with them.  When I saw a bunch of people huddling around a spot.  Then I saw Harry in the middle of it bloody and bruise his eyes lidded as he just let it happen "STOP" I yelled angered in how my comrades could do this.  "STOP RIGHT NOW"  "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" I continue to yell stuff getting no attention at all.

   I need to find help I run to the door slamming it on the way out. I run through the halls taking a shortcut through the library and I bump into Ron "Bloody hell mate why are you in such a rush" he shouts

    I look at him with worry and fear in my eyes "They're beating Harry... Common room... I'm getting help" I say through rapid breathing as Ron's confused face turns to anger.

I start to run to headmaster McGonagall's room (she became headmaster after the war) as Ron runs the other way I'm assuming to the common room.

  I run and slam open the doors to her office as I yell "HARRY IS GETTING ATTACKED" her usual stern face softens as her eyes open in shock.

She runs toward me as I try to control my breathing "Common room... they.... are... attacking him" I say still trying to control my breathing "oh my Merlin" she says as her hands fly up to her mouth.

  I sit down as I watch her run out of the room anger clearly written on her face as she yells for Professor Snape, Binns, Trelawney, and Hagrid.

   Merlin... I hope he's ok he looked beat to the pulp maybe I should have tried to rescue him I'm such an idiot.

Draco's POV

I was walking down the hall when I saw a bunch of the Professors past me.  I'm a Slytherin I'm curious so I turned around to follow them.

"Hurry who knows how bad he is" McGonagall says with fear in her eyes "Whom exactly is attacking him" Professor Snape says speed walking next to her

My eyes widen as I hear this.. somebody's getting attacked

   "I don't know" she answers glancing to the side as I continue to follow them from afar "Neville just came into office about to pass out screaming about how Harry was under attack in the Gryffindor's common room" she continues as they all quicken the pace

  I stop in my place once I hear the name Harry.  Is there more then one Harry here... there has to be I run towards the Professors passing them as I make my way to the Gryffindor common room... shit I don't know the fucking password

   I wait for the Professors to get there as they eye me suspiciously.  "I swear I didn't do anything now please open it" I say putting my hands up defensively they shrug as McGonagall says the words and the door opens.

   Inside are kids surrounding Harry beating him and kicking him I watch as Ron tries to pry them off tears in his eyes as I run over trying to help pry them off of Harry but they continue definitely not noticing the Professors.

"STOP" Hagrid yells stepping forward becoming very protective over Harry.  All the kids stop and stare some start to cry as they had just been caught.

I cradle the now unconscious Harry in my arms as McGonagall steps forward.  "Minus 500 points for Gryffindor actually no you won't even have a chance to get the house cup everybody here in this room will be suspended 2 weeks and sentenced chores for the rest of their time here at Hogwarts... if I were you I wouldn't come back next year" she says full of anger you could basically see the aura of anger surrounding her.

  "Couldn't have said that better myself" Snape says a little shocked I mean who wouldn't be it wasn't like Professor McGonagall to speak like that...

Harry's POV *present*

"Hey.. guys wake up" I whisper as I shake Draco gently and then move on to Ron.  They all start wake up and surround me asking if I was ok.  I start to laugh but stop and wince in pain as I clutch my rib again "so how bad is it"  I ask unsure about all the injuries I had.

  Ron holds his hand up and starts listing all the injuries I had "black eye, broken rib, dislocated fingers, broken nose, and fractured jaw... bloody hell I'm gonna need more fingers" he says with wide eyes

  Blaise turns to him facepalming "You have another hand Ron and Harry let's just say it's bad and if it wasn't for the nurses and their healing things you wouldn't be able to walk, talk, or function properly" he says sighing "oh I actually forgot about my other hand" Ron reply's with his mouth hung open

    I laugh again immediately wincing in pain as Draco wraps his arms around me attempting to comfort me "Harry I'm so sorry I should have went to help you" Neville says looking away.  Draco then straightens up a bit more "Neville are you serious you hate running and you basically sprinted all the way to McGonagall's office, got Ron's help on the way... you knew you couldn't do it by yourself... you did the best thing there was to do" Draco says smiling while looking between me and Neville

  "You did that... thank you Neville" I say making eye contact with Neville as his sad look becomes happier and he immediately lightens up.

"Well Neville and Ron I think we should give them sometime alone" Blaise says winking at us.  He then grabs Ron's hand and pulls him up as the three head for the door.  Draco turns to them smiling "more like Blaise and Ron wanted to be alone" Draco says smirking and laughing as I try not to laugh because it causes me a bunch of pain but, I couldn't help it.

   Both continue to walk but flip us off with the hands that weren't intertwined with each other.

I turn my focus back to Draco who has a hand on my cheek rubbing his thumb slightly over my bruises. "Harry c-can I kiss you" he says turning bright red "y-yeah" I say back a little to fast turning red as a tomato.  Before I could say anything else I felt his lips on mine it was soft and warm full of passion.

   Before I knew it my fingers were running through his gelled hair messing it up as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him softly trying to not to hurt me.

Doing so made the kiss become deeper and more passionate. He licks my bottom lip asking for permission which I immediately give in too I don't even try to fight for dominance I've decided by now that I'm not the top in this relationship. His tongue explores my mouth as I let out a breathy moan.

After a few more minutes we pull away just looking at each other his beautiful gray eyes that shine no matter what.

  Out of nowhere I say "that felt right" he chuckled before saying "what do you mean" I turn bright red realizing what I said before replying "I erm whenever Ginny and I kissed it just felt gross and so forced I guess" he again laughs "well duh bc she wasn't me" I roll my eyes causing me to become a little dizzy before laying down in Draco's arms and I slowly start to get sleepier by the second.

"Wow if I would have known my first kiss with Draco Malfoy would happen after getting beat up I would have got beaten up sooner" I say with lidded eyes "haha very funny" he says rolling his eyes and then places a kiss on my forehead as we cuddle up on the infirmaries bed.

Draco's POV

"Im getting my revenge... I promise you that Harry I'm a Slytherin after all" I say chuckling to myself as Harry shifts around clutching on to me tighter "I promise" I whisper into his ear before eventually falling asleep next to him.

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