Sammy is a talented artist in her world of fanfictions such as Trolls, Winx with Valerix Club, Prehistoric Raiders and much more. Sammy is well liked among her friends. Sammy lives in a world like the rest of us that has been deemed by tragic, heartache and loss. Join me in this book to know more about Sammy Alle and her life story.
Sammy is one special person in my life; this one story could be extra sensitive. I have personally known Sammy since my IMVU days and when she was with someone else but that is not what I am here to write about. Sammy has been dealt with a lot of her cards over the years that I have known her. The main reason I would hang out with her on IMVU was to make a friend and get to know her. I do now know her more than ever and have a backstory to tell everyone of this magnificent Artist/StoryTeller.
Sammy is now twenty-five years old and has built worlds of stories that amaze me. When she asked me to write this book for her, I thought wow! Is she serious? I mean people ask me to write books for them a lot of the time but Sammy, I have known since I was twenty-one or twenty-two and that's been over ten years ago. We are getting to know her whole personal story which not many people will tell that includes myself, I try to hide my whole story of everything but I have seen it helps people too.
To this day, Sammy is one of my best friends. We may not talk very often but she is a best friend to me and I am proud of who she has become today. If I ever went back to IMVU she is usually the first person I look for.
So, enough rambling and let's get this book going.