
Keep a secret!

Although a doctor, Rosa can not do much to help Gina. All Rosa did was wait outside, letting the obstetrician deal with Gina in the emergency room.

Ten minutes ago, when Gina groaned in pain and asked for her baby to be saved Rosa immediately thought quickly. Without wasting time, Rosa rushed to take Gina to the nearest hospital and directed her to the obstetrician. Although she still doesn't fully understand what happened, Rosa has come to the conclusion that Gina and Massimo's relationship is currently not going well.

Rosa's thoughts were interrupted when the obstetrician who treated Gina came out of the emergency room where Gina was.

"How is my sister doing, doc? The baby is okay, isn't it? The womb is fine, right?" Rosa immediately bombarded the middle-aged female doctor named Olivia with several questions at once.

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