
A Secret

When Julian returned home at lunch time, he was surprised to see Diego's and son-in-law's car still lined up neatly in front of his house.

"Teresa...ah sorry, I mean Daisy. Why are all the cars still at home? Don't any of the kids go to work?" Julian asked Daisy, who was preparing lunch.

"Yes sir, everyone is still at home. Even Miss Selena."


Daisy nodded. "Miss Selena arrived home last night, sir."

"Oh right, it turns out there's Selena. The kids must be chatting until late so they haven't woken up until lunchtime," said Julian chuckling.

Daisy, who already knew what happened last night, tried to stay calm and pretended not to know what had happened, Daisy didn't want her master to know about last night's mess from her.

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