
The Sign

Massimo sat in the chair alongside other important guests who were not far from the place where the big actors who were expected to win trophies at this event.

Milos Djokovic, who yesterday picked up Massimo at the airport, immediately clung to him as soon as Massimo entered the building where the event was taking place. The Serb-Russian blooded man looks very proud to be the one and only person who has accompanied Massimo since yesterday.

The stock price of his company has also increased rapidly due to his close relationship with Massimo since yesterday, Milos Djokovic is really a smart person in business. And even though he knows that he is currently being used, he still wants to try to remain professional because he remembers the collaboration that has been established with Milos Djokovic.

"After this event is over you must come to the event that I have prepared, sir," said Milos Djokovic with a smile.

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