
Oh my rotten peach blossom ~

Li Youyou still believed in her judgment. this house is not lone Wolf's room. Continue to observe.

Li Youyou patted his team member's shoulder and slowly walked in the direction he had come from.

What li Youyou didn't know was that after she left, her team members actually slowly raised their heads and gave her a meaningful smile.

Hard work paid off.

After searching for nearly half an hour, li Youyou finally found a very simple and crude building with stilts.

The stilted building wasn't big.

However, li Youyou had a faint intuition that this was the lone Wolf's Lair.

Li Youyou slowly walked into the stilt house. On a quiet night, the stilt house seemed particularly lonely and depressed.

This small stilted building was a stark contrast to the gorgeous building from before.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, " lone wolf, " the leader of a drug-dealing gang, should live in the best house.

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