A story of the entity that stands on top of the food chain! And is the definition of OverPowered! §§§§§§§§§§§ ( I had nothing to do, so I decided to write out of my own amusement—)
[Hello! First, let me introduce myself. I was not born, I was created. Sometime times, I roam these streets with 10 - 18 wheels, I like to call them my rubber, because it sounds gangster; well at least to me it does! Anyway, I am mostly known to all as Truck kun. Yes, that's right! I am THEE truck kun.]
[People think of me as some monster, but I'm NOT! I try to be just like every other innocent truck, but I am always used as everyone's plaything. Do you think I enjoy trying to run over little girls and boys, or even old lady's and drunk men. No! I don't! I am always used and then chucked away, I don't even get my own chapter, it's always - "Ahh! A pair of head lights! *Bam* Black out!" - Sometimes I get a honk in, but that's it.]
[This is why I am here, to write my own story]
"Yo there D-Billy! She one hell of a day outdare ain't she!" hearing a voice coming from behind him he turns around, he was surprised seeing a friend that was away on a long delivery was back from the trip.
"Ah T-Strip! Nice to see ya again brother! Yah, you couldn't be more right bout dat!" Said D-Billy watching T-Strip walk over with a case of beer.
"Hahaha! It's good te see you to. Sorry, I don't got time ta talk, gotta get home to da wife, but before I go, ya want da left over beer I got in ma truck?" With out giving him time to answer, he pushes the beer into his hands. D-Billy just laughs and takes the beer.
"Haha! You just don't want da wife ta find out you bin drinkin" D-billy replies with a laugh.
"Hahaha! You got me! Don't go snitching on me now." T-strips smiles while looking at D-Billy with a carefree expression. D-Billy looked at him and didn't think he was serious with such a carefree expression, and says "Hey what's with dat carefree expression, maybe I will."
"Hahaha! We've bin friends since I started working here, I know ya wouldn't tell! Haha" T-Strip replies.
"Haha! You got me! Well! I got ta run, I have to deliver by 8am and she's a 7 hour drive" D-Billy said getting in his truck.
"Ya, I better get moving too, before da wife gets angry!" T-Strip says while starting to speed walk toward his car to drive home from the company. D-Billy watching his retreating figure laughs and says with a slight sad tone.
"What a wimp! Scared of his wife haha! But it must be nice ta go home with someone waiting for ya"
D-Billy puts the beer case on the passenger seat as he started the truck before he revs the engine and putting on the gas.
[WhoaWhoaWhoa! You are not actually bringing that case of beer are you! Man! You are so lucky I don't got a ejecto-seato that I can control, or you would be going to the hospital instead!] - Truck
"I got to get this truck looked at when I get back to da shop!" When D-billy heard the truck start spitting he thought something was wrong with the exhaust, and needed to get it checked.
[NO! Anything but that! Don't bring me back to that place! I am Perfectly fine look 'brum brum brum' see I'm a good truck 'Brum Brum Brum'] - Truck
"She sounds good now, just needed a little cough haha" D-billy heard the load cough coming from the exhaust before it stoped, and just thought it was a little backed up from not using it in a while.
[I know I don't got a gender! but if your going to call me something at least call me a boy or a man!!] - Truck
"Ahh it's back!!"
['Brum Brum Brum'] - Truck
"Nahhh! she's fine! hahaha!" Said D-Billy
Truck kun wanted to cry....