
Death of a World II

The breach in the dome should have spelled doom for everyone inside. But the cultivators matched the enemy's energy. Swarm against swarm they fought, desperately, throwing their lives away not to kill the enemy but to buy time, just a little bit of time for what was going to happen next.

The mountain's peak soon became red in blood as tens of thousands of cultivators fought desperately to stop the breach.


And soon for a small window of time, the creatures were surrounded and were encased in a massive cube of Soulsteel. The breach was stopped and reformed by the sacrifice of other cultivators who used their own soul energy to morph it back and seal it once more.

The number of trapped creatures inside the dome was incredible. And among them I saw it, a smaller version of the bigger creatures, unlike the paler ones, this one was pitch black. A creature of nightmare that would even make a xenomorph look like a cute home pet.

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