
Feline God being Sus!

Outside the Synbiosis City, far away mountains.

There was a reason for me to leave the City, of course. An intel I couldn't ignore.

It has been a week since Information Trove started its business. Information of all kinds was raining on the organization, and I read every one of them. In one week, we gave away close to 1.000.000 IT Stars, and business was going swimmingly. I learned more about the City and the world I am living in, and of course, I learned more about Secret Realms.

Secret Realms, as the name implies they are secretive in nature, and no one knows how they came to be. At first, I thought people just named it such because all things can be found in them, but to my surprise, I learned their true nature was unknown to even so-called Gods living in outer space.

The reason why Gods were fighting over a piece of land on this newly found planet was to get more resources. And most of the resources were coming from the secret realms. Especially a new world never discovered before was like a toy box for gods.

This information begs the question if Gods are fighting over secret realms, why did Feline God isolate the area without any Secret Realm? As far as I know, he wanted to grab a corner for his envoys to move in and out, but without a secret realm, the land was an expense he needed to keep running.

The information I read blow my mind with the possibilities and made me think. "Why have I never seen envoys of Feline God? They did visit before, I am sure of it. But where were they? I always assumed that they are moving to the town close to the temple to look for suitable priestesses to breed Feline God's spawns. But now that I learned this information, I am not so sure anymore."

It was the night before when the information arrived. I was sitting in my office and going over the numbers.

"Sir, at this rate, Plus Church will be first to learn the formula for Impurity Cleansing Bathwater," Starisk said from across the table.

"Un, I have seen the numbers. They are selling out their competitors, and brothers of comrades in exchange for a formula. How holy of them. Humans are humans wherever you go. In exchange of little richness, they sell their family members, let alone a fellow human."

"How should we handle it?" Starisk asked worriedly.

"How are the other organizations doing?" I asked without raising my sight from the papers. Starisk pulled out another folder with a thick stack of papers and handed it over. I opened it and started to read.

"Good, other powers are not that far away." I mused.

"But, Plus Church will beat us to it." Starisk was still worried.

"No worries, my dear Starisk. We will play with them as the cat plays with the mouse." I looked at him and smiled like a devil.

"Yes, sir." He was about to leave when he remembered something. "We have acquired a piece of strange information, I don't know if I share it with you or not."

"If you are not certain what to do with it, it must be something I have to hear," I said with interest. Starisk was a capable man, and under my command, he was getting better and better each day.

"Feline God sent his envoys not so long ago. Excuse my rudeness, but I have prepared IDs for your ladies, so I know their origins. I think this information is something you may want to hear." He said and saluted before he left. I picked up the folder he left on the desk and started to go over it.

Feline God sent his envoys through Owl Race's temple situated not far from the City. Starisk, as a capable underling, observed their movements to see if they are coming to the City or not. To my surprise, they are moving away from the City.

At first, I thought they might be going to the temple, but their direction was a little off from there too. They were moving a few thousand miles east of the temple.

"What is Feline God's purpose?" I mused silently. I always thought him weak and incapable of stand toe to toe with other Gods, so he chose to hide away from the rest of the world. But what if he was smarter than that and located the temple close to a secret realm. Although sounds unlikely, I still think there is a possibility.

I left the City the next day through the secret tunnel I finished from Starisk house. I have left many defensive arrays around the cave coming out of the secret tunnel. I even cast an illusion with my Eternal Element.

[Stay longer for me, please: By willing your mana to anything will fade away, you can make it exist for longer. Mana consumption depends on the thing you want to keep in the material world.]

In normal cases, this skill would require me to supply mana endlessly to the thing I want to keep in the material world. But with an arrow formation, I created a system that can supply the skill as long as I place new mana stones to the array.

Mana stones are the special creation of the universe, carrying pure mana. Most of the arrays use these types of Mana stones to function without human interference. There are many veins of Mana stone around the world, and they aren't that rare, albeit valuable. But since I am a rich man now, I can use them fecklessly.

I set the array up and left the cave. From outside, it was just a mountain wall, and without getting extremely close, no one would notice any mishap. Anyone below level 20 couldn't even dream to walk in.


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