
Ch. 200 Hogwarts stands ready

-Hogwarts Great Hall

"Are you all ready?" Harry asked his friends who had been part of Aedan's training and still remained at Hogwarts.

"You got it mate! We'll show them we mean business if they come anywhere close to the school." Ron responded with a grin.

"I am simply pleased to see the staff is not going to naively believe those fools in my house would not stab us in the back and actually prepared something for them." Daphne Greengrass smirked at the memory of those who stood against her being easily subdued by the staff and guards no one had actually known were there.

Beside Luna who happily greeted them and started sharing treats she saved from Dinner, but not many count Luna simply because one can never know exactly what she really knows.

But it truly had been a surprise to the rest of them.

After the very sudden death of their former Headmaster by Severus Snape, and the sudden unconsciousness, and subsequent disappearance, of most 5th years and down, the older students were ready to just completely panic until their new Headmistress quieted them before urgently taking her leave with the youngest Professor. The other staff members then smoothly explained that this was the Headmaster's wish in order to end the Dark Lord's reign once and for all. That Hogwarts was soon to be a battlefield and that all younger students were evacuated, while older students could stay and aid in the Hogwarts inner defenses alongside Ministry forces.

A decent number of the graduating Slytherins were obviously nervous as they realized that Hogwarts was far from caught off guard and that this was a trap Dumbledore had willingly used his own death to set, meaning that he was that confident in the defeat of Voldemort that he let himself die. They wanted to leave, but when two dozen Aurors suddenly appeared from under Invisibility cloaks and dropped them so they could be taken into 'protective custody', well that cut off any hopes for Tom Riddle to be forewarned.

Most didn't want anything to do with fighting against Death Eaters and Voldemort, but Harry and his friends, alongside a good number of Dueling Club members decided to stay. Harry knew he couldn't leave regardless due to his own role in the coming fight, Aedan having readied him in regards to being the one who would fight Tom Riddle while everyone else would both support and defend him.

The prophecy just said they couldn't live while the other survived, not that Harry had to kill the man alone. They just had to make sure everyone else only acted as support due to no one outside of Aedan having the power to step into the coming fight without becoming a burden for Harry more than a boon.

Regardless, as soon as the Slytherin, and other possible traitors, were taken care of by the Aurors, more forces suddenly started coming into the castle, fully armed and ready.

Members of the Order of the Phoenix soon followed suite, bringing the equipment each prepared for Harry and his team, no one wanting kids to run around the battlefield in their school uniforms or casual clothes. That was just stupid when you knew a fight was going to happen.

Apparently, much to the bemusement of Harry and his close friends, Molly had not been pleased with her children (Harry basically included regardless of what anyone said) all being involved in this and instantly started trying to convince both Ron and Ginny to not stay in the castle. Almost started a fight really, especially with how this wasn't the first time.

She had only recently relented, hence why they could talk together.

"Harry, do you have your map with you?" Hermione asked with a thoughtful look.

"Yeah. Always have it." He answered as he knew better than to question things and just took it out from his pouch, which Amelia gave him to keep a lot of things she decided he would need like potions, portkeys, actual knives, enchanted gear and even back up wands or poisons, not messing around at all with him or Susan who received the same package.

Opening it with its handy password, the group soon found themselves shocked at the actual number of people rushing through the castle as they readied for the coming siege. There are to be at least 150 just inside the castle and Harry knew that a lot more were going to be coming from outside to trap Tom's forces.

This wasn't counting the 30 or so students and staff who stayed behind too.

"How they get so many in without anyone noticing?" Ron asked ponderously.

"Probably before they sealed the secret passages properly or by hiding them in the unused parts or the castle, maybe on the grounds or quidditch pitch too. The school is so massive that there are just far too many places to conceal people, especially professionals being aided by the staff and Headmistress." Hermione broke down many possibilities.

"Interesting fact, the RoR can connect to Hogsheads." Susan hinted with an innocent smile, causing that to click easily.

"That's smart." Padma Patil, who's twin had actually been amongst those leaving due to how weak she was in anything outside fashion, divination and astronomy admitted. "That also means they've probably got Hogsmeade secured, with a way to get reinforcements or for it to act as way to get out as long as it isn't compromised."

"Trust me, it won't be." Susan simply stated as fact, that being enough for their little group.

Essentially being the now Minister and ex-DMLE Head's daughter did give her a lot more insider knowledge. Harry had heard a lot, but he didn't remember Hogsmeade being mentioned, mostly focusing on his own role and Hogwarts.

"You pups don't have to worry. Amy's got this one so in the bag that they had to expand its space to let her go deeper." Sirius jovially followed up with his trademark grin as he approached the group. "But I'm more worried about you kids. This is going to be your first, and hopefully last, real battle, so it's nothing to be ashamed of if you're nervous."

While it was a general statement, Sirius did focus much more of Harry and Susan.

He wouldn't be able to bare telling his wife if Susan got hurt and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he failed his godson again.

"We're fine Sirius. We prepared for this." Harry responded with his striking green eyes glowing with confidence.

"I know, I know, just… don't think this is all or nothing ok?" The older man softly told the teen. "Don't take stupid risks or push yourselves too hard.

We'll all get you where you need to be, so trust us just like we trust you. And even if we somehow all fail to keep that nose-less bastard here, we'll find a way.

This isn't all on you after all. Pretty much everyone here has some skin in this game."

"I got it Sirius." Harry murmured as he still wasn't completely used to having an adult there to worry and care for him. "Thanks."

"It's what we're here for." The Dogfather grinned lovingly and he rubbed the classic Potter messy hair energetically, earning noises of protests he ignored. "Now, you kids get some rest, cause depending on how things go this battle may take a while."

"Don't think I'd be able to sleep even if I wanted to." Harry admitted as he could feel so many emotions rumbling through alongside bursts of both dread and excitement over finally being free of his persistant foe.

"I was thinking maybe you could have one of these lovely ladies help you… relax." The older man wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he managed to get the teenagers blushing.

"I-I'm fine!" Harry hurriedly looked away, avoiding meeting the eyes of any female.

"Hehe. I'm gonna want some grandpups one day, so try and pick someone soon!" Sirius barked as Harry went for his wand, intent on hexing the man as he ran away in good humor, having succeeded in getting them all less tense.

"I swear I'm going to hex him into a pink puppy!" The teen growled at losing his chance at payback for being embarrassed.

"*Giggle* I'm sure auntie's going to be more than happy to help you do so." Susan supported as the man could be a menace with his pranks and he needed some humbling.

Luckily, Sirius' plan worked is it allowed the teens to relax somewhat, giving their tensed minds a reprieve before the battle while the adults readied everything else.

Soon enough, word came down that enemy forces were appearing at the second likeliest location at the same time as behind the castles. The likeliest had been a head-on assault, which was incredibly probable due to Tom's arrogance and now belief in his victory being certain with Dumbledore dead and everyone else incapacitated or a burden, with the second choice being his looking down for the nearest hill to the East of the castle and Great Lake to make himself feel superior.

Opinions of Tom were not high after basically analyzing his behavior and tactics in the last war, mainly because they were fear and terror tactics, not real battles. He always came in after his men took down most opposition. If he made the first move, it was pretty much always to bring down defenses so his forces could move in on unsuspecting targets. He always traps and ambushes weaker opponents on top of having superior numbers.

These were basically his only methods of attack as he avoids any kind of direct confrontation out of fear of losing outright or having the illusion of his 'invincibility' broken. Because that illusion of absolute power was the only thing truly keeping his side together.

Sure they might infiltrate some places, which isn't that hard when your followers are high ranking members of the government, but that has always been how 'Voldemort' operated. He's always been a coward who hid being his 'power', going so far as to create so many Horcrux just to feel 'safe.

That's actually why they've been so secretive and haven't activated the War Defenses. They needed to lure the man in before springing the trap or he would flee, hence why Dumbledore's death fully set the bait that is Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts… I have come for you." A voice hissed all around, causing everyone to momentarily freeze before their expressions hardened and they silently headed towards their assigned positions to re-conceal themselves.

Only a few squads had been 'officially assigned to Hogwarts and reported to the man, so they couldn't reveal themselves to the enemy yet.

"For those still awake, I offer you a chance.

Surrender and I shall be merciful.

Every drop of magical blood spilled is a waste.

I do not wish to harm the future as well.

As for those who would join my righteous cause, give me Harry Potter and you shall be greatly rewarded."

While many were both outraged and some amused, some still felt fear at the hissing voice surrounding them all regardless.

"A very kind offer." A much more upbeat voice responded, uplifting the atmosphere before it turned serious. "Here's my counter offer: kill yourself so we don't have to bother.

You are a coward you would not even face his equals in power, choosing to stab them in the back like the cowardly rat you are. Worth less than the mud you claim runs through the vains of so many better than you.

As for the rest of you, I give you all this one chance.


If you are being threatened, bribed, are just psychopaths, criminals or blood purists, I don't care.

Leave now and you will be spared.

Stay and you shall be shown no mercy as accessories to a man declared an international terrorist and threat to the Statute of Secrecy by the ICW.

This is your first and final warning because Hogwarts stands ready to beat you down as it has dozens of other Dark Lords/Ladies in the past."

The only answer this response received was of an enraged howl before the Dark Lord's spell was broken.

-Outside of Hogwarts Wards

"*Hiss* Send the ward Breakers and begin bombarding!" An outraged Voldemort ordered, causing one man to run to the nearby troops and the other to use his flight trick to reach the secondary forces at the back.

They would bring down the wards and then he would show them why they should fear him.

They will learn to not earn his wrath!

Let’s get this done!!!

Felt like being really crass with Aedan cussing him out and insulting him, but then I thought that his words could potentially be used in history books, so made them proper.

Also, just wanted to get some Harry and friends plus what the general plan was for Hogwarts itself.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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